Chronos X
05-06-2011, 04:08 AM
Haven't seen any Gregorian Chant albums in this forum, so here's a first from yours truly. Before anybody complains: no, I am not proselytizing or distributing religious propaganda of any sort. I'm only sharing this wonderful music, which fits quite well in the Classical section, though I have it labelled as "Religious" in my iPod, but that's just me.

Petty concerns and political correctness aside, I gotta say this isn't your run of the mill chant album: as the case itself advertises, many of the pieces found herein are being performed "for the first time since the Middle Ages", and parts of it aren't really about religion as it is about political poetics and propaganda for Charlemagne and the like.

Be as it may, enjoy and pass on: this kind of music doesn't get the love it rightfully deserves, but maybe we can change that.

05-06-2011, 05:37 AM
thank you

Chronos X
12-06-2013, 01:40 AM
New links added.