02-11-2003, 11:15 AM
Is speech better in the final fantasy games? my opinion is it is not.

02-11-2003, 08:43 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">One of the main problems with the speech in FFX is that they can never say Tidus's name because you get the chance to rename him. If they're going to have speech, you shouldn't be able to rename any of the charcaters. I find it weird that everyone else always calls each other by name and introduce themselves and stuff, while it's as if nobody even finds out the main character's name. :p

Apart from that, I don't really mind the speech, and I don't mind it not being there either. Either way it doesn't really bother me; I guess I'm used to it now after playing FFX (which I still haven't completed yet btw), but FF games were always okay without it. :)

David F
02-11-2003, 09:11 PM
I like this new step in the FF games; to me this is part of the series natural evolution from 2d, to 3d, and now to actual dialogue.

Nanaki XIII
02-12-2003, 04:25 AM
I was hoping FF 9 was going to have speech and it didnt and my friend said FF will never have speech cuz theres too much dialogue in FF. well he was wrong and i am glad, I like the speech and I like the voice actors even though people complain.

02-12-2003, 03:44 PM
I think the speech is probably a bonus. I also understand why square wants to keep the option of renaming the main character (its more personal for some people and helps them get more into the game). Speech or no speech thought I think that the games are amazing and look forward to FF X-2 and FF XII, jury is still out on FF XI lol.

02-18-2003, 04:45 AM
I don't like speech at all. I mean, thats what was aprt of the FF ersies was the comic sytle reading and the chance to rename chacters. I would put my own voice in when I would read it. Now, the voices kinda sound funny(and don't match the mouth). The one and only thing that is good about the voice is that you fully now have the real pronouncation of the name.

Bahamut ZERO
02-18-2003, 12:59 PM
Voice acting can bring a game to life more so than the actual dialogue in boxes. Auron, a character whom I felt was the most realistic in FFX, had his personage more life-like from the depth of his voice. The voice for that character was perfect, and you were able to feel the pain that his character was carrying, and understand him a lot better.

Although, on the flip side, there's Seymour, whose voice just annoys me. I think voice acting is a step forward, so long as the voice is spot on to the character, which they achieved quite well in Final Fantasy X.

02-25-2003, 05:56 AM
I like the voices. It adds a lot more emotion and character to the game. If you don't like it, there is always an option to turn the voices off.

03-12-2003, 01:32 PM
When ff 10 out I was amazed That they could talk. But when I actually played the game I noticed that I prefered to play the non-talking games.

03-12-2003, 01:43 PM
I kinda like leaving their voices up to imagination. Not to mention the nasty limitations when it comes to mouth movements and animation make the graphics look really crappy.

Ah well. But if the in-game lip-synching gets better with time (like it did in FF11's FMVs), I'll probably feel a lot better about it.

03-12-2003, 01:44 PM
It depends on the game and the characters. Some voices of characters are better off inside they head so you give your own special effect and personality to that characters, whilst others should be spoken to make them more fun
So, it really depends on the game. FF in general should not be spoken Imho.

03-12-2003, 01:48 PM
You know, I just thought of this...

What will happen to characters like Squall? Where lines like, ".........." are a regular staple of his dialogue??!?!?!!!

I mean, what will he say? "Dot dot dot dot dot dot." :P Haha. I imagine they'll just do something like make the character remain silent, but c'mon. The "....."-ness was such a staple of Final Fantasy!!!!

Green Arrow
03-13-2003, 04:22 AM
I remember reading about FFX and about the voices for the frst time in FF'sand I was a little skeptical. Then I got FFX and was quite surprised about how well it flows in the game and how the voices tend to match the characters traits and what-not. But like what was said above, not being able to say the main characters name was a real drag coz I was always pissed that these dudes are my friends yet... they don't know my name????

03-15-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Although, on the flip side, there's Seymour, whose voice just annoys me. I think voice acting is a step forward, so long as the voice is spot on to the character, which they achieved quite well in Final Fantasy X.

Wasn�t Seymour meant to annoy and so forth? I found the voice really eerie, which added a lot to the feel of the game. Eerie Seymour, awesome Auron, and so on...
I think the voice acting really contributed to the game.
About Tidus� voice... I don�t think I really have to give somebody a different name to be able to identify with him. I am a girl anyway, and I never named Cloud or Squall or Zidane "Anna", you surely believe me. I don�t mind the characters� names... They could have kept Tidus, yep. Would have spared us yet another of the "How do you pronounce this name?" topics.