05-03-2011, 06:04 PM

Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls


Synth / Mandolin / Piano / Strings / Epic

OST Selection
Music Composed by Katou Tatsuya

Download Link (
MP3 / 320kbps / 34 Tracks

This one took me by surprise, similar to Black Rock Shooter. I was expecting garbage but got something very enjoyable. I still had to cut 50% of the OST but what's left I did really enjoy, which is weird because I usually hate the "epic" traileresque battle music but not in this case. For a show about ... well, Samurai Girls, I guess, the expected instruments can be heard but a Mandolin ? playful pizzato strings ? Irish Folk Music ?
Even if a great part of it is synth, this one grew on me very fast. Am I going soft ?

Also, should I lament on the fact that the recent OSTs of japanese shows about girls in underwear and other silly stuff, have made a better impression on me than most recent film scores ?

05-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Thanks as always ;)
For Infinite Stratos i have found a tracklist, but i don�t know which tracks you have removed and what were the original order ;)
That would help me, if you know this ;)

05-18-2011, 10:38 AM
ohhh, really? Then i'll have a look. I like the irish folky thingie (I think fairy tail irish here) and Epic suit me fine too.
THX, man!

05-24-2011, 06:31 PM
Thanks for the upload :)

Also, should I lament on the fact that the recent OSTs of japanese shows about girls in underwear and other silly stuff, have made a better impression on me than most recent film scores ?

I feel the same way, believe me. It seems, this 'silly stuff' is a great field for composers to express themselves, other than big blockbuster movies, which soundtracks seem more than often phoned in nowadays.

05-25-2011, 05:49 PM
Thanks Dood!

05-27-2011, 07:14 PM

09-05-2011, 07:48 AM
This OST has no business being this good but it is. Gorgeous stuff here, though I wish you had left in the tracks you removed so we could decide for ourselves what we wanted to keep or discard.

Tatsuya Katou has become quite a find. Needless, Samurai Girls, and Qwaser frankly don't deserve the scores they've gotten from the man. Here's hoping that the sheer heart and effort he's put into the scores of lesser material translates into bigger and better projects down the road the same way similar fare paved the way for Yasuharu Takanashi.