Bahamut ZERO
02-10-2003, 05:59 PM
Here's a sample chapter from something I've been working on for a couple of years now. This chapter has annoyed me no end in trying to get it complete, and I've just finished it. So, yeah, any opinions will be appreciated.

"All Quex could feel was emptiness on the way back to the Enigma. He had watched as Nexion�s falcon had plummeted into the Gopher soil and a huge plume of dust had soured up. Less than a minute later, the falcon had exploded into flames. All Quex could feel was the pain of his friend burning within the falcon, unable to struggle out, his last breath being choked with black smoke.

The journey home had been solemn. Each of the pilots had at one point lost a friend whilst flying for the squadron. Before the Enigma, they were part of a ten man squadron, the six of them, and had seen their squadron leader gunned down on their first mission. Undermanned for the rest of the term in the Raptorian system, the pain didn�t hit any of them until they had collapsed, defeated and in retreat from the Raptorian system, leaving their leader behind in the stars.

I won�t let them leave you there, Nexion, Quex thought. The rest of the squadron and I will come and give you a proper send off.

The stars seemed lonely to Quex now. The whole Universe seemed lonely. Quex had known Nexion since they both joined the academy, Nexion aged 16 to Quex�s 14. Whereas Quex had been boisterous and out-going, Nexion had kept himself to himself from day 1. All of the rest of the applicants had kept their distance from Nexion, and he hadn�t made an effort to make any friends.

Quex juggled his studies and his social life as well as he could, but he got involved in the wrong crowd. Quex had run up a couple of debts to some of his friends, and they begun to get angry when he couldn�t pay them. He begun to avoid classes to avoid the people who wanted their money, but they decided to find him instead. In one of the corridors, three of the students had jumped him, deeming that his blood would be as acceptable as his cash.

Had it not been for Nexion passing by, Quex would�ve been in a medical centre for a couple of weeks. Nexion had floored two of the students, before the third had decided it prudent not to continue the chase. Then, in a move even Quex found surprising, Nexion had checked on the two people he had injured, and then asked what the trouble was over. He had then paid off Quex�s debt there and then. Ever since, Quex had called Nexion friend, and ever since he had felt that he was in Nexion�s debt, even though he had paid him back.

Quex closed his eyes. He wouldn�t let himself believe Nexion was dead. Not yet. Not until it had been proven that he had been in that explosion. Quex let out a deep, shuddering breath and concentrated on steering his falcon towards the Enigma.

The friendship between Nexion and himself had taken time to develop. Nexion was naturally closed off to Quex, not revealing too much about himself despite Quex�s constant attention. Over time, Nexion begun to confide in him, and then started to open up to reveal more about his family life. Not once had Quex seen Nexion smile though, and laughter seemed to be a foreign thing to the Hyroton. His face was always masked with indifference, even more so since the start of the war. Quex genuinely felt that Nexion would be alone had it not been for the act of fate that made him his friend, and bought him toward the rest of the squadron.

How the six had become a unit, Quex remembered clearly. It had been something as simple as the instructor throwing them together in a crisis situation. After a minute�s floundering in the situation, Nexion had found the courage to step forward, command the other five into position and they had recovered from that potential loss. The instructor had praised Nexion for his initiative, and had placed him as the leader for the rest of their missions. Nexion had taken the praise with the same general indifference and performed the jobs as he did everything - to the best of his ability.

Quex made friends with the rest of the pilots easily, and found it easy to converse, whereas Nexion had only answered their questions with short sentences to begin with. Curiously, it was Aristron, the most timid of the group whom Nexion became closest to at first. The two would sit and play a Gopher thinking strategy game. Aristron always won, but each game Nexion got closer and closer to the goal, learning from the Gopher�s every move.

Finally, Nexion scored the win. Quex wasn�t sure to that day it Aristron hadn�t set the trap to let him win, and known what would happen, because after that win, and the satisfied tone of Nexion�s voice as he spoke the winning words, opened Nexion up to the rest of the squadron, as he explained to them how he had defeated the Gopher.

The six had grown so close now. Quex could not bear to live without any of his friends. And sat on the carrier was the love of his life, Latacia. He could not bear to live without her either. Each time he took to the stars, he felt his heart wrench knowing he was leaving her behind to potential attack, knowing that each time he flew, he risked his falcon going up in flames...

... The image of Nexion�s fighter crashing came back to Quex�s mind. He quickly shut it out, focusing instead on the eternal blackness of space. He let his thoughts drift back to Latacia. The two had met when he had boarded the Deagall as a rookie pilot. After much coaxing, Quex managed to persuade Latacia to meet him in the Officer�s Club one night. There the two had spoken for four hours, before Quex realised what the feeling he had was. A week later, he told Latacia how he felt. That moment she had revealed her same feeling, and Quex felt that his life was complete.

�Nearing the Enigma, Ice. Get ready to land,� Aristron�s voice crackled over the com.
�Got it Blast,� Quex replied, his voice still thick with emotion.
The five remaining pilots of Star Squadron arrived back on the Enigma, the victory of eliminating their targets downcast due to the status of their Commodore. Quex climbed out of the fighter and walked into the repair area. Colonel Sidon was already there, his face solemn.

�Welcome back Star Squadron,� He said sadly, �I heard Nexion�s last message. We tried communicating to him, but there was no reply. I�m... Sorry to hear about his loss.�
Quex bowed his head and let out a sob. He didn�t believe he could break down so easily. A hand wrapped around his shoulder. He looked up to see, of all people Vapor, standing there with a comforting arm about him. The Raptorian nodded once at him, before turning to Sidon.

�Even if there�s conclusive reports that he�s dead sir, we still want to go get him,� Vapor said, �he was Star Squadron. And we are more than a team. We are a family. I don�t want to leave one of my family down on a rock without being treated with proper respect, sir.�
�I�m sorry Flight Major, we need you here to provide cover for the ground troop landing,� Sidon replied, �I would love to let you guys go, but orders are orders.�

�Colonel Sidon, I don�t mean to talk out of place, but you have to let us go,� Aristron spoke, his eyes alight suddenly, �I don�t know how I know this, but Nexion Sirond is not dead, and what transpired did so for a reason. Nexion�s life is in danger though Colonel, and he is a key part of this war. My whole body is screaming at me not to let him die. The Higher World needs him. Even if we have to disobey you Colonel, we will go, because if we don�t, all of the fighting so far has been in vain.�

Sidon looked at the pilots one by one, his face beaded with sweat. The lines were deeper than usual, and his hair more white than what Aristron had ever remembered it. Finally, Sidon shook his head.
�No Aristron. I understand that Nexion�s your friend. But no one life form is worth us losing this battle for this system,� Sidon said.

�There�s only five of them Colonel,� Rip said, emerging from the shadow, �I don�t see what difference us missing five pilots will make.�
Sidon�s shoulders visibly rose, and his eyes lit up.
�You mean you�re going to make the decision?� He asked.
�Aristron. You assure me that we need Nexion? That it�s worth us taking you five out of the front line?� Rip asked.
�I don�t doubt it,� Aristron replied.
�Then that�s good enough for me,� Rip grunted.

Rip nodded for Star Squadron to follow him, leaving the Colonel to go back to running the Enigma. Not waiting for any confirmation, Quex marched resolutely up to Rip�s side.
�Thank you,� Quex said simply.
�This isn�t for you kid. I was told by the General to help Aristron�s design in any way I saw fit. If Aristron wants Nexion saved, for the good of the Higher World, it�s my job to ensure it happens,� Rip replied, �truth be known though, I�m glad the opportunity presented itself. I like Nexion, even if he is quiet for a Hyroton.�

Quex smiled as Rip walked into a separate landing bay, one that Quex hadn�t known of before, or one he had discarded the importance of. The structure of the landing bay was uniform, the same size and shape as the one Star Squadron regularly launched from. This one housed more cabinets for arms, and had only one runway. Rip whistled once, and then walked to one of the lockers.

�If you�re going to be part of a ground attack, we�re going to need to kit you all out comfortably,� He said, �wait a minute whilst my Captain gets here.�
It took a while, but eventually a very tall, well built Raptorian walked towards Rip.
�What do you want Rip?� The captain growled.
�We�ve got a change of mission Grater,� Rip replied calmly, �new intelligence has been revealed about the location of an individual who might be instrumental to the end of this war.�
�Great! Why didn�t you find him earlier?� Grater asked.
�Because he was under our nose the whole time before he got shot down,� Rip replied.

Grater grunted, before pointing to a locker next to Rip�s.
�There�s gear in there for a Hyroton of his size,� Grater said, �get him into it, and get him used to it.�
�Sure thing,� Rip replied.
�The rest of you, follow me!� Grater said.

Quex watched the rest of the squadron leave whilst Rip opened the locker. He pulled out a padded vest and pushed it into Quex�s chest.
�This is your life support. Novaic armour. The nova material in it acts as an absorbent for the laser fire of the Algies - up to an extent. If you get hit too much, it charges up and fries you with energy. But better some protection than none,� Rip said.

Quex took the novaic armour. The black surface seemed to gleam within the light of the landing bay, with there being no noticeable join between the different layered segments that made up the armour. Quex slipped on the armour without any trouble, finding it surprisingly light and comfortable. Rip nodded approvingly, before passing Quex some kneepads, elbow pads and gloves made of the same equipment.

�Normally, the enemy will aim for your head,� Rip said, �but sometimes they go for the knees to blow them out. Or the elbows to stop you using weaponry. There�s more flexibility in this material to allow more movement, but there�s less protection. One shot is all it�ll protect you for. But it does gather the energy, so if they�re aiming along the arm, or along the leg, it normally balls up and hits the material. It�s just the way it�s designed.�

Quex nodded, putting on the equipment. They hugged tight to his arms and legs, but still gave him free movement. Rip then handed him a pair of boots. These like the rest of the armour were black, and made out of segments. Quex pulled them on and then strapped the arms belt about his waist.
�Grab a couple of weapons and meet me by the airlock,� Rip said.

The belt had room for two pocket lasers, and there was a storage holster on Quex�s back for a laser rifle. He grabbed five power cells as well, putting them into the arms belt. Happy that he was as well armed and as well protected as he could be, Quex turned to join the rest of Star Squadron.

�Okay Captain. We need a troop to follow us down to the surface to pull this individual out. We�re not sure on his location, other than the impact of his falcon,� Rip said.
�Should be fairly routine then,� Grater grunted, �are we taking in the Brotherhood?�
�Yeah. Ten of them should be enough,� Rip replied.
�Very well,� Grater said, �Velich! Get yourself and nine others here quickly!�

There was a minute�s pause before a small, stocky built Raptorian walked over to join Grater. He was dressed in light armour, and his eyes were constantly flicking from side to side, examining everything at what appeared to be a cursory glance, but what Quex felt was more than that. The Raptorian�s skin colour was the same pale grey as that of Raptor and Vapor. The Raptorian outfit that approached were equipped in a lighter version of the armour that Quex was wearing. Raptorians, as well as being strong, were a nimble race, and felt that wearing encumbering armour would only slow down their natural talent.

The Gopher twins were dressed out in similar armour to Quex, and each carried a pocket laser, with their size inhibiting their abilities to carry the larger weapons. Raptor was wearing the same light armour as the Brotherhood of the Claw, but Vapor, it seemed, had neglected the offer of armour, and wore his normal clothes and carried no weapon.

�Okay, this is my plan,� Rip said, �we have a downed falcon at locked co-ordinates on the surface of the planet. We�re to land the transport vessel at that crash site, secure the surroundings and check to see if the occupant of the falcon is still in it and still alive. If we cannot find him or his remains, we shall move out and find a secure location the Algies hold and recover him.�
�Sounds simple enough,� Grater replied, �okay everyone, get into the transport and let�s get this over and done with.�

The troop from the Brotherhood of the Claw moved into the airlock, and Quex followed, Star Squadron behind him. Rip was the last one into the space. The door closed behind them, before a second opened to a tunnel structure that linked directly to the troop carrier vessel. The Brotherhood walked in silently and sat down, strapping themselves in place on the bench. Quex sat next to Lixion and Aristron as he strapped himself in place. Rip remained standing, closing the hatch of the transport behind him. Two Raptorians had taken up the controls of the transport, with Grater sat in a third chair just behind them.

�Fuel check: Full. Nova power initiated. Air flow okay. Oxygen tank full. Weapons ready,� One of the pilots said.
�Okay Brotherhood, we�ve got a job to do, let�s not mess it up!� Grater snapped.
The transport disconnected from the tunnel, and then the engines powered up. Quex said a silent word for Nexion to hold on as the transport launched itself out of the Enigma...

... Nexion opened his eyes and swallowed hard. Every little movement was an agony, the very nerve-ends each amplifying every sensation, every touch, every texture that passed him by. Nexion opened his mouth, and felt his throat burn with the lack of moisture. He opened one eye and felt the light flood in and sting. He suppressed a groan, and concentrated his breathing even as he pulled open his eyes. Blinking rapidly, Nexion could feel the touch of cold metal against his ankle. He looked down to see a manacle connected to the ground. He felt his chest and could feel the stitches where he had been pieced back together. He could also hear the laboured breathing of the Algie princess Nianderin, as she sat in the corner, her eyes focused not on Nexion, but something else on the far end of the room.

�You�re awake then,� Pwortsky�s cold voice cut him more painfully than the surgeon�s knife had, �there were some doubts at first. You surprise me for your species.�
�Hyrotons are more resilient than you think,� Nexion replied, each word an effort, �and once I recover, I am going to cut you apart.�

Pwortsky stepped out of the shadow, an amused smile on his face.
�You talk a good fight, Nexion Sirond, but look at you! You�re barely awake now, you have one leg completely severed, the other chained to the floor! I could kill you here and now,� He said.
�Then do so,� Nexion replied, �if you do not, you will be making the biggest mistake of your life. I will hunt you down and I will kill you, I promise.�

Pwortsky drew his lasersword and swung it in an arc. Nexion didn�t flinch from the blow, looking straight into those blood red eyes. Still there was no anger in them, only anticipation of the fear of a victim. The lasersword struck the chain that connected Nexion�s leg to the ground, and Pwortsky sheathed his lasersword and shrugged.

�I would love to know why you hate me so,� Pwortsky said, �you and I have a lot more in common than you could think Hyroton.�
�We have NOTHING in common Pwortsky,� Nexion replied.
�Oh? You�re wrong, Sirond. Look at how you dress,� Pwortsky said.

Nexion looked down. He was wearing the same black clothes that he had worn since the day he had obtained the lasersword, subconsciously anyway. He then looked up to see Pwortsky also bathed in black. The Quon�shen nodded and then grabbed the front of Nexion�s shirt and ripped it open to reveal the still fresh scar. Pwortsky ran a clawed finger over the wound, before lifting up his shirt to reveal a similar scar over his heart. Nexion then understood.

�You�re one of the others who survived the experiment?� Nexion asked.
�Correct,� Pwortsky replied, lowering his shirt again, �I was the first to undergo Black Death. Quite willingly, you understand. I was warned that I might not live, but I had nothing to lose. And it made me, Sirond. Made me who I am now. I have more power than any other Algie who has ever lived, with the exception of our God-Emperor. I have power to defeat any foe, to be the God-Emperor�s lasersword in battle. Not even Naja LaYorf can compare to me!�

�I am alone as well Sirond. I have no parents. No family. No friends. I need none. I have myself, and I have my power, and that is all I will ever need,� Pwortsky said, �you and your friends are fighting a pointless battle Sirond. The Hyroton Allied Forces are doomed to lose this war, and the Universe is destined for the Forbidden World. Only now, you will be one of us.�

�You said there were two Algies who survived,� Nexion said, wrapping his hand about the lasersword.
�Indeed I did,� Pwortsky replied, before shooting across the room faster than Nexion could believe. Nianderin struggled to escape her captor, but Pwortsky�s grip was stronger than nova. With one clawed hand, Pwortsky ripped open the robe she wore. A familiar scar was on her breast. The Algie princess whimpered soundlessly as Pwortsky sneered at her.

�This was the second experiment. She went unwillingly, but her father had no more use for her. After she failed, we removed her vocal chords to stop her from talking of such atrocity and threw her into this hole,� Pwortsky said, �here she can rot. You, on the other hand Sirond. We shall watch your progress with interest.�

Pwortsky tossed Nianderin aside like she was a sack of rubbish. Luckily, Nexion was close enough to catch her without causing any damage to himself , although he nearly passed out doing so. Pwortsky shrugged as he left the cell.
�Then again, maybe we�ll just leave you to rot here as well,� He said.

The door slid close behind Pwortsky and Nexion lowered the Algie princess to the floor. She immediately dashed to the corner and curled up into a ball, closing her eyes and rocking back and forth. Nexion watched her as she banged her head against the wall, before he slid across the room. Nianderin looked up and looked for a route to escape, but Nexion reached her, putting his hand on her head.

�Relax, little one,� He murmured, �I�ll protect you. I won�t let them hurt you anymore.�
Nianderin was shaking in his arms as he wrapped her in them, but the display of emotion overcame her. Her arms locked about Nexion�s head and her shoulders heaved in silent tears, the Algie anatomy making it seemingly impossible for her to shed any. Nexion held her tight and hushed her, even as his mind thought of a possible escape route...

... They were visited a couple of hours later by a guard carrying food. The guard kicked the bowl over to Nexion and then turned to Nianderin.
�Do you want your food, princess? You know what you have to do!� He said, holding a slab of meat in his hands, just out of reach of the stunted Algie.

Nianderin walked over, and jumped for the meat, but the guard kept on moving it out of the way.
�Beg! You�ve got to beg for it, princess, or you do not receive,� The guard laughed.
Nexion collected his bowl even as he struggled to a vertical position, the strain being enough for him to break out into a sweat. He drew his lasersword, and looked across the room at the guard.

�Leave her alone,� Nexion gasped, his trembling hand extending the lasersword.
�Or you�ll what, Hyroton?� The guard laughed, �you�ll fight me? I don�t see many one legged life forms winning a fight.�
Nexion couldn�t reach the guard, he knew it. The moment he stopped leaning against the wall, he would fall. He couldn�t get into reach of the guard to attack with the lasersword.

He looked to the weapon and his eyes widened. In one swift motion, Nexion spun the weapon up and pulled the trigger. The guard cursed as his hand was hit with a bolt of energy. The slab of meat dropped and Nianderin snatched it up and dashed to stand beside Nexion. The guard begun to approach, but Nexion held the weapon up.
�Come any closer, and I�ll aim between your eyes!� Nexion growled.
�I�m going to tell Pwortsky about this! You�re going to pay!� The guard snapped.

Nexion nodded once, before firing another shot, hitting the guard�s other hand. The air was punctuated with curses as the guard backed away.
�Tell Pwortsky I�m here, and I�m waiting,� Nexion called, before slumping back to the floor as the cell door closed behind him.

Nianderin sat down next to him and gnawed at her meat. Nexion picked up the bowl, a harsh looking gruel contained within. Nexion dipped one finger in and tasted it, before scooping it with his hand into his mouth after there were no adverse side effects. Nexion held a steady grip on the lasersword, and watched the door through tired eyes. He felt Nianderin curl up next to him and for the first time since he�d met the Algie, she seemed content with her surroundings as she too fell asleep.

Nexion looked down at the Algie and felt pity for her. She had been neglected by her own race. There was no-one in the galaxy who cared one bit for her, and so she was holding onto anyone who would talk to her. Nexion looked towards the door and closed his eyes. At least the pain Black Death had caused him had subsided for a minute...

... His dreams were strange, and haunted. He was in a large chamber, with four pillars of flame surrounding a circle with some symbols drawn in the centre, symbols without meaning. The chamber was both closed off, and not so, as the walls were both solid and transparent depending on how he looked at them. He could sometimes see stone, and sometimes see stars. The floor too was interchanging, with only the pillars and the symbol the only constant.

Curious, he walked over to the symbol, touching the edge of it, reassuring himself that this was real. He walked into the symbol and stood in the centre. It felt as if the symbol itself was alive. The ground, if it was the ground, heaved and the walls that were not walls trembled as the ceiling parted and a horrible red light focused on him, blinding him and suffocating him.

�You are now a part of our purpose. What you once were will be cast aside and you will become part of our plan. We will not fail, not now,� A voice spoke.
Try as hard as he could, Nexion could not move away from that voice, could not resist it, and he felt the weight of the room collapse down onto him, the pillars move into him and engulf him in flame...

... The cell door opened and Nexion�s eyes snapped open and his lasersword shot out into his hand. Rajet Pwortsky, and the scientist Yami Rijoor walked in closely followed by the guard who Nexion had fired at only hours before, and another guard who seemed to be looking apprehensively at the Quon�shen. The guard looked sullen, and Pwortsky�s face was cold.
�I wanted you to view this Sirond,� Pwortsky said, before in one smooth motion he drew his lasersword and ran through the offending guard. There was no cry of pain, nor any sign of outward emotion from the guard as he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Nexion sat stunned for a while, before lifting himself up with great effort. Pwortsky watched on with wry amusement as he looked to the second guard.
�Dispose of him. And from now on you feed the prisoners. If you do anything that offends Sirond, then the punishment will be the same,� Pwortsky said.
�Yes, my Lord,� The guard barked, even as he lifted his dead comrade up onto his shoulders.

�Why? Why did you have to kill him?� Nexion panted as he reached his physical base.
�Why? He did something wrong, Sirond. He needed to be punished, and in our culture there is only one punishment: Death,� Pwortsky replied, �but that isn�t the only reason I�m here.�
�I�ve come to examine you Nexion,� Rijoor explained, �the fact you�re still alive defies all logic, and I�m curious to see how Black Death is reacting to you.�

Nexion lifted his lasersword up as Rijoor started to approach.
�Never. I�ll never let you touch me again!� Nexion panted.
Pwortsky�s arm moved so quickly that Nexion didn�t even see the blow. His lasersword fell from his grip and skidded across the room to the opposite corner. Pwortsky was sheathing his lasersword even as he moved across the room to collect the one he�d just knocked free.

�Carry on Rijoor,� Pwortsky said.
�Thank you, my Lord,� Rijoor replied, �Nexion, this is as much for your good as it is for mine.�
Nexion gritted his teeth as Rijoor�s cold hand touched his wrist, feeling his pulse. Nexion looked across the cell at Pwortsky, whose teeth were parted in a grin as he watched, though his eyes were curiously locked on the scientist. After what seemed like an eternity, Rijoor removed his hand.

�Pulse is strong and steady,� He said, �indications are that he may yet survive the next day.�
�Good,� Pwortsky replied, �do you need any blood samples?�
�I wouldn�t mind one,� Rijoor admitted.
Pwortsky moved over and grabbed Nexion�s arm. He slashed open the flesh and held the arm still as Nexion struggled to get free. Rijoor collected as much blood as he could from the wound before Pwortsky ripped off part of his cloak and tied it around Nexion�s arm. Then, as he moved away, Pwortsky pulled Nexion�s leg from under him and sent him flat onto his back.

�Enjoy the next day or so Sirond,� Pwortsky said, �it won�t be long until the dreams begin. And then you�ll know why we did what we did.�
Nexion listened to the cell door close and then felt a warm hand on his own. He looked over to Nianderin and smiled as she shuffled over to stroke the black cloth that covered his fresh wound. Happy he wasn�t going to die, Nianderin curled up and fell asleep. Nexion lay still as he wondered about Pwortsky�s words, before exhaustion overcame him to sleep...

... �The falcon�s within ten Klicks of our location Rip,� Grater said.
�Take us down when we get half a Klick away,� Rip replied, �then we�ll scout the vessel.�
�You got it,� Grater said, nodding to the pilot to carry out the order.

Quex fidgeted on the seat, pulling at the tight collar of the protective vest, which once felt snug and comfortable and now felt hot and overbearing. The transport slowed down and hovered over the ground, before slowly lowering to the ground. Quex unstrapped himself from the seat, and followed the rest of the troop out onto the planet Gopher.

Rip and Grater quickly split the troop into three groups, Grater leading a group of five to search the falcon, Velich leading a group of six to keep an eye on the transport, and Rip leading Star Squadron to scout the surrounding area. Quex held a death grip around the laser rifle, his palms sweating within its gauntleted protection.

�Relax Quex,� Vapor said, �you�re surrounded by eleven highly armoured members of the Brotherhood of the Claw, and to top it off, you�ve got me here as well. Nothing�s gonna happen to you.�
�Why does your reassurance make me more nervous?� Quex asked through gritted teeth.
Vapor merely grinned and continued the rest of the patrol with his eyes flicking to and fro for any signs of life.

The patrol went without a hitch, and the three teams met back at the transport.
�Report?� Rip asked.
�No sign of anyone by the falcon, nor are there any DNA traces of Sirond,� Grater replied, �his body wasn�t there when the thing went up in flames, so he�s either crawled off or been carried off.�
�There�s no tracks for a Hyroton nearby,� One of the other Raptorians said, �but there were tracks for a vehicle. The tracks headed west.�

Rip nodded thoughtfully and looked to Aristron.
�There�s a base to the west that we flew over on our way down. My guess is that he would�ve been taken there,� Aristron said.
�That would be a prudent guess,� Velich replied, �the base is about twenty Klicks from here. Suggest we move closer rather than proceed on foot.�
�We could run it, if we didn�t have the others with us,� Grater said.
�Understood. We�ll fly in,� Rip replied...

... The transport landed on the outskirts of the research base, and the Brotherhood once again exited the transport. Rip put together a team of seven to stand guard over the transport. That left Quex, Vapor, Raptor, Lixion, Aristron, Rip, Grater, Velich, and three other troopers, Taris, Velan, and Remaz, to lead the assault on the base.

Quex felt a little nervous around the Brotherhood. Raptor and Vapor he was comfortable with, mainly because of Raptor�s calm attitude, and Vapor�s obvious love for living. Rip he had grown to count as a friend through the Raptorian twins, and even though now he was finding out of Rip�s exalted position in the High Command, he could still relate to him. The other five though, were grim and silent, closed to Quex. They spoke only to give commands, and acknowledge them. Quex had tried to talk to Grater, but had received one word answers. Velich had been even quieter. Quex had given up trying to get any conversation out of them.

They had approached from the rear of the base, using the natural terrain to hide themselves. There was evidence of struggles along the route, with crude rock barriers and wire metal fencing in attempts to provide some resistance. Quex had noted how well the Raptorians had hid themselves behind these rock barriers, almost to the point of disappearing into the rock before re-emerging a while later, the route ahead always cleared by someone unknown.

The base wasn�t that heavily guarded on the outside, as the team approached from the rear. There was a total of ten guards, two each by two separate command posts set up crudely on the perimeter, and a further six that Taris had reported seeing patrolling the perimeter. There were also fields with Gophers working on them as slaves, the Algies seemingly unable to get the scientists to share their knowledge. The guards out towards the field, while more numerous than here at the base, were far enough away not to have noted the transport landing.

�Why are we waiting? Why not attack now?� Quex whispered in part to himself.
�It�s stupid to attack in daylight,� Raptor replied, �we�re waiting for dusk or even nightfall. We can move better that way.�
Quex nodded and leant back against the rocks, his eyes half closed as he waited for the sun to drop, listening to the hushed whispers of the Brotherhood. Time seemed to move very slowly, the sun moving gradually across the horizon.

Velich moved forward to join Rip, almost scaring Quex with how quietly he slipped past. The two looked up to the sky where the sun was just setting. Velich seemed to lean toward Rip and the two had a whispered conversation, before Rip grunted. With that one command, Velich moved into the darkness and away towards the base.

Quex crept closer to Rip, the white Raptorian�s eyes glistening as he watched Velich disappearing.
�Where�s he going?� Quex whispered.
�He�s going to see if he can take out any of the roaming guards for us,� Rip replied, �and see if there�s any entrance other than the main one.�
�Take out the guards? By himself?� Quex said in astonishment.
�He moves better in the shadow than any of us,� Rip replied.

The landscape progressively got darker, until Quex had to strain to see anything towards the base. The darker that things got, the more he thought that Velich had been caught and killed. He looked around to see if his other companions had the same thought, but the Raptorians remained still and alert, whilst the Gopher twins were locked in a meditation that looked more like sleep.

Velich emerged from the shadow in the same way he had melted into it, and once again Quex jumped, half raising his laser rifle. Velich looked at him once, before turning to whisper to Rip, who nodded once after the end of the conversation, before shifting down towards Grater. Quex was close enough to catch the whispered consultation.

�Velich has eliminated the six patrolling guards, and found an entrance used by the guards when rotating the shift. We can sneak in through there,� Rip said.
�Velich passing on the word?� Grater asked.
�Yeah. I�ll tell the pilots,� Rip replied, �we need three of you to keep an eye on the guard posts when we make our move.�
Grater nodded, and with one hand motion to the other four Brotherhood of the Claw members, the five dropped into the shadow and moved towards the posts. Quex watched Rip, who crouched with his eyes fixed upon the posts, his shoulders hunched, and his legs coiled, ready to spring. He lifted his hand, and Quex read the signal, readying himself to move. Finally, Rip flicked his wrist and Vapor moved off, Lixion, Aristron and Quex following, with Raptor and Rip bringing up the rear.

Quex had trouble keeping track of Vapor�s movements, trying to follow him to the wall at the far side. The darkness was a shroud, that not only seemed to mask Quex�s sight, but his hearing and other senses as well. Finally, Vapor pulled him against the solid structure of the wall. Aristron and Lixion were huddled near to the Raptorian, as Raptor and Rip reached them.

�Wait here for a couple of minutes for the others to catch up,� Rip said quietly, �keep your eyes and ears peeled for anything.�
�I thought you said Velich had eliminated everyone,� Raptor replied.
�He has, but there�s always the chance of guards swapping over shifts,� Rip said.

The six fell silent as Rip kept an eye behind them, whilst Vapor and Raptor looked ahead. Quex stood, doubts creeping into his head about being with this attack squad. Then he looked down to Lixion and Aristron, a good two feet smaller than him, and their gaze back up to him steeled him again. Even if he were afraid, Nexion was in there and he needed him.

�Done,� Grater whispered as he and the other four warriors emerged from the shadow.
�Good,� Rip breathed, �okay, let�s get this door open and get inside.�
Grater nodded, motioning to Remaz and Taris to move forward. The pair crept to take point, their laser rifles pointed to the ground, and their body elongated, stooped ready to pounce. Quex moved forward slowly forward also, keeping the Gopher twins ahead of him, with Vapor and Raptor just ahead of them on the other side.

The entrance was not guarded, and Aristron moved forward to look at the door whilst Taris and Remaz kept a look out. Quex watched Aristron nervously. The door was big enough for only one to pass through at a time, although it had been built big enough for Raptorians and Hyrotons to pass through as well as Gophers. The door was designed to slide upward into the dome structure, with there being no other notable entrance on this side of the circular structure.

Aristron�s hands begun to dance on the control panel on the left hand side of the door, his face furrowed in concentration. Rip stood nearby, his arms crossed and his laser rifle hanging from his arms belt. Vapor was stood nearby, sniffing the air, his tail twitching.
�I think we�ll need to be careful when we go in there,� He said finally.
�Problem?� Rip asked sharply.
�Quon�shen,� Vapor replied.

Quex swallowed as the door shifted open. Aristron�s eyes were wide in shock, and Quex fixed his gaze to the door to see three Algie guards, looking equally surprised at the other side of the building. Vapor was the first to react, sending his body through as a weapon, taking down one of the guards with his teeth wrapped around the throat. Rip�s hand shot down quickly and the laser rifle appeared and fired a shot in a movement that furthered Quex�s state of shock. Velan was the first to react to the third guard, shooting him in the head.

�Crap,� Rip muttered, looking at the three dead bodies.
�Smmphn�t rwe grmo in?� Vapor replied.
�Don�t talk with your mouth full, Vapor,� Raptor chided absently.
Vapor opened his jaw and the Algie guard slumped to the ground.
�I said, shouldn�t we go in?� Vapor asked.

Quex�s heart stopped beating, and Rip rolled his eyes.
�Okay, we�ve announced we�re here now. We�ll find somewhere in the base to store the corpses, and see how far we can sneak in before we resort to brute force,� Rip said.
Vapor lifted his corpse up with ease, as Remaz and Velan picked up the other two. Rip had put his laser rifle back to his side, and had resumed walking with his arms crossed into the base.
�How did he do that?� Quex asked, out loud.
�He�s one of the best,� Grater replied, looking to Quex, �he may only be a weapon�s officer in rank, my boy, but there are only a few who can equal him in the arena of war.�
�No-one�s mentioned anything about him,� Quex said.
�And that�s the way he operates, my friend,� Grater replied, �from the shadows.�

Quex nodded and followed Grater into the base. The corridor was open, with nothing to hide behind. The walls were illuminated with small lights at uniform distances apart a metre or so from the ceiling. The floor was carpeted, although the carpet was beginning to fray from Algie abuse. There were doors leading off to the left and right, each with a security lock and a keypad next to it.

�Close the door Aristron,� Rip said quietly.
�Already done Rip,� Aristron replied from the inside keypad.
�Okay. You�d probably know about this the best. Where would they keep Nexion?� Rip asked.
�Underground,� Aristron replied, �there�s a lift at the central structure. We�re in one of the two main corridors. The lift is like the central pillar, where the rest of the structure leans on.�
�Okay. We�re going for the lift. Move out!� Grater ordered...

... Nexion opened his eyes again, the light of the open cell door flooding in and blinding him. The guard carrying the food walked in, placing both bowls on the floor without ceremony before leaving without even looking at Nexion. Nianderin ran over and collected both bowls, before coming back over to Nexion, sitting against him and placing the bowl in front of him.

�Thank you,� Nexion said with a smile.
Nianderin took her bowl and begun to drink the contents, a soup of some sort from what Nexion could tell. It didn�t smell appetising, but his stomach was calling for substance, so he drank the mix. He looked back to the door and ran his hand over his mouth.

Nexion sighed, closing his eyes and feeling the pain run through his chest. He had been under too much trauma to fully appreciate the situation he was in, but now, almost 12 hours after the crash. Now he was sat here, as refreshed as he would ever be, Nexion realised that there was a strong chance that the Hyroton Allied Forces would believe him dead and he would be here, stuck and at the Algies� whim until the Gopher system was liberated. Try as hard as he could, Nexion could not help but think that his rescue would not come. Not now.

The realisation crashed down on him, and for a brief moment, Nexion felt despair. His shoulders dropped, and tears begun to gather in his eyes, as he felt utterly helpless, alone in this cell, no-one to help him, no way of actually walking and some sort of alien virus flowing through his body altering him in a way that would prove to be detrimental to his friends.

Nexion sat there once again thinking of the reasons behind his involvement in the war, the loss of his mother, the sealing of his feelings behind a defence no-one had ever been completely passed. Then the image of the murderer of his mother came back to him, and the despair fled from Nexion�s body as quick as he had succumbed to it. As long as Rajet Pwortsky lived, he had a reason to live. Even if the Algies won this war, Nexion would not die until Pwortsky was dead by his hand.

He struggled once again to make it to his feet, and the effort was almost too much as his palms gleamed with sweat. Using the wall to lean against, Nexion lifted himself up, and took in a deep breath, still holding the lasersword in his trembling hand. Nianderin looked up at him in confusion.
�I need to get out of here Nianderin,� Nexion said.

The door opened and the guard walked in. Nexion spun the lasersword up and fired a round, hitting the guard square in the chest. The guard didn�t even cry out as he crumpled to his knees, before falling limp on his front. Nexion hopped forward, and felt elation. There was only one guard entering the cell. Nexion stood in the door frame for a moment, before hopping through to freedom.

�Well, that was easier than I thought it would be,� Nexion muttered to himself.
Nianderin stood at the door frame whimpering, her hands clawing at Nexion�s vacant leg socket. He turned to look to her as he leant against the wall.
�Nianderin. Come with me. You don�t need to stay here. We can escape!� Nexion said, �we can go, to a better place. Where I can look after you.�

Nianderin looked at him, her eyes terrified, and she begun to turn to the cell.
�Nianderin!� Nexion called, �please! I�ve got to leave! I can�t stay here to look after you!�
The Algie princess stopped turning, and then looked to Nexion. Her eyes were calm as Nexion looked to her. She walked forward as Nexion held out his hand, before reaching up with hers and taking it. Nexion smiled and begun to move down the corridor.

Only to find it suddenly filling with guards. Nexion counted six, and let out a string of curses.
�Other way, Nianderin, other way,� Nexion said, beginning to turn.
The pair begun to move down the corridor as the guards started to approach, but Nexion�s heart had already deflated. Their chances of escape was severely reduced now they had been discovered. He hopped as fast as he could, but his leg grew tired quickly, and the more effort he put in, the more chance there was of making a mistake and falling.

�Damn it! Damn it all to the Forbidden World!� Nexion cried out in despair.
And with those words, the intruder alarm within the base sounded...

... Quex had seen well oiled fighting machines before, but the movements of the Brotherhood of the Claw were beyond astounding. Not only did each member of the attack know what they were doing, but they seemed instinctively to know what their brethren were going to do as well. Each time Quex rose his laser rifle to shoot, one of the Brotherhood had already moved there and eliminated the target. The fight had lasted thirty seconds maximum, and ten Algie guards had been neutralised. The element of surprise had been the key.

�There�s no point clearing this up, is there?� Vapor asked.
�No,� Rip replied, �let�s get down to the bottom level as quick as we can.�
Quex nodded mutely, walking past the dead into the lift. Rip waited for the door to close, before looking to Aristron.

�You sure the ground floor?� Rip asked.
�Rip, if you had someone very important, you would want to hide him as far from the entrance as possible, the ground floor would be the place to hide him,� Aristron replied.
�I suppose,� Rip replied.

The lift lurched into movement as Rip pressed the button. Quex held the laser rifle ready in his hands, the rest of the Raptorians following his lead. Vapor finally drew a weapon from his side, the lasersword he had carried since the liberation of the Data system. The lift slowed its descent and then halted altogether. Quex took in a deep breath as the door opened.

The sirens in the base sounded, and the guards at the front of the lift stood in shock long enough to be met by laser fire from the Brotherhood. Quex looked further into the distance for his target, shooting and taking down a guard about to make use of a panel on the wall.
�Everyone, out of the lift!� Grater bellowed.

Quex threw himself out of the lift, and flattened against one of the control panels to the lift. Aristron and Lixion joined him, with the Raptorians leading most of the assault. Vapor ran on ahead, trusting the Brotherhood not to hit him, and using his lasersword to deadly effect.
�Should we seal the lift?� Rip cried.
�No. It�s the only way back up!� Aristron replied, �give me a minute, and I�ll put on a password override.�
�Only one minute Aristron,� Rip said, �now they know we�re here, we need to act fast.�

With the guards taken down on one side of the lift, Grater, Velich, Taris and Remaz moved across to the other half of the corridor, their weapons extended ready. Raptor, Vapor, Rip and Velan stood at the other side with Quex, waiting for any possible reinforcements to come.
�Sealed on this floor Rip,� Aristron said triumphantly.
�Okay,� Rip replied, �Grater, you four explore that corridor, we�ll go down this one. If you find Nexion, get hold of Aristron. We�ll do the same with you.�
�Got it,� Grater called back.

Rip nodded to Velan to take point, with Vapor walking just behind the Raptorian�s shoulder. Quex, Aristron and Lixion moved to the middle of the pack, with Raptor and Rip at the back. Quex�s heart pounded against his chest, as he looked eagerly at each door, trying to find some sign that Nexion was behind that door.

�This is strange. It seems awfully quiet around here,� He said.
As if to answer his question, there was the scream from around the corner of the corridor. Vapor was the first to react, sprinting around the corner and disappearing out of sight. Raptor cursed, and pushed his way past Quex and going around the corner just as Velan too reached it.

�I think we may have found Nexion,� Rip said calmly.
Quex too broke into a run, and turned around the corner. Four Algie guards already lay dead, and Vapor was carving up a fifth. Quex looked into the distance, and saw Nexion stood on his right leg, the left one missing from the hip down. He held his lasersword in one hand, two Algie guards stood dead nearby.

�NEXION!� Quex cried.
The shoulders of the Hyroton raised, and his eyes seemed to brighten. Letting out a primeval cry, Nexion lunged forward and took out another Algie guard with his lasersword, before leaning against the corridor to balance himself. There was a smaller figure stood with Nexion, almost clinging to him.

Finally, Vapor cut through and was by Nexion�s side. Nexion crumpled into the Raptorian�s arms as Rip moved forward to join them.
�Nianderin. Where�s Nianderin?� Nexion gasped.
�Steady, Nexion. Who�s Nianderin?� Quex asked, joining the reunion.

Vapor yelped in pain and looked down to his foot to see the small Algie with its teeth attached to his foot. He lifted his foot with the intention of swinging the Algie hard against the wall to smash its brains out. Nexion cried out in anguish.
�No, Vapor! Don�t! She�s a friend!� Nexion said.
�She?� Vapor asked.
�Nianderin... Algie princess. She�s a friend, a friend,� Nexion repeated, �Nianderin, these are my friends. Please, don�t be afraid. Lower me, Vapor.�

Rip looked to Aristron, who shook his head and shrugged. The Hyroton looked in terrible shape.
�Grater, we�ve found Nexion. We�re going to need to get him off the base quickly. He needs medical help,� Aristron said to his computer.
�We�re on our way,� Grater�s voice replied.

Aristron put his hand on Nexion�s head, and then checked the leg socket, undoing the bandage to look at it.
�Looks like a clean cut,� He observed, �we can get this replaced back on the Enigma.�
�Aristron.... My chest burns,� Nexion replied.
�Chest burns?� Aristron asked sharply.
�I was... Experimented on,� Nexion swallowed hard, �oh, the pain!�

Aristron took in a sharp breath as Nexion suddenly leant back against the wall, gripping his chest.
�Nexion! NEXION!!!� Aristron cried.
Nexion slumped back violently, once, twice, his head banging against the wall. Aristron moved back, terror in his eyes.
�Hold him down! Someone, hold him down!� Aristron said.

Raptor and Vapor were there quickly, pinning Nexion to the ground. Nianderin, the Algie princess stood there moaning, her hands covering her eyes. Aristron moved forward to check Nexion, when a chill ran down his spine. He drew in a deep breath and turned around.
�Well, well, well. Look what we have here, doctor. More research specimen,� Rajet Pwortsky�s cold voice said calmly...

... Rip turned around to face the Quon�shen warrior, looking deep into those fearless blood red eyes. Next to Pwortsky stood another Algie, a scientist judging by the uniform. Rip rose his laser rifle and pointed it directly between the Quon�shen�s eyes, before pulling the trigger. Pwortsky�s arms blurred and his lasersword appeared, batting the laser bolt away.

�Please, don�t insult me,� Pwortsky scolded, �you are no match for me, Raptorian. Your whole race is weak, frail, when compared to my strength.�
�He�s mine,� Vapor replied, standing, �get Nexion out of here.�
�My, you�re confident aren�t you? Don�t you remember that I knocked you unconscious last time?� Pwortsky asked, his eyes glistening.
�You should�ve killed me,� Vapor replied, �that is your fatal error, Quon�shen.�

�Quon�shen!� A voice called from around the corner.
Pwortsky turned with amusement, and looked on as Taris ran in and pounced. The Quon�shen�s movements blurred again. One second, Taris was almost on top of him, the next, his chest was completely cut open and he was collapsing on the ground in a broken mess. Remaz, Grater and Velich opened fire with their laser rifles, and Pwortsky moved forward, dodging and deflecting the laser shots. One bolt struck Velich on the wrist sending his laser rifle loose. Pwortsky then dashed in and cut off Remaz�s wrists. The Raptorian fell, but his jaws snapped for Pwortsky�s ankle. The Quon�shen barely snatched it back, but Remaz�s last move had been fatal. The lasersword chopped off his head at the neck.

Grater pounced on Pwortsky, wrapping his arms about the Quon�shen�s neck. Pwortsky threw himself into the wall and Grater grunted, his grip lost. Pwortsky turned and went for a killer thrust. Grater half twisted, but the lasersword scored into his side, blood exploding out of the wound. Pwortsky smashed Grater�s head against the wall, and the Raptorian captain slumped to the floor.

�Shoot! SHOOT!!!� Rip ordered.
Pwortsky turned into a barrage of laser fire from Rip, Velan and Raptor. He ducked behind one of the walls, pulling the scientist with him. Rip rose his hand to order off the assault.
�I suggest you surrender,� Pwortsky said, �your friend needs the help of the doctor here. His condition is one we caused, and only we can remedy it.�

Quex�s blood begun to boil and he stood to challenge the Quon�shen. Rip�s hand shot across his path, and gently pushed him back.
�I�ve already called reinforcements,� Pwortsky�s voice continued, �you�ve got no escape. Not even the fabled Brotherhood of the Claw can hope to stand against a hundred armed Algie guards.�

�Rip, Nexion really needs to get out of here,� Aristron said, �I can�t do anything here.�
�What did you do to him Pwortsky?� Rip called out.
�There is a certain medical secret known to our people., Rip Rematin,� Pwortsky said, �Nexion was the first Hyroton to be experimented with it. He was the first non-Algie to survive it.�

Rip turned to look at Aristron, his eyes pleading for help.
�Our only way out is past him,� Aristron said.
�Then someone needs to distract him,� Rip replied.
�I�ll do it,� Vapor said, raising his lasersword, �I owe him one anyway.�
�You seek to challenge me?� Pwortsky asked, turning around the corridor with his lasersword ready.

Vapor walked onward, extending his lasersword ready. The Quon�shen�s eyes locked onto him, and absorbed everything they could about him. Then Vapor�s arms blurred and Pwortsky�s responded, the flickering lights of their laserswords spiralling. Vapor twisted around, his lasersword still in contact with Pwortsky�s and backed down the corridor. Pwortsky followed, the laserswords still locked together, Vapor�s face locked in concentration.

Having seen Vapor and Nexion spar together, Quex could see that the Raptorian had been holding back before. His actions here were fluid, each movement bringing him closer to Pwortsky and striking him, each parry bought about in the same smooth, crisp way. Vapor continued his retreat, until he rounded the T junction in the corridor, turning down the route away from the lift.

�Now!� Rip barked, �get Nexion and let�s get out of here!�
Raptor lifted the Hyroton effortlessly, and Quex followed behind. Aristron and Lixion walked just behind him. Rip stopped and knelt next to Grater, placing his hand on the wrist. He drew in a deep breath, before looking to Velan.
�He�s alive!� Rip said.

The Raptorian nodded and knelt down beside Grater, checking the wound over and pressing a gauntleted hand against it. Rip had already moved across to check Remaz, and then Taris, but his face was grim after checking. Velich, however, was still alive, although his wrist was hanging by a thread. Rip helped the Raptorian to his feet. Quex was stood watching Vapor and Pwortsky struggle, the Raptorian�s movements still free flowing, still drawing Pwortsky down the corridor.

Rip hesitated once, looking at Vapor looked in the battle, before turning and walking down the corridor. Pwortsky half turned to face them, and Vapor took advantage, launching himself into Pwortsky�s body and grappling him to the floor. The two held each other�s wrists, restraining their lasersword arms. �You cannot escape me Nexion Sirond!� Rajet Pwortsky cried, �Black Death has you now! And Black Death will consume you for the rest of your miserable existence!�

Vapor pushed his feet into Pwortsky�s chest, and kicked him down the corridor, before leaping up to his feet. The last thing Quex saw before Aristron unlocked the lift was Vapor standing immobile, resolute, as a physical barrier between Rajet Pwortsky and his victim, an unbeatable opponent for the Quon�shen in the hour of need. Then, the lift door closed and Vapor was gone from Quex�s sight..."

03-03-2003, 08:25 PM
Adam, this was fantastic. You say this is the 15th chapter, but I didn't feel as if I was coming in at the middle of things at all- perhaps it's because your characters are so well written? I wouldn't change anything except basic editing type stuff, and I only caught one thing: He didn�t believe he could break down so easily. I believe didn't should be replaced with couldn't. Correct me if I'm wrong.

At any rate, I'd love to read the previous 14 chapters, and whatever you've written since then. I know you're still writing this because that paragraph you had me read today used one of the same characters. ;p

I am glad I said I was bored so that you lead me to this story.