02-10-2003, 03:13 AM
I like to know about the suggestion of status. I suggest
If you have any addition, please make your reply. I didn't talk about RPG but how good player in video games you are.

Evad D'Aragon
02-10-2003, 03:29 AM
... offense here, but could you explain to me the relevance, or better yet, the importance of such a thing ? I mean, how are we SUPPOSED to evaluate our "offense" and "defense" in playing video games ? It's not making any sense to me. "Vitality" = how long we can play before passing out ??? "Evade"= how to avoid certain boring games ??? Geez, I really don't understand.

02-11-2003, 05:53 AM
OK! Example, you play Raystorm! You have to avoid the enemy's shot or to avoid the bump. This is how it called evade. Vitality? OK, maybe that about but I didn't mean to say that how long we will play before pass out but some before dizzy playing. Is there anything else? Can you suggest? Give me your idea. But don't worry, I'll tell you my opinion. Sometimes my sister might be dizzy playing a video games. It's different:D ! Sorry and excuse me? Anyway, you can suggest something else to add for a stats of playing video games.

02-11-2003, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Anthony
OK! Example, you play Raystorm! You have to avoid the enemy's shot or to avoid the bump. This is how it called evade. Vitality? OK, maybe that about but I didn't mean to say that how long we will play before pass out but some before dizzy playing. Is there anything else? Can you suggest? Give me your idea. But don't worry, I'll tell you my opinion. Sometimes my sister might be dizzy playing a video games. It's different:D ! Sorry and excuse me? Anyway, you can suggest something else to add for a stats of playing video games.

o___O if your confused raise your hand! :eye:

So uhmm o_O basically you want us to 'suggest' new stats besides the excisting paralells like speed/agility etc. o_O
My vote is for stupidity ... a 'person' should know that as well as the player of the game :)

Evad D'Aragon
02-11-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Tekno
o___O if your confused raise your hand! :eye:

So uhmm o_O basically you want us to 'suggest' new stats besides the excisting paralells like speed/agility etc. o_O
My vote is for stupidity ... a 'person' should know that as well as the player of the game :)

* Raises BOTH hands *

I think that makes me even more confused, right Tekno ?

Bahamut ZERO
02-11-2003, 05:56 PM
They should have an extra stat in Gran Turismo 3. The number of times you've killed yourself by driving into the wall at 300KM/h. Seems to be a favourite trick of mine, that one. (Damn steering in the RUF Porsche thingy.)

I'm not sure that's what you're looking for though, is it?

A stat you didn't mention, and one that I can only think of one game having, is fatigue. If you're constantly fighting, then your fatigue level is going to increase, so attacks should miss more often, magic attacks should fail more often, your ability to jump should decrease. Morrowind is the only game I've played where this has been a factor.

(Hopes he's barking up the right tree.)

Vivi FF
02-11-2003, 11:43 PM
I'm confused too... I suggest you reword your first post so we can all better understand what to do...

I think Luck is probably a stat in gaming. Cause some games require luck rather than skill, ect. Although this isn't a videogame but "Paper, Scissors, Rock" is a game about luck. There's no skill needed to win and if you win, it's cause of luck or you somehow cheated. So yes luck sometimes plays a major role in videogames today. One game off the top of my head that requires more luck than skill is SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals. The single player mode has the CPU AI messed up so bad... Sometimes the AI is super smart and other times it's super stupid...

02-13-2003, 07:05 AM
Why would you be in a RUF? Forget the RUF, the speed twelve is where its at!

02-14-2003, 07:51 AM
This game called "Fire N Ice (NES)." You can solve the problem how to get rid of those fires. You will play as Dana.
Today's stats increasement: