02-10-2003, 02:43 AM
I live with invisible pride
Inside the cold and dark catacombs of my mind
Thinking of what might have been
Thought will only hinder my progress

I must use the powers I have been given
To destroy and remake
To bring people
To drive away

I travel the road of death
The inevitable path
Through rain and blood
I will walk and run
I am a danger to the world
I am neither good nor evil
That is the worst one man can ever be

These words come from the depths of my merciless soul
I am your fear and your hope
I am who I am
And the world will fall with me
Until the new age arrives

02-10-2003, 09:17 AM
short n easy to read poetry. now that's what i like :cool: I don't like reading long long poetry; only the short ones that have interesting words and have a good rhyme. Better than anything I can write : P. keep up the good work. I hope to see you post more in this thread. *huggles her pappy* ^_^

02-10-2003, 11:30 PM
...quite interesting...
it's like i road map to your thoughts of yourself

Inside the cold and dark catacombs of my mind

i like that line a lot because in some ways the mind is a catacomb
with all it's diffent parts that store different info and what not

ya really got a refreshing force's natural where ever they occur...i like!

02-11-2003, 04:38 AM
Good poem Phill~ Very realistic and emotional. Well done! ^_^