02-09-2003, 08:44 PM
I've been interested in buying this FF anime but I didn't hear to much about it. Since we are all FF and Anime fans, I figured someone must have seen it...and if so how was it?

I would like the low down, what the story is like, the price and where I can get it, overall opinions wheter good or bad.


02-09-2003, 10:11 PM
FFU = Quite dumb

It hasn't been released over here, nor am I hoping for it to.

It really has nothing to do with anything Final Fantasy. Other than Chocobos.

MK/Ender wanted to post the entire series for download on the site. I was like "um. no."

02-10-2003, 12:12 AM
I think you'd be turned off the minute you see the characters. The art in this anime is butt ugly. Looks like something I drew when I was 2 years old or something.

02-18-2003, 05:03 AM
:shock: NUTS!:eek:

02-28-2003, 10:51 AM
i downloaded a music Video from WinMX and i thought what i seen was cool

03-06-2003, 03:20 AM
Well FF never really continues anything and I thought the art was just fine. I saw a music video of it and it seemed cool to me. O.o

04-18-2003, 02:13 AM
I have an episode of few of it, and like Atom said, it has nothing....NOTHING to do with FF other than unlike the game where we find this interesting/intriguing, it sucks...and I thought an FF anime was going to be cool..

The art isn't terrible though...=P Kinda' lame at most, but I've seen worse.

04-18-2003, 07:26 AM
Um, how is the art not horrible? -_- One of the best things about anime is that the art is consistently good. You don't get that in this anime. The computer graphics are were pretty impressive, though, but they're the same in every episode.

04-18-2003, 06:48 PM
Actually, it had quite a bit to do with the FF games. Cid, for one thing (who suspiciously looks a lot like Cloud Strife lol), as well as Omega from FFV, Chaos, the FF victory 'Fanfare' at the end of msot battles, summon magic (in fact, most of the familar spells make regular appearences, normally at the end of each episode where Kaze normally has to save the day with a summon monster from his 'Demon Gun').

So far I've only seen up to episode 9, and I've already seen Bahamut, Leviathan, Typhon (from FFVII), Bismark (from FFVI), Odin, Ixion (from FFX), Ifirit, Shiva and Phoenix, not to mention Ai and Yui's adopted chocobo occasionaly appears to attack as well!

Plus, there was a scene in a tunnel where the characters get attacked by a worm-like monster while on a boat, which reminded me a lot of fighting Ralvurahva/Ralvuimago in the Gargant tunnel in FFIX!

Sure, FF Unlimited is not based directly on any individual FF game (if you want something like that, watch FF The Legend of The Crystals which is set after FFV), but, it still qualifies as FF, due to all the references in it. It's a decent anime which I really enjoyed. Got to get more episodes!

04-21-2003, 03:37 AM
ADV has just purchased the rights to Final Fantasy Unlimited.

It looks like you'll be able to find out how good it is in the near future when they release it.

04-21-2003, 07:08 PM
whats ADV please....

04-24-2003, 03:39 AM
All of the information and views from your local retards can be viewed here:

NOTE: Please, if you guys snip this link, copy and paste the info of ADV up here. Thanks.

04-28-2003, 12:34 PM
I am not in a snipping mood.

Here is the link to ADV�s news item:

"Steaming hot news, straight from the trenches at Anime Boston�ADV Films has acquired, for broadcast and home-video distribution, �Azumanga Daioh,� �Final Fantasy: Unlimited,� and �Magical Shopping Street Abenobashi,� and will be releasing the Director�s Cut of �Neon Genesis Evangelion.� Detailed news coming next week!"

And I agree, from what I have seen, there were enough summons, chocobos and Cids to make this a Final Fantasy.
After all, what had Final Fantasy VI to do with Final Fantasy?

05-10-2003, 06:00 AM
it wasnt too bad, definitly better than that old Crystals one, but still doesnt meet my standards

05-26-2003, 03:53 PM
Hi, i like final fantasy unlimited i have the episodes 1 to 9 and i think they are good i like the animation and they do have things in common with the final fantasy series like the summons and the chocobos. It has a good story as well, you should download the first episode off Winmx or kazaa to try it then i bet you would buy them :D