02-09-2003, 03:46 PM
A friend of mine recommended this to me, and I was wondering if anyone here could tell me about it. He said I'd like it because it's "deep," like Evangelion, but the way he described it sounded a bit weird. "A guy goes to a party and shoots everyone and everyone thinks it has something to do with a girl who doesn't speak, and then it gets so weird that the first episode seems normal in comparison." o_O

Also, if I do watch it, I'll probably watch the techtv version. Is that the dubbed version? Is it any good? I'm normally a subtitles person, but given the choice between a free dubbed version and paying for subtitled dvds, you can guess what choice I'd make. :p

02-09-2003, 06:07 PM
I recommend it as well. It involves a girl named Lain and her involvement with the "Wire". The wire is kind of like an evolved version of the internet, i guess. The stroy is kind of complicated and I watched it a few months ago and don't remember the details and will only confuse us both if I try to tell you about it. The story does have a dark mood and the feel of it reminds me of Perfect Blue. I think the voice cast was pretty good dubbed, but you could watch it subbed if you want, I guess.

02-09-2003, 08:40 PM
I just got done watching the final DVD last night hehe. My third time rewatching.

Lain is a excellent anime, I give it my fullest recommendation.
This story is tough to explain but you can tell this anime was targeted for smarter audience's.

As for Dub or Sub, It doesn't really matter to me. I watched both and enjoyed em equally. The dub is well done...so I recommend watching it on Tech TV...I really recommend buying the dvd boxset though...it's $100 bux or so on amazon and it's worth the cash.

go read a nice review at Animejump.com to help you futher with you decision.

David F
02-09-2003, 11:08 PM
I suggest you get the sub because you get a more authentic experience and reading the subs does help you out better in understanding the plot. I can�t really say this anime is �deep� its just takes a familiar concept and analyzes it from a different perspective.

02-10-2003, 10:25 AM
I found the first episode weird as hell xD o.o Then again, the later episodes got even more odd Imho.

Anyway, you'll make good choice by going to watch it. It has a good plot and the characters are well done. It's a mind frizzling experience o.o
You'll like it :)

02-10-2003, 10:30 PM
i saw it all on techtv. and loved it. the confusing part is..i understand what happend, and i understand the plot kinda, but theres no way i can explain it. i dotn know why. O_o

i'm so buying it. and yes the dubss are awesome. the funny thing is though, in the last episode, the guy from big-o does a little voice over cameo lol. that's the only voice i recognised in the whole anime. lol it was funny.

Enigmatic Angel
02-11-2003, 08:17 AM
its prety good if u are the type that loved Evangelion....coz they're both anime which send you on a mind trip.....

i personally loved it.....it was confusing....but that was perhaps one of the things going for it.....

i mean evangelion wouldn't be evangelion if it weren't confusing.....

pretty much the same story with lain...

03-06-2003, 03:22 AM
There are those who dont like Lain because they dont understand it but one thing that makes Lain so great is that you have clues and you disect what is happening and interpret events. :) I like it because it's dark and stuff. ^^;;

03-14-2003, 10:54 PM
I saw a lot of the episodes on TechTv. I only missed I few I believe. I liked it a lot, even though my brother always said it was "creepy." It took me awhile to get what was going on and the story line. But eventually I did, you just have to pay attention.