02-08-2003, 05:38 AM

well, since netfirms doesn't allow direct linking, i have to use geocities now.. but anyways, i drew this in art class.. i'm surprised how good i did on it, considering i never actually tried to draw city buildings. What do you think?

02-08-2003, 09:40 AM
Great drawing Ann~ It's very real looking. Well done! ^_^

02-08-2003, 07:51 PM
No kidding...beautiful perspective, not once did you screw it up...I envy you lots and lots Ann :mad: ....

....*Walks off and cries*

02-08-2003, 08:46 PM
Good job!

It's looks so damn nice...Nice clean buildings, nice structure.
It would be great if you did some more background type pictures and scanned em for us...I bet they would be amazing.

Keep up the excellent work!!!

02-09-2003, 04:47 AM
hehe thanks for teh compliments guys ^_^. I made another drawing, i'll add in the background later cause this one took me 3 hours to do, and i like taking a days break : P.Sooo i mise as well turn this into my 'drawing thread' http://www.geocities.com/rikkukitty/rikku.html?1044762231020

02-09-2003, 10:14 PM
I like the first one alot, the perspective is very well done, and the fov makes you feel right there beside the buildings.

One thing you might want to do is make a copy by tracing it using a pen or very thin marker, it would scan in much better, and you could photoshop colour it too.

Keep it up.

Bahamut ZERO
02-10-2003, 01:00 AM

Well, I was impressed with the buildings drawing. I thought it was a neat perspective, and all funky looking.

Then I looked at your Rikku drawing, and my jaw hit the floor. That's truly awesome! I also think that the grey-scale shading adds a lot to the image's character - I just like pictures that are shaded.

Keep up the good work!

02-10-2003, 11:33 PM
ANN why didn't tell me you could draw like that!....
ya were hiding ya talents....shame on you!
anyway the buildings are like perfect sooo straight....
damn i envy ya ablity to draw that many staight lines without going insane!

02-10-2003, 11:44 PM
Who said I didn't go insane? lol :P

02-11-2003, 05:15 AM
Good drawing Ann~ Very realistic. I especially liked the way you made Rikku look evilish but I guess she is ^_~

*Shrugs* Keep it up! *Claps* =D

02-18-2003, 08:11 AM
Wow! Awsome work, RK! You are ruley gifted. ^_^

02-18-2003, 09:19 PM
*gives chickage 2 thunbs up* nice job i likes!