04-27-2011, 08:52 AM
I searched for a very long time and finally found the last piece to complete this little collection.

Voyage ~ Theme from Fantastic Children

Sample (
Download (!fyYj0A6J!jqdJQuEwFDDF4W83qv1S3Ew7athwaavfFkVjdzxcCQU)

Ever since I first heared this piece in the show I was instantly enchanted by it. I cannot explain why in detail but I really really love this theme. I consider it a masterpiece and the strings version is my personal favorite variation. It also does help that this piece with it's many variations is played during very emotional moments in the show and it underscores the dramatic and tragic aspects of a complex and wonderful story.

04-27-2011, 08:48 PM
Thanks for this :)
I like it ;)

04-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Thank you, should be promising.

09-19-2018, 03:44 AM
Well, and now the link is gone forever.

I am trying to get the 2 instrumentals that did not come on the first (and for now, only) CD release. For now they are only available for download IF YOU LIVE IN JAPAN, since they don't take dollars. Or pounds. Or anything that's not a yen.

09-19-2018, 06:08 PM
No it is not gone as long as I'm around ;)

I've made a new one. The music deserves it.

10-18-2018, 09:24 PM
I am trying to get the 2 instrumentals that did not come on the first (and for now, only) CD release.
Just a little correction. While there are two Voyage arrange tracks that only received a digital release (and sadly not in CD quality AFAIK), there are in fact two CD soundtracks for Fantastic Children (not counting OP and ED singles).