04-23-2011, 02:40 PM
The World God Only Knows Original Soundtrack
神のみぞ知るセカイ Original Soundtrack
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Original Soundtrack

GNCA-1279 | The World God Only Knows Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/21590)
Catalog Number GNCA-1279
Release Date Apr 06, 2011
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3150 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Published by Geneon Universal Entertainment
Composed by Hayato Matsuo / 松尾早人

02.God only knows 第三幕/Oratorio The World God Only Knows
12.コイノシルシ feat.高原歩美(TV-EDIT)/神のみぞ知り隊 feat.高原歩美
18.コイノシルシ feat.青山美生(TV-EDIT)/神のみぞ知り隊 feat.青山美生
24.たった一度の奇跡(TV-EDIT)/飛鳥空 starring 櫻井智
32.コイノシルシ feat.中川かのん(TV-EDIT)/神のみぞ知り隊 feat.中川かのん
37.コイノシルシ from Elsie(TV-EDIT)/エルシィ starring 伊藤かな恵
40.本は愛 本は喜び 本は感動
44.コイノシルシ feat.汐宮栞(TV-EDIT)/神のみぞ知り隊 feat.汐宮栞
46.集積回路の夢旅人 feat.桂木桂馬/桂木桂馬 starring 下野紘



04-23-2011, 04:45 PM
Thanks for sharing :)

04-23-2011, 04:59 PM

04-23-2011, 05:14 PM
Thanks was waiting for this XD

04-23-2011, 07:28 PM
Thank you, I really like Matsuo's work

04-23-2011, 08:25 PM
Thanks for this :)
For anyone who needs the english tracks: The World God Only Knows Original Soundtrack - The World God Only Knows Wiki (http://kaminomi.wikia.com/wiki/The_World_God_Only_Knows_Original_Soundtrack)

04-23-2011, 11:23 PM
Thanks a lot. I was waiting for this release, as well as so many more.
Thank you again. :)

04-24-2011, 05:27 AM
Thanks ^^

04-24-2011, 05:59 AM

04-24-2011, 06:12 AM
Largely this is enjoyable but the songs and techno tracks are seriously painful. If you want a better listening experience, remove tracks 2, 3, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, and 44 from your playlist.

05-31-2011, 01:14 PM
alternatively if you want to make up your own mind about the score and not have it dictated to you by a forum snob who clearly thinks he knows better than everyone else, leave all the songs in place.

this is a seemingly rare instance where Matsuo is not writing exclusively orchestral music these days. a few of these songs remind me of his older works that i adore, like sword maniac, syvalion and magic knight rayearth. brilliant as he as an orchestrator it's refreshing to hear him writing with more variety.

OP, i give my thanks!

06-15-2011, 06:57 PM
alternatively if you want to make up your own mind about the score and not have it dictated to you by a forum snob who clearly thinks he knows better than everyone else, leave all the songs in place.

I think I have to defend Sirusjr's post. His recommendation for a 'pruning' of this soundtrack may seem 'snobish' to you, but he has time and again proven his good taste in music by his many contributions to this place. I will still listen to all the tracks in this soundtrack and see for myself, but if we share our tastes(as it has been often in the past), I can thank him for his listing of 'expendable' tracks, even if YMMV, as it is always possible :)


edit: oh, and thanks for the music, of course :)

06-15-2011, 10:31 PM
you really don't have to defend it :) using internet forum seniority as a justification for dictating what people should and shouldn't like, especially when it relates to any kind of creative/artistic field, is the very definition of snobbery. :D what is "good taste in music" anyway? that's intrinsically personal. his post makes the assumption that anyone reading it doesn't have the authority to decide what they enjoy, basically. that's fairly indefensible!

besides, if you've just grabbed the whole soundtrack anyway, there's no extra cost to listen to the extra tracks. i anticipate there'll be some rhetoric and backpeddling if the replies ever get seen...

06-15-2011, 10:49 PM
you really don't have to defend it :) using internet forum seniority as a justification for dictating what people should and shouldn't like, especially when it relates to any kind of creative/artistic field, is the very definition of snobbery. :D what is "good taste in music" anyway? that's intrinsically personal. his post makes the assumption that anyone reading it doesn't have the authority to decide what they enjoy, basically. that's fairly indefensible!

besides, if you've just grabbed the whole soundtrack anyway, there's no extra cost to listen to the extra tracks. i anticipate there'll be some rhetoric and backpeddling if the replies ever get seen...

Just for perspective, I tried the album without seeing Sirius's opinion and advice, hated ALL the tracks and you're a whiny idiot. And yes, me saying the album is bad of course means that everyone else must also find the album bad. That's what criticism of the arts means. Yyyyyep.

If you're going to bitch and get all defensive, at least bitch about something worthwhile. Like, say, when certain other posters will actually remove the tracks they find disagreeable from the album before posting, reassuring us that we're not missing anything. Now THAT'S snobbery.

06-15-2011, 11:18 PM
i'm not doing any whining; just pointing out fallacies (and you're loving it.) and i'd call this an offense rather than defense :)

And yes, me saying the album is bad of course means that everyone else must also find the album bad. That's what criticism of the arts means. Yyyyyep.

really, did you even read his post? that argument might hold water if simple criticism was the extent of it ~ if he was only saying "i dislike the techno and vocal songs", or in your case, "i dislike the entire album". fair enough. it would be dumb to jump on something like that, and i haven't taken issue with that argument whatsoever :) you are missing the point.
no, he made a specific directive to everyone not to listen to those tracks. that isn't "criticism of the arts", that's "being a stupid dogmatic fuck." i knew your argument would fail as soon as I saw the personal attack there :) it's usually a last resort...

ordinarily i wouldn't even reply to some punter on an internet forum, but Matsuo is an artist i very much admire, so sure, i'll throw in my two cents.

06-15-2011, 11:32 PM
You're the type to froth at the mouth whenever someone so much as says "don't waste your time on this tripe" or something to that effect in a negative review, aren't you? A "specific directive" implies that he had any power at all and was forcing everyone not to listen, instead of what he's actually doing; recommending the ones in particular to pass. And lo and behold, no one is stupid enough to take it so seriously as "Oh, ok, guess I'll just clip those then." or interpret it as self-righteous snobbery. That's my point. A word of advice is not a dogmatic rule, especially one based on opinion.

Well, except for yourself, of course. Don't flatter yourself; insults imply you're not worth a first resort. Case in point, this little bit of irony overload. "that's "being a stupid dogmatic fuck." i knew your argument would fail as soon as I saw the personal attack there" Wow, back-to-back contradiction. You didn't even need the insults to fall on your face logically. Drop the butthurt and just enjoy your shitty music. :)

06-16-2011, 12:55 AM
i am not angry or butthurt. you are projecting. it's obvious your blood pressure is far higher than mine just by the tone of your writing in your posts. i am not the type to froth at the mouth on the internets; sorry to disappoint.

look, whatever. "If you want a better listening experience, remove tracks 2, 3, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, and 44 from your playlist." is a dumb thing to say in any context and it's pointless trying to defend it. if it is actually intended as an opinion, then it should be worded like one - even "2, 3, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, and 44 are shit" would be better. it isn't a CARDINAL SIN that it was worded the way it was, but i don't feel any guilt in mocking it! you know i am right, but you want to argue anyway because you don't like the album and like me probably have a bit of time to burn. that's okay :)

also yeah hurrrdurrr i used a personal attack too, gosh! it wasn't (and does not invalidate) the substance of my post, where as it was with yours. nice straw man :)

06-16-2011, 01:20 AM
Starting a blatant trolly bitchfit pretending to argue about respecting other's rights to their opinions.

Immediately spout backpedalling and rhetoric basically admitting you're essentially just pissing about how someone worded their opinion.

Nope, no effort needed to invalidate your posts. None at all. :)

06-16-2011, 09:30 AM
ha "trolly bitchfit", i like that you keep projecting all your anger on to me. i don't care about his or your opinions on the soundtrack; why would i? and where exactly have i backpeddled? i've had the same stance consistently, you only think that because you're reading between the lines, guessing my intent and getting it totally wrong.
no it wasn't just about how someone "worded their opinion"; it isn't even clear the guy recognises that it was an opinion, like it is pretty obvious that it's written under the pretense of being factual. there are plenty of people who truly believe that artistic preference is artistic truth. it's a stupid position to take and it deserves ridicule.
but i sense i'm repeating myself at this point. there isn't anything else for anyone to say. think before replying again because it'll just go in circles (i know you will; the man who has the last word always wins the debate, even if they don't bring any new substance to the table, right?)

06-16-2011, 06:46 PM
Wow, please calm down people, this used to be such a peaceful place :)

What Sirusjr meant in the end, is, as I believe, that the aforementioned tracks are J-pop-stuff or synth; other than the rest of the soundtrack, which consists of classic-style orchestral music. These are quite different styles, and the adorers of each overlap not very much- but sometimes they do, that is true. If you like both kinds of music, more power to you.


08-31-2011, 04:28 AM
Is this available in FLAC?