Axel Alloy
02-04-2003, 02:54 PM
Hey! Remember meh? ;) Well, I had to re=reggie, but I'll still Post my art...

Well, first off, heres my Gallery link Axel Alloy's Gallery (

I'll post my faves. ^^

Startin' with this one!

Which is Johan Kirovoski from Doonys!

02-08-2003, 08:51 PM
Wow, great work.

Excellent job indeed...Great detail to shadowing, eyes, and overall pic. Nice gallery as well...Looked through most of these pic's and you did a nice job!

Axel Alloy
02-21-2003, 03:05 PM
Feh! ty

Heres another new-ish piece.

It's Slappy, Doony #1001 (All thanks to Fatal Illusion AKA SDKN)

It's drawn Bishie style! Usually he looks different.

The Ricky
03-01-2003, 08:57 PM
It's good. But IMO I think it's a little to Anime-like. But it's better than what I can do.

03-01-2003, 10:47 PM
Wow, I like your latest one.

Nice background, Nice character design, very nice color. Overall kick ass picture.

Keep up the great work!

Axel Alloy
03-05-2003, 01:27 PM
^^;; Ty pallys!

Heres something thats, un-detailed, but totally hilarious XD!
If your a Wipeout Fusion Fan, then you'll be familiar with the Fusion Pilots.
Well, they feature in this pic! XD (Not all of them tho and the one wearing bunny ears is actually the Character Rachel Johnson..... AKA.... Me :o )

(Full Description: This picture is based on an un-official comic me and Quakedisruptor are doing called Daniel's First Season.

The guy in the middle with the Blue sweater on is Daniel Johnson from FEISAR who this comic is based on, the Woman with the goggles on her head is Pascale Rouser from the Auricom team, the Woman with the bunny ears is Rachel Prince (And for those of you who are aware of a certain thing going on with Rachel, they will also know her as Rachel Johnson) [Note: Rachel Prince/Johnson is NOT a Wipeout Character]the guy grinning holding a Carlos Beneto doll is Alex Reece from EGR-Tech, Carlos Beneto is behind him looking shocked and confused, in the background on the left hand side is Paul Cheung from EGR-Tech being chased by Paul Phoenix from another game called Tekken. To the Right of Paul Phoenix is Natasha Belmondo from Xios and next to her making fun of her is Zapher Tivien from Doonys.
The reflection in the heart shaped mirror is Roberto Sergio from G-Tech.
Creaking in the bottom left is Dean who appears everywhere.)

03-05-2003, 06:49 PM
yesh I like that pic its nice. the background makes the picture really pop out. nice job. :)

03-06-2003, 05:12 AM
Those are great drawings Axel Alloy. You did a very good on the backgrounds and the colours you used works for the drawings. Keep up the good work!

Axel Alloy
03-08-2003, 03:33 PM
OK... this next pic was drawn for my best online buddy SDKN (not a member).

Its of Lou Sapphire (A Living Dead Doll)

Theres a story behind this pic.

Me 'n' SDKN were RPing one day over MSNM and she was RPing Lou. He ran into my kitchen and stole something from my food cupboard, anyway, SDKN asked what he had took and I told her that he stole Mixed Dried Herbs, LOL! XD

He wasn't to happy! ;)

Axel Alloy
04-18-2003, 07:02 PM
LOL, I drew this pic the other day. (I am an artist for RDS after all) This is a pic of Gye finding Serenity with Toby his pet Deer/hound. Serenity (his lil sister) has dressed him up.