02-04-2003, 01:39 PM
i dont quite get what how this jenova actually contributes to the storyline,

the birth, life and death jenovas are in parts of the storyline where they are relevant, but i dont quite understnad the significance of this jenova type,and why if you do better or worst against him determines how your party is split for the bizarro sephy fight

does anyone have any ideas?

02-04-2003, 04:13 PM
to me jenova synth was created by sephiroth, synthesized if you will. yes it doesnt have anything to do with the story other than the name ans its a fairly nasty boss.

02-04-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by ultimecia
i dont quite get what how this jenova actually contributes to the storyline,

the birth, life and death jenovas are in parts of the storyline where they are relevant, but i dont quite understnad the significance of this jenova type,and why if you do better or worst against him determines how your party is split for the bizarro sephy fight

does anyone have any ideas?

What do you mean???

Jenova is the most essential part of the story.

Ok, if you haven't completed FF7 I suggest you DO NOT read the following.
You have been warned...


Jenova was first discovered by the Ancients whom sensed her coming. She damaged the planet by her literally 'falling' from the sky. Many years later, Hojo had also discovered her. So being a scientist it was only natural that he would do experiments on her. During his experiments he realised that Jenova was an alien. An alien with powerful properties. He was able to extract Jenova's cells from her. He used these cells to create monsters (and so it was rumoured humans as well). He even ejected them into his unborn child...Sephiroth. Yes into Lucrecia's womb. He believed this would make him the ultimate being, and yes it made Sephiroth appear unsual in abilities. Which is also why he believed Jenova was his mother the whole time.

So what I'm trying to say is Jenova is essential to the story because it would never have lead Sephiroth to insanity, and therefore we would have never discovered about Cloud being a clone because of the fact that he had Jenova cells in him too, and so on...

Umm...if I got any of this wrong please, be my guest and say so. I not quite sure if I'm 100% correct.


02-05-2003, 12:16 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">*SPOILERS*

Yeah, if you notice, the Sephiroth you chase around the world for most of disc 1 is carrying Jenova with him. Actually technically, that isn't Sephiroth at all, it's just Jenova disguised as Sephiroth in order to lure you to the northern crater.

Basically, I think Jenova-Synthesis is just Jenova's true form. Jenova Birth, Life and Death are just parts of Jenova that battle you. Remember that the idea of the Jenova Reunion was that all the parts of Jenova come back to meet at one place (which just happened to be the Northern Crater where Sephiroth was, and also where she fell to the planet in the first place). Although the reunion didn't work as expected, Jenova would have been complete, hence the "Synthesis", maybe all the parts of Jenova used by hojo will have come back together. Hence, Synthesis would be the "true" Jenova.

Or maybe it was just there to warm you up for the final battle. Who knows. :D

02-05-2003, 12:37 AM
sorry riana, i didnt really make my statement very clear,

i specifically meant jenova synthesis....i understood the rest.

thanks for the inout though

and meltigemini....i see what you mean, with the the synthesis from the other ..elements of jenova

Omnipotent Masochist
02-07-2003, 02:55 AM
I found the Jenova battles pretty easy, really.

02-07-2003, 04:04 PM
they all are

but dont forget to get the "aqualung" enemy skill from jenova death...its a cool skill to learn

02-07-2003, 07:37 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Actually, that's Jenova-LIFE. ;) Either way, yeah it's definately worth learning. You could have got it from a Harpy in the desert around Corel Prison, or a Serpent in the Gelnika, but Jenova-LIFE is the most likely to use it, and by that point you can have 3 Enemy Skill materias, so everyone can learn it.

And yeah, all the Jenova battles were easy. Jenova-BIRTH is actually quite hard (much harder than any bosses before that), but I still found it easy enough. ;)