02-04-2003, 11:27 AM
What is the best Final Fantasy of all time. I have not played Final Fantasy B4 so i want to start with the best. Please tell me your opinions of the games you suggest!

02-04-2003, 11:30 AM
Okay... so... you haven't played FF before, but you join a FF dedicated forum? That, I don't understand... oh well many will have differing opinions but the best for me is VI (6) followed by VII (7).

02-04-2003, 11:30 AM
Start your way up from FF7 to FF10 then do FF1 to FF6 they are all great games and most people on this site will tell you that, FF7 is the best game in my view so start with that, the game may even make you shed a tear so watch out

02-04-2003, 12:27 PM
Okay... so... you haven't played FF before, but you join a FF dedicated forum? That, I don't understand...

Reanimated spirit is right you know aragorn, You dont just barge into a place filled with dedicated fans of the greatest RPG (thats role playing game if you dont know..)game ever existed thinking you can talk about your sci-fi crap.

But Tekno is right though....................

Ok in order mine would be ff5,ff8,ff10and the greatest FF7....

thanks for chillin me out tekno..

Nanaki XIII
02-05-2003, 01:41 AM
Ok defintely play 6 first because if you play 7 first then your gonna play 6 and say this is crap and not enjoy the greatest FF of all time so play 6 and work your way up.

02-05-2003, 05:44 AM
Definitely FF8 for me. It's got a good storyline, interesting characters, a ruley setting, a great ending, amazing graphics, nice music and it's easy to play. waii~ ^_^

02-05-2003, 09:09 AM
Ok, quit bashing the newbie. FF7 and 9 i reckon as well. Their storylines are pinpoint and the games are relatively kick-ass. I suggest em.

02-05-2003, 09:14 AM
Actually, I say start with the first. If you want to, wait until FF Origins comes out in a few months, and start with that. And then work your way up from there.

Otherwise, if you'd like to start the corruption, go with FF7 or FF9. ;) FF9 is really easy to learn.

Do NOT start with FF10. You probably won't be able to appreciate the older FFs because you'll think, "They all look so...old." FF10 is really pretty and has a great story, but for some reason I think it kind of ruins the other games if you start off with it.

02-05-2003, 11:42 AM
Reanimated spirit is right you know aragorn, You dont just barge into a place filled with dedicated fans of the greatest RPG (thats role playing game if you dont know..)game ever existed thinking you can talk about your sci-fi crap.

I came on, by direction of friends to find out about this great game. So i only wanted to know which i should start with. And another thing sci-fi isnt crap

02-05-2003, 11:48 AM
Oh I didn't mean for that comment to be taken seriously, I was being a tad bit sarcastic right there. And do remember Final Fantasy 7 and 8 are very much Sc-Fi...

02-05-2003, 03:08 PM
Even though i played FF5 and FF6 first my favorite is FF7 so i would recommend that.

02-05-2003, 08:36 PM
Well FF7 is IMO the best ever. I simply loved everything about it just like I love FFX.

If you want to be on the safe side I would suggest playing FF4 first then working your way up. I have very briefly played 4 & 5, and my cousin (who has progressed further) says they're fantastic, I am currently playing 6 & X (I know it sounds weird). FF5 was the first I ever played, yet FF7 was the first I completed.

So there ya go. ^_^

02-05-2003, 09:21 PM
if any 1 knew any thing about me theyed no id say ff8 followed by ff6 i havent really played ff7 i totaly hated ff9 ff10 was eceptable and im not a fan of kingdom hearts even though selphies in it

02-06-2003, 07:05 AM
I think Final Fantasy Tactics is the best of the lot. Why? Cause I'm different that's why, so meh!

I highly suggest you don't start with Tactics though simply because it is very different than all the other FF games. With this in mind I recomend FF6 if you have an SNES as that game has what I consider to be one of the greatest storylines to any game ever in it. If you don't have an SNES I suggest picking up FF7, I find FF7 to be a whole lot more fun to play than any of the newer FF games and fun is what its all about. FF7 does have a pretty nifty story to it as well.

Bahamut ZERO
02-06-2003, 12:31 PM
I'll have to agree with Nanaki XIII when he says start out with Final Fantasy VI. Yes, the graphics are dated. Yes, the sound isn't as nice as what you get on some of the newer games, but the storyline and the gameplay for it are beautiful and better appreciated if you haven't played some of the newer games.

Then play Final Fantasy VII. Because that one's my particular favourite.

02-10-2003, 03:20 PM
thanks every one i will try to get my hands on the ones you all suggested

02-10-2003, 03:49 PM
They arnt hard games to come by you know, dont cost much anymore also

02-10-2003, 04:34 PM
Anything except FF7 ;)

I haven't played anything before FFVII sadly, so I can't help you there.

I like all the others ones I've played except FFVII. So far, it hasn't really interest me. I love FFIX with a passion, so that would be my choice.

Tears from the Sky
02-10-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Autumn
Definitely FF8 for me. It's got a good storyline, interesting characters, a ruley setting, a great ending, amazing graphics, nice music and it's easy to play. waii~ ^_^

I gotta agree with Autumn on this. FF8 definate was and still is the best by far. I enjoyed the ending for this one so much more than the others. Long live da SeeD! =D

Evad D'Aragon
02-10-2003, 05:28 PM
Durendal suggested you FFTactics, but that one isn't a Final Fantasy game. It's just Tactics Ogre with a Final Fantasy theme, or in other words, a "spin-off". Not to say it's a bad game though, but still.

Well, it is known for a fact that Final Fantasy VII is the most popular one out there because it's the one that sold out the most copies of all the entire series.

But if you ask which one is better, it's actually VERY relative. Some like the one they played the first, some prefer the one with the best characters, some prefer the easiest one, some prefer the one who gives the greatest challenge, and so on.

In my case, I played and finished from IV to X, did one half of FF I, one third of III and barely tried II. So, from my humble opinion, here's my order of preference :

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy II

But I'd actually suggest you try them out in the "time order"starting from the first to the last. This way, you can know how the series "evolved". If there's a specific one you don't like for any particular reason, just skip it to the next one. None of those games have any link of story between them, because as of yet there is no sequel to any Final Fantasy. That will come to change with the upcoming Final Fantasy X-2 though. And the next installment, Final Fantasy XI, is going to be an online RPG, where you get to play with hundreds of other players like yourself via the Internet.

As for the "other Final Fantasy" games :

They're just spin-offs. Here's the list of games you might find with the name Final Fantasy on it :

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest : Renamed Final Fantasy USA in Japan. A "beginner RPG" that was made for USA first, to let them learn the basics of an RPG, and was brought to Japan by popular demand. A mediocre RPG at best.

Final Fantasy Tactics : A joint project between Square and some Atlus staff members. A clone of Tactics Ogre. This by no means makes it a bad game, though. But it's actually a strategic RPG, and much more challenging than the "standard" RPG. Good storyline as well.

The Final Fantasy Legend : A Game Boy title. It's actually SaGa. Is part of the SaGa series, Square's series that's popular in Japan but not very well-liked here. That series also include Romancing SaGa I,II and III for the SNES ( never released here ), SaGa Frontier I and II for the PSX and the upcoming Unlimited SaGa for the PS2.

Final Fantasy Legend II and III : They're actually SaGa II and III. 'Nuff said.

Final Fantasy Adventure : Another GameBoy title.It's actually Seiken Densetsu, which means "Legend of the Holy Sword" in japanese. Square's third flaship series, along Final Fantasy and SaGa.It is more of a action-RPG series. This series also include Seiken Densetsu II, released here as Secret of Mana for the SNES. A great game, one of my favorite action RPG of all time. Then there's Seiken Densetsu III, never released here but easily downloadable for emulation. A prequel to Secret of Mana that I actually like even more than Seiken II. And, finally, there's Seiken Densetu IV : Legend of Mana, simply released here as Legend of Mana on the PSX.

And you have a couple of games where Square put on some elements from its past games, like characters that appear as cameos and so on, but it's not really relevant to Final Fantasy.

So, that was my two cent.It should be more than enough to help you know enough about Final Fantasy, Aragorn.

02-11-2003, 04:46 PM
right...for starters...get urself a SNES (super nintendo) emulator and play FF1 and FF2.....then on ur FF4 & FF5 (FF anthology) then..FF6 FF7 FF8 FF9.....skip 3 cos its the same as 6, and skip 4 cos its the same as 2. then on ur playstation2 play FF10 and be blown away.....also on ur Chrono Trigger. Its from the makers of Final Fantasy (Squaresoft) and kicks a$$.

Darth Revan
02-11-2003, 06:46 PM

My personal favourite FF is FFVIII (On another forum, if you say you like FFVIII you get flamed. I know, I said I liked FFVIII the most, and I got flamed that bad, I looked at the chair next to me and Hades was sitting there, with Cerberus curled at his feet.). FFVIII had a certain 'something' to it, which I thoroughly enjoyed. But, to start off with, I'd suggest FFIV, then play them all the way through to X.

My order of preference is as follows : FFVIII, FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, FF Tactics, FFIX, FFV, FFX and FF Mystic Quest (although not a 'true' FF.).

I'm not listing FF 1-3 because I haven't played them, even on emulator, as I'm waiting for them to be re-released.

And to everyone here who said FFVIII is there favourite, know that another FFVIII fan has arrived.

02-12-2003, 01:37 AM
Alrighty, I'm going to try and point you in the right direction.

First, usually the first FF you play is probably going to be your favorite out of all of them, if not one of your favorites. So I would probably go with a Playstation title (FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10).

If you like medieval RPGs, go with one of the earlier titles like FF1-FF6 or even FF9.

For a more futuristic and sci-fi tone, go with FF7, FF8, or FFX.

If ya like a little romance in your story, go with FF8 all the way.

Seriously tho, each FF is a great game and the first one you play will probably get you hooked. If you want my personal opinion, go with the following list.

1) FF7 - Seems to be the most popular of all of them. If your unsure your going to like the FF series, this one will probably have the best chance at being your favorite.

2) FF8 - My personal favorite in the series. It was the first one I played and is still my favorite game to this day.

3) Any of the rest!

It's hard to tell what your going to like, so just kind of rent one and get the feel for it. If you don't like it, rent/borrow/steal another. Hope this helps you.

Nanaki XIII
02-12-2003, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by Purrr
right...for starters...get urself a SNES (super nintendo) emulator and play FF1 and FF2.....then on ur FF4 & FF5 (FF anthology) then..FF6 FF7 FF8 FF9.....skip 3 cos its the same as 6, and skip 4 cos its the same as 2. then on ur playstation2 play FF10 and be blown away.....also on ur Chrono Trigger. Its from the makers of Final Fantasy (Squaresoft) and kicks a$$.

FF5 and 6 come together in FF anthology.

FF4 comes on FF chronicles with Chrono Trigger.

Thought you should know.

02-14-2003, 01:52 AM
FF9 is very easy so if you think you will have a hard time learning play FF9 first. If you are looking for a great storyline I suggest FF7.

02-14-2003, 03:59 PM
My favourite is FFVI. It was the second RPG I ever played but it got me hooked to FF and RPG in general. Most memorable moment, the opera scene...mangnificent.

A great story and a cast of memorable characters is what drew me in to FF at first, then I was instantly hooked to RPG battling and customization.

My order of preference is as follows : FFVI, FFT, FFVII, FFV, FFIV,

As you can see, not a big fan of 8th and the 9th. Didn't really appeal to me as the others did. Even though FFT is not a real FF, it's so good I consider it one.

I would go into detail about everygame but I don't have all day to list my fave points... pretty much a fan of the older ones.

I have my own list of the old ones, only listed mainstream FFs were very fun too!

03-08-2003, 04:39 AM
It's Final Fantasy VII for me. It'll probably always be Final Fantasy VII. My current pecking order:

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI

(Not that I disliked any of them. Not even bothering with anything before V.)

03-08-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie

If you like medieval RPGs, go with one of the earlier titles like FF1-FF6 or even FF9.

FFVI is pretty futuristic.

03-27-2003, 10:15 PM
FFVII for me... I enjoyed the story much better than the rest of the Final Fantasy games... I also like the characters much more... FFIX was too childish for me and FFVIII was too futuristic and had a wierd story...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-01-2003, 09:58 PM
I have played and note completed every single FF apart from FF3 and FF Tactics because they haven't been released here yet. But in my personal opinion FF7 is the best.....but not by far. FF9 and FF8 are quite close behind....the worst FF6, though it still isn't that bad, actually I tend to like it.... but anyway.

But FF7 just had something about it that makes you just want to love that game, maybe the battle system or the characters. This game is a very very very very etc... excellent game. So in very high recommendation get FF7.

04-06-2003, 03:50 PM
ff7. i rest my cast

G Unit
04-22-2003, 12:31 AM
Ive got and played FF's 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10....only completed 1,6,7,8,9,10.........I would have to say best is 7,10,8,6,9, then 1 in that order STORY wise.....defo 7 overall tho.....

04-22-2003, 01:04 AM
well, I have to say, I started playing FF when 2-ok, 4-came out on the SNES. I was just sucked in. played the thing over and over, night and day, for months. did the same thing with 3-ok, 6-and that in many ways is my VERY fave. if I were to do a list, I'd have to do one in order of what I think is the BESt, and what I liked the most. here goes:


MY FAVES-well, you pretty much leave it as is, w 5 at the bottom, and ONE above 2. sorry, but I just never got into 5.

05-03-2003, 01:30 PM
FF7 DEFINATLY theres NO FF game that can even be close to as good as this one....its quite possibliy the best RPG ever too i think :) others may dissagree so screw them! MWAHAH :eye:

05-21-2003, 12:17 PM
ff7 is the one and only god of the rpg world!! no doubt about it.....hey chr...sorry aragorn :rolleyes:

05-21-2003, 02:25 PM
FF 10 all the way!!!!!

Its cause its got so many hard monsters ( i have even beaten Penance but only with yojimbo:( )
after that FF7 cause that also rocks

02-11-2004, 12:17 AM
ok my friend...allow me to point you in the right direction to final fantasy glory

most people say *ff7 is the best* yeah...i agree BUT.......dont play that first u will regret it
start with ff5 then 6 then 7....then play 9,10 then 8 cos lets be honest 8 is the most complicated and is harder to enjoy so play them first so u dont get put off and end up not liking some of the best games ever!!!!!!
that closes that discussion.

02-15-2004, 03:04 PM
Well FF VII for me but I never played FF I to VI for real so....

All FFs after VII are just clones, every main char is a Cloud wannabe and Sephiroth is the ONLY really enemy you will ever face...

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 07:58 PM
I have to say that my favorite Final Fantasy is FF7. I mean, what lead character in any game has ever been as cool as Cloud. He has got to be the coolest lead character in a game, ever!!!!!! And Sephiroth was probably the best bad guy I've played against in a Final Fantasy. Seymour from Final Fantasy 10 was pretty cool though too.

02-16-2004, 08:24 AM
I think all of the Final Fantasy's are great but the best one would have to be Final Fantasy 7 it gets you so involved and it's so amazing how it can make you happy at one point and then sad a few seconds later, (happy generally by a few sarcastic comments from one of the game's characters Cid).
Its an amazing game and the 1st on the PS, the other 6 before were not made for the PS and i don't even know of they were brought out in the UK but 7 is the first one you should play even if the graphics are a little old by today's standards, i've had it since i was 11 i guess and i still play it now, shows how much there is still left to do!
(Chocobo rearing) Loads of side-quests they are the best.
Great characters Vincent is da best!:D
But Final Fantasy 10 is cool but the bad guy is soooo mean i hate him, (Seymour) Can't stick him he's even got a scary voice to match!:erm:

02-16-2004, 09:38 AM
I agree with the comment about not playing FFVII first. Every other game is a comedown after it's majesty.

03-01-2004, 10:21 PM
infact i suggest playin 9 first cos easy to get into and also has a great storyline...yeah 9 is a good choice 4 newcomers... in the top three best final fantasy's

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 12:48 AM
There is no way that ANY final fantasy game would be the best of all time except for FF7. I don't even need to argue this one, it is a given

The Joker
03-02-2004, 02:15 AM
Well...I'm going to by a bunch of different aspects.

(Going 7 and up)

Final Fantasy VII had the best storyline and a great adventure atmosphere to it, along with a somewhat spooky/creepy/suspenseful atmoshphere I cherished it.

Final Fantasy Tactics was a good old, medieval tale with a very deep battle system. It was also quite challening, so I welcomed that.

Final Fantasy VIII was the most innovative and sophisticated battle system with so many possibilites the game almost never gets old.

Final Fantasy IX probably had arguably the best character development though the gameplay isn't nearly as deep or sophisticated. A good adventure feel like 7 to it, though somewhat of my least favorite, but still greatly enjoyed this game.

Final Fantasy X probably was a nice step up for PS2. Some new gameplay mechanics and greatly reminded me of FF7 a lot. The cast was also decent though it felt short. A bit too much contempoary lines and ideas though (like movie quotes...)

Final Fantasy X-2 has some nice, variational gameplay that redeems its choice of direction and style. So many different missions and completely non-linear, great fun if you like to do more than simple combat, but like an adventure/free roam.

You could play them in that order, if you like to be traditional...if your a newcomer, I would reccommend starting with 7 or 9 as they are easier to get used to.

In terms of what I would full heartedly recommend though:

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasty Tactics
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X

But which one is best....twist my arm...I'm going to have to go with....

Final Fantasy VII

03-02-2004, 12:56 PM
im stuck between ff7 and zelda oot!!!!

what is your best game ever?

Ark Mune
03-02-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
There is no way that ANY final fantasy game would be the best of all time except for FF7. I don't even need to argue this one, it is a given

Fo-sho. FFVII is de bomb diggidi. It pwnz. Best ff ever. next after that i don't know, possible 6.