04-18-2011, 09:55 PM
Told you I'd be back, so, you know what that means.

I don't want the ENTIRE B/W soundtrack. I just want ALL of the battle themes because they're all awesome in their own way.

Has this game been ripped yet anyway? I think it has... but... I'm not sure.

Either way, if there's any way someone here can help me find a way to obtain ALL of the battle themes from Pokemon B/2, that'd be AWESOME.

I'd really appreciate any help you guys could give me.


Sound Reaper
04-18-2011, 10:42 PM
You can download them individually here
Pok�mon Black & White Music (http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/game/277)

Just scroll down the list and you should see them.

NOTE: There are download options for mp3s when you either left click the link for each one OR open it in a new tab (however your browser works).

EDIT: Hey...UltimatePaladin, I think I helped you with some of you MUCH OLDER requests way back in the day. I think I remember you. XD

Seph Aguraki
04-19-2011, 03:39 AM
I've got the soundtrack... and I'm uploading the battle music right now. Mediafire says 37 minutes, so... expect it within the next hour. I'll make an edit once it's done.

EDIT: Here's the battle tracks. http://www.mediafire.com/?815divd11jvo86c

04-19-2011, 09:41 PM
^^^Thank you.