01-11-2002, 06:13 PM
I just got inspired to write this right now... kinda black, and bad, and stuff. And yeah. Just read it. Or don't. No title.

In the horizon, I can see it again, the accursed place I am accustomed to. It is my pain, my terror, everything I do not want to be part of, and yet my legs begin to move without even a trace of nervousness to their step. My head is lowered to the concrete in front of me, my shoulders slouched similarly; I do not know if it is the burden of this place or my own lack of confidence when I�m here that is bending me towards the earth, but I face it nonetheless, afraid to look up to the sight in front of me. And yet I continue to walk. I walk towards my pain.

My hands lie deep within my pockets, my body shivers with the chill. It is cold within me and outside me, barren, dead; the day is dark, my spirits are darker. One moment I want to fall and vomit, the next I want to scream in rage, and then I want to weep. But I do none of these things. I continue to walk. I walk towards my anguish.

My thoughts are filled with the hatred of humanity, the inherent evil in man�s natural ways, and my own inability to comprehend what lies before me, what lies behind me, what lies above me and what lies below me. My only true knowledge is that I know nothing. On this particular morning, my wall has broken down, my defenses have been crushed like a twig, and I lie exposed as though the dark were a vile sort of light. I want to turn and run, I want to escape from the terrible place I am approaching, but I continue to walk. I walk towards my hatred.

And then the rage comes, the rage at life, at the darkness of everything. I do not understand even myself anymore, my rage is familiarly alien to me, and it melds itself with my pain and my repulsion and the combination creates a storm of useless, nameless emotions that drain my strength and bring me to my knees, dragging me towards my hated destination. Thus I continue to walk. I walk towards my confusion.

The cold is unbearable, and as I enter, I greet the warmth I feel wholeheartedly; even the fires of hell are better than the wasteland between life and death. I am inside the place I loathe, consumed by it, helpless to resist, always struggling, always wanting, but never able to take action for the bonds that cling to me. The people here are strange beasts, I do not understand them and they do not want to understand me, they might as well be pigs, or sheep. I stand inside the place, I cry out within to the only help I know and the only help I have ever known, and He is not there; He is never there. I cry for the lack of a support and I collapse into the void that has consumed me. I am within and without, and I am dead.

01-14-2002, 09:30 PM
Nicely done description, but... no point really :D:D:D You write like a Dungeon Master! I bet you'd be a good one. Anyway, nice job on your spur-of-the-moment writing :p

01-16-2002, 07:09 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Hmm... I was amused upon reading your signature quote afterwords...

Interesting... certainly darker than the normal TK.

01-16-2002, 11:44 AM
I'm assuming that its about futility. . .that all of our efforts will amount to nothing and we just keep going and dealing with realizing that. . .I'm also assuming that the late "He" is a dig at god, what with the "thing to hope in" that never comes through for you.

I think this would have been better if you had made it an essay as opposed to what it is, unless I missed the point.

It is curious though. you're one of the few people left that I had pegged as an idealist.

01-17-2002, 03:21 AM
Tristan - Thanks, now all I need is people who like role playing! Anyway, you are correct... there is little purpose or direction to this... it's really nothing but emotion.

Serienne - Yeah, it's most definately not my usual. It wasn't even something that I concieved of, toyed around with, and finally selected as my next short story like most of the things I post here. I was just in particularly dreary mood one morning at school, and this was the unfortunate result.

rezo - I think I tricked you and everybody else who read this without meaning to. It's actually not as abstract as it seems, nor was it concieved to make a point... it's basically raw emotion (which I almost never write, so I can see why you wouldn't think of that). I wrote it at school when I was feeling like that, basically because it's about going to school. A very exagerated telling of going to school. I can see where you got the idea of it being futility, and I probably would have gotten the same impression had someone else written it. In a way it is, because I do get a feeling that I'm trapped there. But, I am an idealist, you're dead right there. You were also right about that being a stab at god... I have very mixed feelings about that subject right now, and they were one of the foremost things in my mind when I wrote this. So, there it is. Hopefully the next thing I write will make more sense.

02-05-2002, 03:09 AM
I feel the same way, about going to school anyway. I don't think it was an unfortunate result of a feeling you put on paper. It kinda has this sort of way to make you feel like school is hell. There is a great amount of emotion behind the words. I can kinda see the pupose though, even though no one else can. Anyway, it's really cool!