04-18-2011, 10:13 AM
I call upon anyone who is willing to help me look for a forgotten song that I can't seem to find anymore, I have listened to it in the past and even had it on ITunes but the switch to a new computer I had lost my previous files and even forgot the song. I somewhat remember the name of it, began with an "S" and it was a long name. The only details I can remember are, that the song was the main theme of an RPG, it was epic and orchestral rockish with a choir and a lead japanese women singer, yeah all that good stuff.

That name seems to get away from me tho, it looked kinda German to me, but the best I could come up with was "Shcharhiwitz" or something like that, very awesome song too, and I can't remember the proper name of it. What I am hoping for is that someone would know or is more familiar with this song than I am. To be honest I herd it on youtube and after that an immediate download was taken, soooo I didn't get a really good look of the RPG Game title. So please anybody, if I get my hands on the title of this song "again" I am clearly going through my roof...again.

04-18-2011, 02:31 PM
maybe it was Saga Frontier 2 soundtrack? the track names were all in german...
SSCX-10031 | SaGa Frontier 2 Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (

04-18-2011, 07:29 PM
Doc, your a genius! Instead of asking everyone to look for a needle in a haystack, its better to ask "If anyone knows any RPG games with germen like names or in their ost please let me know"