02-04-2003, 07:27 AM
The Intro-Introduction: Phantasy Star Online is an game based on Sega's Phantasy Star Series. It is not an MMORPG but it does have it's simplistic RPG style to it. It's not majorly complicated nor is it too simplistic. This Fanfic is based on that game and it's different versions. The Introduction is based on the "Dreamcast Era" with Phantasy Star Online Ver.1 while the rest of the story is based on Phantasy Star Onilne Episode 1 & 2, more of it is to Episode 2.


Ryo Hazuki = Dreamcast PSO Ver. 1 Character Name
Miko Nido = Gamecube PSO Epi 1 & 2 Character Name

And for the sake of whatever, It's Miko Mido from where she came from. I changed it to Nido so I can get the Redria Section ID.

Well, theres the Intro-Intro.

Introduction: Origin�

The end of Dark Falz ended any hope of Pioneer 1 survivors. Everyone accepted this fact but also had many other problems. Ragol was still not a safe place to live in, it looks like a safe haven but was full of monsters and fiends. In an attempt to eliminate them, the military entered Ragol and started Operation Mop-Up. Unfortunately, like all the other attempts, it has failed.

Hunters were once again called into action. There was one RAmar who stood out of the rest, his name was Ryo Hazuki. He had a powerful weapon called Heaven Punisher, a weapon that rained death from the heavens. Strangely, it would only work when the time reaches the Swatch even beat hours. Even if it is only within the odd hours, he would still tear through many enemies with his own weapons.

Then the destruction came. Pioneer 2 was filled with people who would kill their own kind for pleasure, no real good reason can explain why they do this or how this started. They would kill anything or anyone, ending their lives in an instant. Ryo was one of the casualties of these horrid killings. A man of a kind heart robbed and killed by these hooligans. The Heaven Punisher was lost forever, no one knew what happened to it. Many said that with his soul the Heaven Punisher came with to forever protect the weak back home.

Several years later, the killings ended and people lived peacefully in Pioneer 2. While still believing that Ragol can still be a suitable place to live in, they still orbit Ragol and Hunters were assigned new jobs. A new discovery was found on Ragol, a person who was believed to be apart of Pioneer 1 has left messages even though he was believed to be dead. New Hunters that wanted to partake in this quest must go through a VR training system to show that they are qualified. This is where we meet our new hero, Miko Nido, a HUnewearl who seeks the answers.


Chapter 1: Ideal�

�I�m ready for this, going to the VR Field: Temple�

�Don�t forget to bring some Difluids Miko, remember what happened last time when you fought that dragon?�

�Yeah yeah, I came prepared, just prep the field!�

It was @875 (12 PM PST), Miko cocks her Varista and hopes for a quick run through the VR Field. Each hunter must go through 2 VR training fields, Temple and Spaceship, each with 3 sections, Alpha, Beta, and Final. Like Ragol, whatever they do or feel here will physically affect them. This is Miko�s 1st time through the simulation alone. On the speaker was Elly Person, a hyper young girl who seemed to like Robots as if they were real pets.

�Activating program, please hold.�

�Well, this is it��

�Program loaded, enter the warp in front of you and good luck.�

Miko runs into the warp and gets transported to a what looks like to be an old temple ruin full of enemies.

�Remember Miko, if you need help, just��

�I won�t! Just cut the chatter and tell me what to do.�

�� alright. You are to go through Alpha and Beta sections of this area, be careful of��

�Whatever, what is after Alpha and Beta?�

Elly shrugs.

�You are on hard bitch ya know what?�

An annoyed Miko replies �What�s it to ya?�

Elly leaves a sigh.

�After that is a huge monster!�

�That�s all I need to know, out!�

Before Elly can warn her about the huge monster at the end, Miko breaks off the voice link.

Miko continues on through the first gateway to the next room. While blasting a group of monsters with her Varista, Miko thinks�

(Whatever happened to my father? Where was he when I needed him most?)

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she ventures on until she sees a downed HUcast in the way.

(Wait a second� I thought there was no one else in this simulation other than me.)

Miko tries to open a link to Elly�s console� no response. She tries again� no response. She slowly approaches the HUcast with extreme caution. The HUcast has a weapon in his hand, it looks like an Agito...

�Hmm� maybe a Moon will do the trick.�

Miko throws a Moon Atomizer on the HUcast and it wakes up in a violent shock.

�MuSSTtt� DelleEEEetTTTee� RyyyoOOO HazZZzzzuuKIIIIiiiiiii�

�Ryo Hazuki? But that�s my�!�

The HUcast lounges at Miko with the Agito blade and slashes the Varista off of her hand. She stumbles on the floor while the HUcast slowly approached her.

�MUUSssstTT� DeeLLEEeettTEe��

�Oh crap��

Miko�s voice communicator shouts out

�Elly here, disconnecting the link, hold on!�

�MUUSssstTT� DeeLLEEeettTEe��

�Hurry the fuck up Elly! I don�t want to end up chopped in pieces!�

�There are some problems with the VR, I can�t seem to��

The link broke off. Suddenly the HUcast raised his palm at Miko and froze her in place with a Barta Spell

"What? A HUcast using Techs!?"

The HUcast charges back for a powerful swing. Miko could not move, either Elly disconnects the VR link or Miko will end up dead.

�Not yet� not yet!�


-End Chapter One-

Chapter 2: Trial...

02-05-2003, 09:09 AM
Hanh gimme next chapter!!! ;_;

I wanna know if this chicked got bashed up or not.

Good story so far! ^_^

02-05-2003, 09:15 AM
Mog, its really good, can you remind me why we havent been able to get you into TBRPG's yet?

oh and where have i heard the name Miko Nido before? x.x

02-05-2003, 09:21 AM
Damn you that was great! Hurry up with the next chapter! :_:

02-05-2003, 09:30 AM
Wow, i also wanna see the next chapter. That was pretty good man. Good job.

02-06-2003, 04:59 AM

You're sooo talented! You should sell that crap!

Ps. Give me the sneak preview before any of these people. Afterall, I am your favorite. :)

02-06-2003, 06:14 AM
Chapter 2: Trial...

(Remember that time when we were little kids? We hoped to change the world and make everyone happy. Remember that time? We decided to train to be Hunters so that we can do just that. We Newmans weren�t like in our part of Pioneer 2, maybe it�s because we are too different compared to the Humans. But they can say whatever the hell they want, we kept our sights on our goals and here we are Miko! Here we are fighting for the people! It�s a sad thing that Ryo died� he was like a father to us� hey Miko� do you have any Meseta? I need to get more Trifluids�)

A dream state, what happened? After Miko was trapped by a strange HUcast, she blacked out, didn�t know what happened afterwards. She awakes in the Medical Center and looks to have received no damage. A nurse stands there.

�You were lucky.�

�Lucky? You call that luck?�

�Whatever the heck that was, it didn�t kill you.�

�Where is Elly� and what the hell happened?�

Elly enters the Medical Center and walks up to Miko.

�Are you alright Miko?�

�Yes I am you bitch! What the hell happened?�

�It seems that the VR system was infected with some sort of virus, we couldn�t access the VR console and had no control over it.�

�A virus? Don�t you ever scan your shit anymore?�

�Hey, it wasn�t my fault! It just popped up out of nowhere. Can�t you be a little nicer to me? I saved your life by pulling the plug!�

�Eh� whatever��

Elly sighs and walks out of the medical center. Miko lies back down and thinks about what has occurred.

(A virus� it looks like it was meant for me. That HUcast was saying something about Ryo� what the hell is going on?)


A FOnewearl rushes to Miko, in her casual clothing and worried.

�Miko? Are you alright? Anything bad happen? Did you get a bruise?�

�I�m alright Misao! I�m alright! Nothing to be worried about, I just had a bad time at training is all.�

Miko gives a little laugh but Misao was serious. Misao is Miko�s younger sister and really is the only family member she has. After the killings, Misao and Miko�s parents were gone and were by themselves. Miko tried to raise enough Meseta within the years and Misao wanted to help as well. They both become hunters and took jobs from the Hunters guild to raise up enough money for a place to live in. Eventually they did and now they work to survive.

�You shouldn�t laugh, you almost died! You know what will happen to me if you end up dead? Hell, I�ll end up dead!�

Miko puts her arm around Misao, who is now crying.

�Don�t worry. Hey! I�m still here right?�

�Without you� I�d have no reason to live anymore.�

�Hey! I�m not your lesbian lover now! I swear, you need to go out more often and talk to boys.�

�Like you Mr. Miko!�

Miko shrugs, the nurse goes to Miko.

�You seem to have healed so you�re free to leave.�

Both Miko and Misao leave the Medical Center and takes the teleporter to the Ship Vega�s Residential Area. Miko felt uneasy about what has happened in that moment. It was just unreal to her to see something like that occur, especially one that seems to target her. She can�t quite take her mind off of it at all, even when they reached the front door of their flat. The two ready themselves for some dinner� of course with their knowledge of whatever, they had some frozen TV dinners because none of the two really knows how to do anything except boil water.

�Miko, you know what we really need around this house?�

Miko doesn�t reply at all, her mind was focused on the events that has occurred.

�Miko? I think we really need an android maid! You know, one where they actually cook for us! What do ya think?�

Miko looks up at Misao and a long pause.

�Misao, do you ever remember X giving you a Chao Mag?�

(Side Note: A Mag is a little machine that follows your character around in PSO. It sets up what type of character you have, either a powerful attacker, a magic user, a dead aim shot or a defense guy.)

�Yes, I still have it though I don�t use it. Too much attack power doesn�t help me in the mind department at all.�

�If you give me that Chao Mag, I�ll try to find us a Android that can take care of the house for us, okay?�

�I don�t know� are you planning to go back into the VR Sim again after what has happened to you?�

�Do you really think a virus can affect the computer again? The same exact virus?�

�Well what if it�s another virus? Then what?�

�Eh, whatever, if it happens again, I�ll give you my Dreamcast.�

�Really!? Well um� if it does happen again, well I�ll get a Dreamcast but I�ll lose a sister.�

�I�m not going to leave you alone in this world, don�t worry about it!�

The two continued to chat, but in another location in the Vega Residential Area.

�Yes sir, I planted the virus into her program� Yes sir, the virus has spread around the mainframe, it will not stop until the target is dead� No sir, the target is still alive, she managed to get out before any harm was done to her� No, Program: Trial has not started yet. The program will affect the VR Temple Files, turning it into a total nightmare� Yes sir, I�ll keep you contacted on the mission� and tell him to buck up� Goodbye.�

02-06-2003, 06:23 AM there another chapter? There better be another chapter. Misao just now got into the story! ITS TOO EARLY TO END!

I like this story ;.;

02-06-2003, 06:32 AM
Spectaculatory! More, please, sir.:p