Darth Revan
04-18-2011, 01:03 AM
I've been involved in a debate regarding singleplayer/co-op vs multiplayer, and while I'm firmly in the singleplayer/co-op camp, I was wondering where the rest of the forum stands on this as well.

The 'debate' started over talk regarding Saints Row The Third, and how Volition are focusing on singleplayer/co-op and not including multiplayer mode at all. Now, I am using Saints Row The Third as a example, but I think this can also apply to other games with multiplayer as well.

For me, while multiplayer may be fun for awhile, it does get old as all you do (when you get right down to it) it basically consists of the same thing: See someone, kill them, run off, rinse and repeat. Like I said, that may be fun, but after the umpteenth time it gets boring... at least to me it does.

I do enjoy singleplayer/co-op more, as that does focus more on character development/story more than standard multiplayer mode does. Using Saints Row 2 as a example here, I have more fun with the co-op mode, than with multiplayer.

However, this can also be attributed to games like Halo, GTAIV and other similar games with multiplayer modes. While it may be fun, after awhile, doing the same thing, over and over... isn't fun. It's just... boring and while you may get a awesome kill now and then, it's monotonous and boring.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

04-18-2011, 03:07 AM
i enjoy TES games as much as blowing shit up in any cod map.

Chocolate Misu
04-18-2011, 03:17 AM
I'm in the single player side :( I can enjoy some co-op but I'm no good with multi. I've seen my bf play a ton CoD and it's been getting really boring to even watch him play for the last two releases. CoD 4 was at least entertaining to watch. He's tried to get me to play with him but I'm just atrocious T_T I have no coordination for it. I think I got maybe 5-6 kills in all from trying but I can't tell ya how many deaths. I also tried playing the zombie mode and wasn't any help in that either.

04-18-2011, 03:36 AM

Argus Zephyrus
04-18-2011, 04:37 AM
i enjoy TES games as much as blowing shit up in any cod map.

04-18-2011, 07:05 AM
I'm a single player kind of person as I like the challenge in games like Dead Space 1 and 2, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, WWE games, Ghostbusters, Crackdown, pretty much anything to do with action/adventure like Tomb Raider also.

04-18-2011, 09:33 AM
They're two different things and it depends on the game. I'm going to prefer the single player of one game while preferring the multiplayer of another.


For me, while Saint's Row may be fun for awhile, it does get old as all you do (when you get right down to it) it basically consists of the same thing [THIS IS AN AWFUL SENTENCE BTW]: drive around, kill things, do crappy missions which consist of driving around and killing things, rinse and repeat.
Except I'd say Saint's Row isn't even fun for a while.

Darth Revan
04-18-2011, 11:09 AM
A: I know I screwed up that sentence... still got my point across in a convoluted way.

B: The first Saints Row had it's moments, but I preferred Saints Row 2...

I only used Saints Row as a example as the debate I was in, was in reference to the upcoming Saints Row The Third and how Volition has stated that they're focusing on Singleplayer/co-op and story, and not include a multiplayer mode. The discussion turned to the point that because it will have no multiplayer mode, it's A: not worth playing B: going to cost Volition money for making a 'pathetic game with no reason to play'.

I found it humorous that they were making those statements when nothing else about it has been released yet.

04-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Single player for the most part. Too many idiots play online these days.

04-18-2011, 08:30 PM
This poll is misleading. Since when Co-op goes in the same category as single player mode?

Darth Revan
04-18-2011, 11:54 PM
This poll is misleading. Since when Co-op goes in the same category as single player mode?

I put them together as in most games I've played with a co-op mode, they are essentially the same as singlepayer mode with the ability to have someone else join you (example Saints Row 2, Spiderman: Friend or Foe, etc) whereas with multiplayer, they more or less have up to 16 players in the same zone trying to kill each other.

04-19-2011, 12:50 AM
Also, doesn't Co-Op tend to be offline multiplayer as well?

04-19-2011, 02:28 AM
I've never liked Competition that much, so Singleplayer/Co-op.

Multiplayer it usually depends on the game though.

04-20-2011, 03:45 AM
I prefer indirect competition. Most of my gaming time is spent doing lap after lap in racing simulators. After which, I compare lap times with a couple of my friends, and it turns into a pissing contest.

Sometimes we'll race, but most of the time, we do hot laps on our own, and try to out-do each other.

04-20-2011, 12:59 PM
Singleplayer vs. multiplayer, it depends on the kind of game.

I generally prefer games that are already strictly one player (see: Final Fantasy, Zelda, Resident Evil), but when it comes to games that are singleplayer or multiplayer, I like playing multiplayer more. Games like classic Mario, shooting games like 007 Goldeneye, sports games...all those I much prefer to have someone playing with me. It's more fun.

04-20-2011, 02:33 PM
Singleplayer vs. multiplayer, it depends on the kind of game.

I generally prefer games that are already strictly one player (see: Final Fantasy, Zelda, Resident Evil), but when it comes to games that are singleplayer or multiplayer, I like playing multiplayer more. Games like classic Mario, shooting games like 007 Goldeneye, sports games...all those I much prefer to have someone playing with me. It's more fun.
That is pretty much what I think. Also, I think nowadays online games such as halo, killzone, etc., suck when compared to good old local multiplayer games (specially those N64 games like Mario Party, Gauntlet Legends, WCW Revenge, etc.). Playing with random people isn't nice most of the time.

04-21-2011, 01:23 AM
Single player. For sure.

04-21-2011, 01:48 AM
I prefer single player honestly, but I play more multiplayer out of habit more than me liking it and as stated before, it really depends on the game when it boils down to one or the other with me.

04-21-2011, 04:03 AM
Both, if I don't get any laggy matches or people that can't play right on the multiplayer.

04-21-2011, 11:45 PM
I put them together as in most games I've played with a co-op mode, they are essentially the same as singlepayer mode with the ability to have someone else join you (example Saints Row 2, Spiderman: Friend or Foe, etc) whereas with multiplayer, they more or less have up to 16 players in the same zone trying to kill each other.

Every game that has a mode for more than one player to play is considered multi-player and co-op goes in to that field too, it's simply a different multi-player mode. It doesn't matter if you play a story mode and somebody joins you, because the second he does join in it's considered multi-player since more than one person participates.

Darth Revan
04-22-2011, 12:41 AM
Every game that has a mode for more than one player to play is considered multi-player and co-op goes in to that field too, it's simply a different multi-player mode. It doesn't matter if you play a story mode and somebody joins you, because the second he does join in it's considered multi-player since more than one person participates.

That may be the technical standpoint, but I'm referring to the difference between singleplayer/co-op and multiplayer being that in singleplayer/co-op there's usually 1-2 players, whereas in multiplayer 8+ players are running around.

Also, Co-op doesn't take away from the amount of time spent in developing a game's story/character development/etc as it encourages players to enjoy the game's story more. Multiplayer, in the main sense (as in FPS style games, fighting games etc) are solely about running around killing everyone you see and flashing your epeen about.

05-06-2011, 09:06 AM
Multiplayer can be a lot of fun, depending on the game, and how evenly matched all the players are, and how much class the players have. Halo gets annoying quickly because of all the immature and insecure people playing and making commentary. However, I have a lot of fun slaughtering people in Armored Core 4.

05-06-2011, 04:19 PM
I play the most single-player games, but I play multiplayer more. I play Quake III online with other people all the time, but I also play one of my many single-player games when I'm in the mood. If I were to play "modern" games, I would probably quit online gaming altogether.

05-18-2011, 02:05 PM
i like both. single player/co-op is good for story and multiplayer for the madness

i play co-op alot with my girlfriend..i still get to play games and counts as spending time with her :P

05-20-2011, 01:22 PM
It depends, for me, the multiplayer experience matters heavily on who I'm playing with.

I tend to play alot of fighting games nowadays like Blazblue, Marvel and Mortal Kombat and online, I tend to run into rage quitters and scrubs but when I'm playing with friends online I find it alot more fun although making people rage quit is pretty funny.

But I enjoy a good single player game too.

05-21-2011, 02:02 AM
I've gotten to point where if a game isn't multiplayer, I don't see the point. Okay, I'm awesome in Oblivion. Now what? That's it. You're awesome. Who gets to see it? Well, you. That's boring. I need competition or a collaborative experience to keep me engaged.

05-21-2011, 04:00 AM
kids these days...
back in my day, it was a privilege to have games with MP on them.

05-21-2011, 01:20 PM
kids these days...
back in my day, it was a privilege to have games with MP on them.

I feel the same.

05-23-2011, 09:25 PM
Single player mainly. I like to enjoy the story mode of any big title. Play online occasionally with football games and first person shooters like PES 2011 & Modern Warfare 2