Darth Revan
02-03-2003, 06:17 PM

Has anyone, ever, EVER beaten the Dark Aeons? After I had gotten the airship, I headed back to Besaid, so I could get another of Auron's spheres (Needed for him to get his limit breaks.). Now, when I approached the town, a priest appeared called my group heretics and summoned Dark Valfor. I fought against it with Yuna (summoning Yojimbo, then Bahamut), Kimahri and Tidus. Suffice to say, Dark Valefor blasted my group into kingdom come. I've also come across the Dark Magus Sisters as well as Dark Ifrit, so I guess there are other Dark Aeons.

Oh, and one other thing, I've heard a rumour of Valefor apparently having TWO limit breaks. The first being Energy Ray, and another bomb type one. From what I heard, when you first enter the town, enter the shop where there's a little girl, she'll tell you she's minding the store for her sister who's in the temple. She'll also say something about her dog, finding a weird object. Then when you leave the town, reenter straight away, and you should see the little girl playing with her dog in front of the temple. Go to her and chat away with her, she'll then give you the object which gives Valefor it's other limit break. I'm not sure about this though, so I guess it could just be someone's joke, but what if...?

02-03-2003, 09:16 PM
Uh...no...not me. ;-;

Yes I'm a failure. My first encounter was with Dark Ifrit. I was like WTF??? He's all black and grey. With red eyes? This can't be good. My characters were alright in development I thought ok. Let's go! Then the cheeky bugger hit my characters with 9999999HP's!!!!!!!!!! I was shocked and dissapointed cuz that was like the third time I ever died (first Seymour on M.Gagazet then Lady Yunalesca). I didn't know what to do. I figured is there a way to get HP that high? I wouldn't know. But heck I'm trying. Cuz I ain't the type to go and search for a cheat, or guides and whatever.

So when I read up on posts here I discovered they were called Dark Aeons. I still dunno their true purposes. :confused:

Vivi FF
02-03-2003, 11:48 PM
I could beat them but unfortuately, I don't have the Internation or European versions of the game. I'm stuck with the US version with no Dark Aeons... :(

As for Valefor, yes he does have 2 ODs. And yes that's how you get it. But you can get it anytime in the game (except in the very beginning when you have no Valefor)... It's called Energy Blast. It does more damage than Energy Ray, but it takes longer for Valefor to "recover" and get the next attack. It does make Valefor alot more useful early on as once you get Ifrit, people tend to not use Valefor as much...

02-04-2003, 12:44 AM
i'd smoke most of them. i dont have max stats yet though sinc ei dont need them since i have US version. but when you fight penance, you'll need max stats. (penance is the hardest boss on any version, or so i'm told. its only in International. you have to beat all the Dark Aeons to fight it)

it'll take pure strategy to beat them. but you shoudl be able to figure it out on your own instead of "cheating"

ps - if you want to beat them easy, summon Yojimbo and give him all your gil. hope that luck is on your side and he'll do Zanmato (sp?). it'll kill ANYTHING in one hit. but its pretty cheap if you ask me.....

Nanaki XIII
02-04-2003, 02:29 AM
I want FFX International. I want a chalenge and go fight the dark aeons. I want I want I want

02-04-2003, 04:26 PM
im with you nanaki, i want. ive been stuck with nothing to do, though im not sure its worth the however much moneys just for a challenge. but well see on that.

Neo Xzhan
02-04-2003, 06:14 PM
If you mean fighting then no, but I managed to wipe them out with Zanmato =O.

02-04-2003, 07:26 PM
Man, I want FFX International also. These Dark Aeons and just everything sound so cool. It really would be pretty expensive to do though. I also have to counterbalance that with the fact that I haven't played FFIX yet and I still want to get that.

02-07-2003, 12:08 AM
what?!?!?! you've never played ff9?!?!?! its the first one i played. but i bought ff10 before since i neevr had a ps1. i only played it at my friends house every once and a while.....

back on topic, sure the dark aeons would be cool. but for the cost to import it and get a mod chip, it deffinetly isn't worth it........

Omnipotent Masochist
02-07-2003, 03:05 AM
I never liked FFIX... :P FFVII was the first one I ever played, before I even knew what an RPG was. Got me hooked. :)

Neo Xzhan
02-07-2003, 01:05 PM
Can we go back on topic please??

Heavens Cloud
02-07-2003, 03:56 PM
Bah! im one of those Canadian people that get screwed over by getting the same version that the US gets o_O *sigh* ya it would be great fun to tell you a strategy how to beat them if i even had the international version (dam it) hell id play FFX for a fourth time if it ment i could battle some kick ass dark aeons :D

Oh and i had no idea Valefor had a second limt ...WOO something i missed!! =D now i have a reason to go back and play the game some more (i often look for reasons) =P

02-08-2003, 02:53 AM
if you want a reason then play a no sphere grid challenge game. it wont take long. it goes much faster thena normal game. but you have to strategise more.....

i'm canadian too, and i'm proud to be able to play the US version, cuz if it wasnt for them we wouldnt get it...... although it would be wicked if we got our own version.... hahaha.

04-01-2004, 11:54 AM
HAH!!! You DO NOT want the u.k version, believe me!!! Those dark aeons....I still shiver at the thought of them!!! i did, however manage to slaughter dark valefor, dark ifrit, dark ixion (which, btw, you have to fight TWICE), and dark anima....although anima prolly don't count cos Yojimbo did zanmato on my first move for free!!!

red eagle
04-02-2004, 08:57 AM
get yojimbo pay him 9999 gil hopfully he will do zanzstshu or whatever its called wich will kill anything in one go.

04-02-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Vivi

it'll take pure strategy to beat them. but you shoudl be able to figure it out on your own instead of "cheating"

No it doesn't, it takes pure power. The only way you're going to beat him without max stats and just the pure strength to keep going through the battle is Yojimbo :p Otherwise he'll wax you.

I've beaten him twice, once with Zanmatou and once with an hour or so's constant fighting.

The latter is satisfaction guaranteed.

Yes, I did the dark aeons; they were a struggle at first, but when you just sit down and max your spheres (eurghh), it's easy enough. The ones that troubled me the most were the Magus Sisters, and Dark Ixion.

It's not funny when you run into them and don't know what you are. I remember thinking I was pretty good, and walking into one of them and actually trying to kill them.

Two hits, blam.

04-22-2004, 06:09 AM
i have beat D.Valefor, D.Ifrit, D, Ixion(twice), D.Shiva, D.Bahamut (my fav), D.Anima, D.Magus Sisters BUT killed D.Yojimbo only 4 times you fight him 5 times but i cant find him the 5th time :(i killed them all with Zanmato (which is well cool)

04-22-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman

Yes, I did the dark aeons; they were a struggle at first, but when you just sit down and max your spheres (eurghh), it's easy enough. The ones that troubled me the most were the Magus Sisters, and Dark Ixion.

It's not funny when you run into them and don't know what you are. I remember thinking I was pretty good, and walking into one of them and actually trying to kill them.

Two hits, blam.

Agreed...to a high degree. You americans got lucky not having to beat these bastards to walk freely around the world. Remember back in FF7 when you were a weak ass and you first got the sub but you were scared to death to go down there cause you though Emerald was gonna touch you by accident? Yep, it's that feeling around the whole world of FFX >: Get this american peoples, Dark Bahamut, 4 million HP, uses impulse at the start of the fight, 99,999HP on all characters, and you automaticly fight him when you go back to where you fought Yunalesca...yep, exactly where the Sun Crest is. So if you don't get it straight after you beat Yunalesca, you ain't getting it for a while. Damned Valefor blocking Besaid...i wanted to go back there =\ and Shiva blocks the Macalania temple, but those are the only ones in the way...the others are just spread randomly for you to find when you haven't saved in a while. </rant>

04-24-2004, 08:03 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I killed Dark Bahamut with Zanmato for the simple reason I needed the Sun Crest and there was no way I was beating him fairly with the stats I had.

The others though I fought quite early, and my highest stat was my strength at about 140-150 for the three characters I used, and the rest of my stats nowhere near that high. With those stats I managed to take out Valefor, Ifrit and Ixion, although it did take a lot of Auto-Life and Mighty Guard.

After that though I started my proper stat-maxing and then the rest of the dark aeons were easy enough, apart form the Magus Sisters who decided to repeatedly ambush me and just use Delta Attack straight away. :p Eventually I put Auron in so I got the first strike, and managed to kill one of them before they got the attack in.

Penance wasn't too bad either, once I had Break HP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Haste and Auto-Protect for everyone I managed to beat it with Quick Hits in about 1 1/2 hours.

05-03-2004, 03:57 PM
yup i think it does take max stats - i only have one freind who has beaten them and he spend months maxing his stats.

05-07-2004, 06:02 AM
Maybe living in New zealand does have its benifits. But anyway i have beaten all the Dark Aeons but Yojimbo, The Magus Sisters and Bahamut.

to beat Dark Valefor you dont need high stats i beat him with ALL my charcters health at 9999!!!!

all the rest i bet fair and square but Dark Anima was taken out by Zanmato... There was no way i was guna be able to kill Dark Anima who Has 8 million Hp...... But then there is also Penance who comes after defeating the Dark Aeons.................. he is apparently harder than taking on 2 yes 2 of Nemisis in ONE battle...

09-21-2007, 04:39 PM
Dark aeons really piss me off.
They dont fight fairly at all. Its probably just me getting wound up over dying repeatedly but they do things like attack my aeon, then If it doesnt die attack it again.

But my aeon only gets on attack =/

09-21-2007, 04:53 PM
Reviving ancient threads is bad.

09-21-2007, 05:01 PM
Whattt =/ ??

09-21-2007, 05:06 PM
For Christ's sake, why revive a three-year-old thread? There's a little button (somewhere on this page) called New Topic. For the love of all that is good and holy, USE IT.

09-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Omg SORRY I joined like what 20 minutes ago. Give me a break I didnt know.

09-21-2007, 05:09 PM
Geez. To think it wasn't long ago that I would have been the one to come out swinging with the condescending sarcasm. I must be going soft.

The noob didn't know better. He's been informed. Matter closed.

09-21-2007, 05:11 PM
She. =)

09-21-2007, 06:50 PM
Geez. To think it wasn't long ago that I would have been the one to come out swinging with the condescending sarcasm. I must be going soft.

The noob didn't know better. He's been informed. Matter closed.

... Right now, there must be a massive snowball fight in hell.

09-21-2007, 07:00 PM
wow.Why dont call them "damn aeons"
why accursed/
im hungry by the way