04-15-2011, 11:49 AM
Last week, musician Takagi Masakatsu was invited by Hobonichi, the site MOTHER/Earthbound creator Itoi Shigesato runs, to a live piano performance. MOTHER composer Suzuki Keiichi joined in on the fun and what followed was slightly more than 3 hours of illuminating talk about music, MOTHER and of course Eight Melodies. They invited vocalist and there's some other instruments mixing in there every once in a while. Not all of the music is MOTHER music, some of it belongs to a set of piano solos by Masakatsu who was inspired by MOTHER.

In any case, since the performance was streamed on USTREAM and Nico Nico, I used a recording posted on another forum by another kind soul, and cut out all the interviews, talks, intermissions and such to make something of a pure music album of the performance. That said I did keep in some of talk and clapping and such in places where I thought it made a nice accompaniment. I'm not a pro at this so the sound quality or cutting and slicing of the parts may not be to your liking, so I'm sorry for that. Eight Melodies is broken into (appropriately, I think) eight parts, because if put all together it goes on for nearly an hour. Pollyanna was played three times, so 11 of the 20 tracks are composed of Pollyanna and Eight Melodies. Haha!

Since there weren't any official names or album art, I, err, made it all up. Sorry, but I thought it would be infinitely preferable to Track 1 and so on. I originally just named them for my personal collection, but then I thought I should share it and renamed them - I hope I modified the ID3 tags well enough, but if not, again my apologies. Again, it isn't my forte and I'm not really well-versed in this stuff. Since I haven't found anyone else do this on FFShrine, I thought what the hell maybe somebody will want it.

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04-15-2011, 10:30 PM
Love Takagi; taking, thanks!