Divine Strike
02-03-2003, 12:12 AM
I was just thinking that most of the ff's are pretty easy, and it takes us to think of ways to make them harder................for example......FFX: there is that NSGNSNC challenge, for ff8: it would be no junctioning and not immortality, and no gf's.............and for ff7 the no materia/base weapons/no limit challenge

i wonder why we gamers are the ones who have to make the FF's hard..........and whats the deal with the end bosses not even being at least the third or second hardest boss in these games.........well to get to the point.....

When is SQUARE going to make these games Near Impossible to beat?, Do you think they will?

Nanaki XIII
02-03-2003, 12:35 AM
For one the first time through a FF the last boss is hard, for me anyways. It just gets easier everytime I play it

And they wont make it "near-impossible" because these games are geared toward the average gamer not the hardcore gamer and the average gamer wont be able to beat a "near-impossible" game. They will most likely give up and never want to see a FF game again

and these games are meant to be beaten.

02-03-2003, 01:12 AM
Well one reason they make it to where it's near impossible is probably because of all the dumbasses who can't accept defeat.

"Dude, this game is cheap! They make it so you can't beat the final boss! This game is soooooo God-mod."

Atleast, if I were a game developer, I know I would get comments like that if a game were too hard.

Hey, y'know, just keep on doin' the custom things you do to make it harder....not a problem, ne?

02-03-2003, 05:01 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I play FF games because I enjoy the story and characters, not because I want the game to pound me a few hundred times before I actually beat it.

So yeah, I suppose they're 'easy' 'cause of pathetic people like me.

02-03-2003, 07:14 AM
They probably aren't that hard for the most part because once FF7 came alongmillions of people started to buy these games and in order to make sure these people keep coming back for more FF games Square had to make it so that most of those few million people are able to see the ending without too much difficulty.

Another possible explanation is that most people on these boards probably go through the game finding all the little extras and beating all the side quests before the final boss, if you try the final boss in most FF games without leveling up to god like status they should be relativly difficult.

And if you really want an FF challenge try tactics :D

Nanaki XIII
02-03-2003, 09:09 AM
yep they will always be easy so that people will come back to see the next complete story not just the entire story except the ending.

I thikn the hardest FFs are the early ones like SNES and NES, the PSX ones are a lot easier. Tactics being the easiest =P

02-03-2003, 12:22 PM
It's not fun playing a game which is near impossible too beat on is on. Like the others said. 3/4 of the FF players aren't hardcore. They are just average gamers including myself and really.. I dun see much need to defeating the game every way possible for 10 times either. With or without special thingies.

Try FF4 sometimes. It's somewhat harder then the average psx ff's (and the psx was directed to the average player, not the hardcore fan because then they would have sold less)

David F
02-03-2003, 08:35 PM
Back in the old days the FF games where hard and I mean HARD! FF4 is a great example the bosses optional or otherwise were hard. Why? Because RPG�s weren�t nearly in the public eye as it is now, now that RPG�s are basically mainstream Square has to think about the casual gamer because there�s more of them than there is hardcore players. Case in point: there�s more money to be had with the average gamer so they make it more fun by making it easy for em.

02-04-2003, 01:45 AM
hmmm i thought the ff7 boss was kind of hard to beat :S i hate bosses that have more than 1 form. The storylines in stories is what i go for. I think they should make the games LONGER. a long story that is good and challenging. Puzzles are challenging without the cheatcodes. If you use cheats for your games, then no wonder it's too easy.

Nanaki XIII
02-04-2003, 02:57 AM
I dont like final osses that are impossible to beat, but I do like final bosses that have so many forms that they take 2 hours to beat. That way when you win your like "Damn that tokk a long time, i must be good," but when you lose you say lots of foul language at the televisoin and break your controller.

02-04-2003, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by Nanaki XIII
For one the first time through a FF the last boss is hard, for me anyways. It just gets easier everytime I play it

And they wont make it "near-impossible" because these games are geared toward the average gamer not the hardcore gamer and the average gamer wont be able to beat a "near-impossible" game. They will most likely give up and never want to see a FF game again

and these games are meant to be beaten.

Indeed.. Same here ^_^

Divine Strike
02-09-2003, 05:07 AM
Nanaki....actually ff7 had the only end boss that was hard for me to beat the first time through......in ff8 all the bosses were easy if you knew what you were doing (even if it was your first time through) .......but since ff7 they have made all the end bosses even easier like in ff7 once your characters are at level 99 sephiroth increases in health thus makes him harder, i haven't seen any other ff like that.... i think they should make more like that although with ffX you really can't because there are no levels but instead they could do that by stats like in FF8 their level was your level (basically)

all i'm saying is that they could make them a little harder maybe not near impossible but harder than they have been making them.

Originally posted by Tekno
It's not fun playing a game which is near impossible too beat on is on. Like the others said. 3/4 of the FF players aren't hardcore. They are just average gamers including myself and really.. I dun see much need to defeating the game every way possible for 10 times either. With or without special thingies.

Try FF4 sometimes. It's somewhat harder then the average psx ff's (and the psx was directed to the average player, not the hardcore fan because then they would have sold less)

yea ff4 is pretty hard i haven't played it in a long time but when i last played i was at the end boss and he's actually harder than any other boss i have faced...its the only ff that i've played and haven't beaten

I haven't played FFV or FFVI but i have them, i just haven't gotten around to playing them yet

Nanaki XIII
02-10-2003, 08:35 AM
Damn I thought FF8 was real hard my first time through. Of course I never got a good jist of the junctioning system until my 2nd time though. I was high lvled with bad magic junctioned so the final boss Pwned me quite a bit. When I beat her I patted myself on the back and said good going now please dont go off power, i want to see the game.

10 was pretty difficult too. I was lvled fine but those bosses took strategy and I never spend my first time through a FF maxing a sphere grid. I just want to see the ending. So yeah I had to find a good strategy to beat him and it worked.

FF9, ok way to easy. The final boss didnt even put up a fight, yeah dissappointed here.

So anyways I guess Im not as good as DS, these games just put up somewhat of a challenge when I play em first time through, and of course its funner that way.

Maybe when you get FFXII, dont hit lvl 99 before you get to the final boss, j/k =P

Divine Strike
02-11-2003, 01:41 AM
actually it only took me about 25-35 hours to get to Yunalesca maybe 40 but i had previously played ALOT of blitzball and plus the ten hours i had the game paused while i was at school................i think my time was that i first decided to see the end i think i was about 60 some hours which is the usual time it takes me to end an ff while taking my time

yea i'm definitely gonna play these ff's through again and go through them a lot quicker...............actually before i do that though i'm gonna take on those challenges because i haven't started anyof them yet.........so i'm most likely going to do those first