04-13-2011, 08:01 PM
Since the tsnnami in Japan I have found various reports of ways to help through gaming. So I just put it all together.

You maybe have also read news of specifc donations:

''Japanese games publishers have begun announcing campaigns and donations to support relief efforts following Friday's earthquake disaster.

Both Japanese platform holders have donated money to the relief, while other studios such as BlazBlue developer Arc System Works are discussing the possibility of releasing DLC with profits going to relief efforts.

CVG can readers make a donation via the British Red Cross here

Here's a list of some of the programmes that have been announced by games companies, via Andriasang:

Donation of 300 million yen.

Namco Bandai
Donation of 100 million yen through parent Bandai Namco Group. The company will also be suspending operations in arcades where power conservation is needed, and will be holding back on events.

5pb. will slash the price of iOS Memories Off 6 T-Wave from 2,000 to 350 and will donate all sales of the app through March 31.

Sony Group (not just the games division) is giving a donation of 300 million yen and 30,000 radios.''

I have found a few sites that allow donations (of real and game money) and other ideas such as auctions of signed stuff.

Play for Japan looks like a mixture of ideas but there is auctions there:

Play For Japan – A Game Industry Relief Effort | $90,928 generated for Japanese relief efforts as of 4/09/11 (http://playforjapan.org/)

It looks like some game composers will be creating an album with sales going towards helping Japan. Composers include Nobuo Uematsu, Yoshinori Mitsuda, Akira Yamaoka and more.

For fans of Square Enix you can now donate Crysta into real money.

A signed Nintendo DS autographed by Miyamoto, Kondo, More.

Nintendo DS Autographed By Miyamoto, Kondo, More | eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280644152777)

Eve Online, Farmville, CityVille are also allowing you to turn game items into real money donations.

Gaming site IGN.com is planning an all day fundraiser Friday, where they'll play 24 Japanese games in 24 hours as they chat with readers over Facebook and Twitter and give away prizes for readers that donate to those damaged by the disaster.

popcap games sales going towards disaster:

PopCap discounts games, donates sales to Japan Earthquake Relief (http://videogamewriters.com/popcap-discounts-app-store-games-donates-sales-to-japan-earthquake-relief-5176)

04-13-2011, 08:38 PM
I'm surprised blizzard isn't doing something like that.