02-02-2003, 10:34 PM

im at the riovanes castle(i think thats how you spell it) and i beat the battle at the gates with rafa and her brother, now i have to fight weigraf and he is extremly hard for my ramza. ramza is lvl 33 and he is a master knight with i think 296hp and weigraf has 332, or somewhere in the 330's. but he uses the lighning stab move and it does 112 damage and when i use summons or magic as a second attack they only do like 60-80 damage. and ramzas base attack is usally 80-90 damage and weigraf is always 90+. so does anyone have any sudgestions?

02-03-2003, 07:02 AM
This is the fight where its mano a mano with ramza and wiegraf right? Thats one of the hardest fights in the entire game, I'll list a few ways that worked for me.

The first time through my ramza was a lancer with a large jump area, so my stratagy here was to just jump on wiegraf and hope I hit him, then when wiegraf would damage ramza I had a use item as a secondary skill and a whole lot of healing items in my inventory, it took me about four trys this way but I eventually beat him.

My second game I discovered what I consider to be the best strategy to this fight. I had ramza as a monk with most of the monk abilities learned, and by that time I had just enough jp with the time mage (might be some other mage though, not sure) to acquire the counter skill that converts damage to mp. It would take wiegraf two attacks to take out all my mp, sometimes I'd let him get a third attack in, then just use chakra a whole lot until I got all my hp and mp back and start to attack him again. This was takes a little time but its more reliable than the first one.

One way that should work in theory but I've never actually gotten to work in the game would be to use sword break on wiegraff, if you can manage to break his sword early on he should be pretty easy to defeat.

Hope that helps some.

02-03-2003, 04:25 PM
My first strat was using ramza with two defenders (poached) using two swords from the ninja job and auto potion for my reaction skill. See counter wont do any good because he hits from a distance. He only gets off two shots of lightining stab this way, and if you only have hi-potion you will gain back alot of health. A variation on this is to have recover hp on instead of auto potion. When he hits you to critical you just hop back to life. Only problem is that you must have a good brave to make this work more often, and even then its not a high %.

One other way I have used is to have him as a squire and with as much movment skill as poss. That means move+3 and some germainus boots. Then have him run like a girl and use screm and yell like a million times, when you have your stats super high, go hit his ass. I heard that if you have two swords skill you can kill him and put velius down to 1 hp (he has 1000 I think, and total attack power is 999 for one hit.) But Im not sure if squire can do that that early on in the game.

You can aslo hit him with a good meteor, but then your a magic using job and no good for the next battle unless you can pull off a second meteor quickly before you get dead.

David F
02-03-2003, 08:41 PM
I�ll agree with Mint in just running away from Wiegraf and using �Scream� squire ability and raising your stats up pretty good but make sure your �Guts� ability is just a sub class ability and you�re a Lancer with move+2 and Germnias boots you wanna be able to do hard core damage also incase he gets too close for comfort.

02-10-2003, 06:10 AM
thanks guys, ill try the item as sub skill first because ramza cant be a lancer and he is mastered knight and a lvl 8 blk mage. but he doesnt have much options for jobs. but i did start a new file with ramza as a monk and so ill most likely start with Durendal's monk strategy. THANKS AGAIN:)

06-09-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by David F
I�ll agree with Mint in just running away from Wiegraf and using �Scream� squire ability and raising your stats up pretty good but make sure your �Guts� ability is just a sub class ability and you�re a Lancer with move+2 and Germnias boots you wanna be able to do hard core damage also incase he gets too close for comfort.

Erm, you can't get "scream" until like Chapter 4 buckos, lol, O_o...

I had him as a Ninja, with his Squire abilities as secondary, and Auto-potion, but dropped all potions except X-potions, so that he got healed by 150 every time he got hit...

Then you just run and use Yell over and over... Eventually you will get like 8 turns in a row, and you won't be able to raise your speed anymore, afterwards, use Acumulate up the wazoo...

Then just run up to him and whack him...

The stats follow through till the next battle, so you can then just go hit velious, or take out his little henchmen before for a little extra EXP. You should be able to take out EVERY demon, AND velious before anyone else even gets a turn...