02-02-2003, 01:53 PM
has anyone fully maxed out all the stats on all the characters in the same save game?

I'm currently trying at the moment, most of my characters are on about lvl 95 and its taking me ages to morph monsters that provide sources. Is there a better, more efficient way that anyone knows of?

Neo Xzhan
02-02-2003, 07:13 PM
There are 2 ways to increase stats, level up which nuilds them accordingly and use sources which you can only morph and find. Any other does not excist.

02-02-2003, 07:17 PM
No, there really isn't a better way. There are a few different "Source" items you can find throughout the game, but other than that, you have to do it like you say. Here are a couple things I know of that can help:

- You need to be using Yuffie's Ultimate Weapon - Conformer. Yuffie's way cool and with max stats, she can hit for 9999 damage when morphing when other characters can't. So focus on maxing Strength and Luck first, particularly Yuffie's. You also want to equip her (preferably everyone) with a Mega-All materia, to morph all the enemies at one time.

- If you need Strength Sources, instead of trying to get them in the crashed Gelnika, go to the Gongaga reactor instead. There's this large mechanical monster there, looks sort of like a dinosaur on wheels or something that morphs for Power Sources. I believe there's at least one other monster that Morphs for something someplace other than the crashed Gelnika, but I don't remember where.

Anyways, if you're serious about maxing out your stats, be prepared for it to take a long, loooong time as that's really what you have to do if you want to get them maxed out.

02-03-2003, 01:56 AM
thanks guys, dunno why i didnt think of the mega-all=morph materia combo...duh me!

cheers agent

02-16-2003, 01:25 PM
finding, or rather getting; mind and magic sources is a B*TCH!

the others are easier, patience; a virtue.

Vivi FF
02-16-2003, 06:10 PM
I've heard a LONG time ago that there really isn't a "max stat" in FF7. The stats keep adding up but the game doesn't physically show the stats beyond 255 (or 250). Is this true...? I haven't played FF7 in awhile and I just wanna refresh my memory...

02-17-2003, 03:52 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">No, the stats can't go past 255. If you tried to use another source once the corresponding stat is at 255, it won't let you. However, if your stat is 250 and you used 10 sources in one go, the stat would go up to 255 and 5 of the sources would be wasted.

02-17-2003, 11:13 PM
Is it possible to use more than one at a time? I seem to recall that you had to do it one-by-one, which I found sort of annoying if only because it made it take a bit more time.

02-18-2003, 12:53 PM
dont think you can, you can only use the sources as normal items on the field menu, cant use em in battle either, square obviously thought that one out........cant use the easy w-item trick to get loadsa sources

02-19-2003, 06:37 PM
Wrong, the game WILL allow you to add more sources once the 255 has been reached.

Even at the said amount, there's a 'bling' noise of acceptance. And the source is used up.
It doesn't push the total any higher - Whether it actually does anything else (ie increase the chracter beynd the percieved 255 is debatable) i doubt it, but thenn again, i don't see why not.:erm:

02-19-2003, 06:53 PM
Hmm, it's a good question. One thing I do know is that the game does continue to increase your characters' EXP even after they reach Level 99. So who knows? Maybe it does have an effect and maybe it doesn't.

02-21-2003, 02:12 PM
maybe so...but why stop at 255.....whats the significance of 255? is it the way the game works out the stats like defence and str in battle against monster?

its like that in all FF's

02-21-2003, 06:12 PM
Yes, the game does stop at 255. Beyond 255, the stat number won't increase any when you use another source on a character. 255 is the max for the main stat numbers in most FF games. I know it's also 255 in FFVII and FFX and I think the others too. The question is whether or not using any more sources will increase it beyond the 255 the game says. I'm inclined to think no, but I don't know for sure.

This i s my 777th poost, whoo hoo!

02-22-2003, 12:59 AM
you still aint answered my question

02-22-2003, 01:44 AM
Okay, well then you're going to need to phrase your question better then, since I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I'll try again though:

maybe so...but why stop at 255.....
Because that's the highest any stat can apparently go.

whats the significance of 255?
See above. The signficance is that the stat numbers shown can't go any higher than that.

is it the way the game works out the stats like defence and str in battle against monster?

02-22-2003, 11:53 AM
yeah thanks, doing ok with the sources, just getting everyones power up first to get all attacks up to 9999

02-22-2003, 04:28 PM
hahahaha you'll never do it!

Jus' wait till you try find enough mind / magic sources !!!

heehe about 4/5 of each per hour of battles, in the gelnika.

I'm getting cloud up at the mo: so far.. 255,255,199,177,142,255

the 177 and 142 = magic + mind .. It's taking soooooooooooooo long.

At the rate of 5 an hour.. to get about 150 needed will be ummm.. about 30 hours!!! hahah You doing that for everyone eh?

lol <--- (hate that)

By the way kids,, something your stratguide didnt tell you.. Get a score OVER 10 000 in the bike game in wonder square and get a speed source!! FREE..

(shh it's a secret though, and hard to achieve)

02-22-2003, 09:20 PM
By the way kids,, something your stratguide didnt tell you.. Get a score OVER 10 000 in the bike game in wonder square and get a speed source!! FREE..
::: yawn ::: That's no secret, I've done that before. No big deal, really. Probably not even worth the time, unless you like the bike game. Personally, it's my favorite game at the Gold Saucer, so it was no big deal to get it.

02-23-2003, 02:21 PM
quote: ::: yawn ::: That's no secret, I've done that before. No big deal, really

oooo you big show off, you. ;) :o

02-23-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by ultimecia
maybe so...but why stop at 255.....whats the significance of 255? is it the way the game works out the stats like defence and str in battle against monster?

its like that in all FF's <font color=red face="comic sans ms">I think 255 might actually have something to do with binary numbers. I dunno how much you know, and I admit I don't know much about it either, but when things are stored in binary, they're stored as 1's and 0's (1's being on and 0's being off). The number on the far right of a binary number is 1, and each number to the left of that is double the previous number. All the values of the 1's are added together. It's difficult to explain, but it's something like this:

0001 would have a value of 1.
0010 would have a value of 2, as the second value from the right is on, and 2 is double 1.
0100 would have a value 4, because it is the third value from the right, and is double the value of 2.
0011 would have a total value of 3, as both the 1 and 2 values are "on".

I know it's hard to explain, but 255 comes from this in some way. I think it's 8 binary numbers all turned on gives you 255, and because of how data is stored, that's why it only goes up to 255.

11111111 = 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 255. It's impossible to get greater than the amount of data that can be stored, which is why stats always stop at 255.

I think it's that, anyway... I hope that made some sort of sense... :erm: Not that it really matters too much anyway, I don't think you'd really need to get any of your stats past 255 in any game... ;)

03-29-2007, 02:52 AM
Melti you are completely right about the binary being why 255 is the maximum. Binary bytes will have the 8 1's and 0's which leaves 256 combinations -- that'd be 0-255. While they technically could've instead added a second byte, they didnt since there is no reason to program that in at the cost of doubling the information that needs to be stored.

Back on morphing topic -- Here is the setup I found to greatly speed up the collection of sources through morphing:

*=Mastered materia for best result
Yuffie: Conformer - (Counter*)=(Morph), (Cover*), (Mega All*), (Enemy Lure*)x as many as you can get.
Any Armor - Any other materia you want

Everyone else: Anything - Any Materias - an extra morph if you care enough to have that extra like 500 morph damage.
Anything - Any Materias
Ribbon(you may get your party killed otherwise)

Basically this setup allows for encounters to happen more frequently, Yuffie will hit for good damage on the conformer(1-2 hits for a finished morph), she will counter attack with the morph command, she will take all normal physical attacks which will then cause another morph. When its her turn she can hit all enemies with morph from the mega all! This is a very efficient system. Dont do anything on other characters if you want the least effort as their 500 damage means so little in the grand scheme of things.

terra child
03-29-2007, 04:44 AM
255 is the max because of the use of binary. The symbol for 255 in binary is FF, which is the initials of final fantasy.
A little easter egg of the day for you

03-29-2007, 07:02 AM
Dear God I haven't played this game in forever. I'm going to have to gather my stats just to brag.

Lil' Sain
04-01-2007, 05:27 AM
in ff 9 10 ive maxed out every stat that i possibly can basic'y made eiko inposslible to kill (marcus at lvl 95 and the rest still at lvl 9) so when ig et eiko she will be hella good. but in ff7 all i have is that damn sunken boat to get stats up 2

Atom Narmor
04-01-2007, 06:07 PM
One place to level up is deep in the crater where you find those little monsters in gold pots. My memory is foggy on all the details but that's where I leveled up my summon materia real fast, the fastest in anywhere in the game.

04-09-2007, 09:34 PM
each source only gives +1 stat so it takes a while thats the next thing im going to do and thats going to be a task that will take many many hours