04-13-2011, 05:18 AM
Hi, I have this 2 CD soundtrack and was wondering if anyone wanted me to upload it. I can upload in flac, wav, mp3, basically whichever you like. You want Apple though and you'll hav eto encode it yourself from what I give you. Cheers, James.

04-13-2011, 05:23 AM
Hi, James. You can do what ever you like, but just so you know there's already a thread for it in both flac/mp3:

Thread 87472

Though I encourage you to bring any other contributions that you can, and it's great to see someone so brand new that is already willing to give instead of just take or ask.

04-13-2011, 06:40 AM
Oh I've been doing plenty of taking, and thanking for it, as well as respectfully asking. Just want to show I'm willing to share what I can. Only the first person to give me crap for crying poor if someone suggests I buy something, I'll say something very cutting to them. I'm a young student with no money, and will avoid buying expensive Japanese CDs like the plague if I can. Just hope the American dollar goes back up, it's actually very slightly weaker than the Australian dollar now. It was NEVER weaker in the last 18 years I've lived here. As an Aussie I should be proud, but I'm not. I need my cash to stretch man! Haha.

04-13-2011, 06:59 PM
I wouldn't mind a proper rip with log, cue, tracks :)

04-13-2011, 08:47 PM
I wouldn't mind a proper rip with log, cue, tracks :)

This has the track listings RPGFan Soundtracks - Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers OST (http://www.rpgfan.com/soundtracks/dssh-ost/index.php) And I'm not too familiar with using the flac program yet, so if you already have it in lossless and it's good quality, then I wouldn't worry too much about a cue sheet and log. I don't have a scanner so try to find scans elsewhere. Hope that helps, James.

04-14-2011, 03:19 PM
Can you upload it in mp3 v0 on Mediafire? My internet is slow, only fast when download on Mediafire.

04-14-2011, 09:36 PM
I'll give it a go, expect something within the next couple days.

04-15-2011, 05:17 AM
Ugh, silly me, if you look up the top of the page there's a link to both the flac and mp3 version. If the download speed kills you, then try going to a local library or using a friend's computer and/or connection to download it.