01-11-2002, 05:42 PM
FFX do you think the story line is beter or not compared to FFVII

01-11-2002, 05:45 PM
Moving to the General FF forum.. XDDD

fascist socialist
01-11-2002, 11:27 PM
The storyline in FFX is way better than FF8 IMO, although FF8's storyline was pretty well done, FFX just blows it away.

Nanaki XIII
01-11-2002, 11:54 PM
Umm 10 is the best storyline out of all the Final Fantasies, which is hard to say after liking 6 for so long.

01-12-2002, 12:50 AM
i don't even know the ffX stroyline and the answers already obvious! :eek: I can't believe you'd ask such a question.:eek:

01-14-2002, 11:52 PM
i agree

i mean come on, a boss named sin? thats totally weak. i think 6 has the best storyline because every charactor has their own.

Nanaki XIII
01-15-2002, 12:35 AM
You shouldn't judge it unless you played it. Its more than just about defeating a guy named "Sin." If I hadn't played 6, I could say, its just about some guys looking for magic stuff.

01-15-2002, 05:37 AM
im sorry but ff7 is better then ffx in my opion mostly becuase i love ff7 too much and ffx story is well kinda simple to me compaired to ff7 witch took me 3 times to start to understand it lol

01-15-2002, 10:51 PM
I have played it nanaki XIII, and i think it is simplistic as far as storyline, and has a dumb boss name. second of all it has no world map and is turn based battle style, which, to me, says it shouldn't be considered a final fantasy. On the up side it has breath taking graphics great voice acting and is all around a fun game to play. So over all i would say its worth playing, but its no Final Fantasy.

Nanaki XIII
01-16-2002, 01:30 AM
8 was even more off based than 10. And Sin is just one of the bosses, not even the Final one and thats just something they call it, it has no real name. Plus I like the new battle system because it is faster than ATB. And FF1,2,3 didn't use ATB either so I dont know why that makes it Final Fantasy. I figure Final Fantasy is known for its great story, characters, and (gotta have summons). The only thing that I didn't like was the abscence of a World Map, but thats a minor thing. Final Fantasy 10 is Final Fantasy and a damn good one.

01-16-2002, 11:08 PM
youve got a good point about the ATB bar, and i know seymore is the boss, and your right the 8 is ever futher of from the series, so much so i dont think square should have called it an ff game, but it still rocked. But maybe your right, i shouldnt pass judgement so soon.

By the way you put up a good arguement.... see ya around

01-17-2002, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Constant Enigma
i don't even know the ffX stroyline and the answers already obvious! :eek: I can't believe you'd ask such a question.:eek:

Never judge a game until you've played it. Never since the days of FF4 and FF6 have a seen a Final Fantasy this good. This was the first game I've seen in a dissapointingly long time in which any part of it, be it the graphics, music, story, or gameplay, could stand on it's own without the other three to back it up and still be just as magnificent.
It may not be as deep as FF7 (With the exception of Xenogears, is anything as deep as FF7?), but the story just leaves you breathless like the series did back in the Super Nintendo days, sometimes even more so.
It's dramatic yet it'll have you falling the floor laughing, and it's beyond just epic. If more video games had stories like this, movies and books would be extinct.
Needless to say, so far I think it's the best story ever written.

01-17-2002, 04:21 PM
FF7 was an incredible story but it constantly left you wondering too much. I'm still not sure if Cloud was a clone or not (though I'm almost positive he wasn't) because of all of his breakdowns. I personally loved the game and I think FF7 and FF10 were the two best ones so far (storywise).


The one thing I didn't like too much about FF10 was that it was EXTREMELY linear. You don't get to travel around the world until the end whereas in 7 you get to wander around all the time. Oh and by the way, Sin AND Seymour weren't really the bad guys anyway, for those that finished it in its entirety know who was!

Nanaki XIII
01-18-2002, 12:53 AM

I was going to say that too Omnicloud, but if he was going to play he didnt need me to tell him.

01-18-2002, 04:30 AM
Cloud was a clone. He was never in Soldier, he was one of the guards that survived the fall off the bridge in Mnt. Nibelheim. Zack was the one who went after sephiroth to the reactor, but was killed(but was cloned). Tifa went after Zack, and Cloud followed. Tifa got slashed by Sephiroth, Cloud saved her, Cloud bested Sephiroth, left the Jenova room, carried Tifa out, but, Sephiroth was still alive and he impaled Cloud, and they both fell into the pit of Mako... Sephiroth somehow survived, And cloud and zack were cloned. Cloud and zack escape, go too midgar to become mercenarys, Zack is killed by shinra soldiers, cloud is left for dead, yadda yadda yadda, meets up w/ tifa, u know the tale. (gasps for air)

01-23-2002, 04:29 PM
I know that FFVI have a good storyline>but, FOR ME:FFX is the Best;)