Darth Revan
02-01-2003, 05:07 PM

I am after help. I'm playing Shadow Hearts on the PS2, and I'm at the point in the game at Nemeton Monastery. Whilst running around in the crypt, I fought one of the grail masks which appear surrounding the door towards the back of the graveyard (not the gate, leading to a tree and an undug grave), and I'm curious... Can you fight the other three grail masks in there as well? If so, where can you find them?

**SPOILER ALERT!! - Don't read if you don't won't to spoil the ending**

Also, I have a feeling that one of the characters (Alice Elliot) dies at the end, the end result of having to offer her soul to the grail masks, to help free Yuri from the torments of Fox Face. Is there anyway to save her, as I've heard she can be saved.