04-01-2011, 04:31 PM
On another forum, someone posted a link to an old blog post showing a beta version of the NES classic "Salamander" or "Life Force". On it the blogger offers downloads of the music for the 1st 3 levels and boss battle in the sample rom. On a follow-up post he links a video of him playing through a 4th level accessed only through codes. here: YouTube - SALAMANDER(sample ver.) stage4 (
The most notable thing of this level besides the unfinished coding is the use of music not found in the final version of the game. The name of this particular tune is called "combat", but the link for the tune on that forum can only be downloaded by them. I wonder if anyone else in this forum is interested in helping me in obtaining this final tune, as I have just recently finished making a looped version for the other 4 beta tracks.