01-28-2003, 05:49 AM
OK Lets hear it people... what is your idea for a ff7-2 plot???

Here is mine.

350 years after the end of the FF7 . Humans have began to once agian populate the Planet. When most died 350 years ago. Small tribes of people survived and that lead on to the new people of the world. Some of the people have began to become machine dependent agian but some have rejected machines because of the tales about how the Mako energy they run on was the cause of the near extinction of the human race. Now instead of large reactors they use Mako drills... sorta like oil drilling..

But now... A drilling tap has hit a under ground cavern and they are send one of there best worker in to take a look at it.. ( Enter the hero who has some sorta screwed up past ) He goes down into this cavern and finds some dude frozen in mako block thing. He gets this dude out and begins to extranct the mako off this guy.... Whne the mako is thawed the dude goes nuts and kills people in some sorta lab thing. Blah Blah Blah. Yada Yada Yada...
After alot of boring story stuff that happens in the game because the hero's messed up past. we find out that the dude that was in the Mako was a lost Sephiroth Clone that is going to where the promise land stood so he can do some kind of thing that will put Sephiroth's minds and memories into his body by the way of returning the life force that was in Sephiroth into him. Before he can go do that your group falls into another cavern and the entire FF7 crew minus Red ( who has allready joined you) are all down there in the same place in the ship that they were in when it fell 350 years ago. They revive Tiffa and one of the others but Cloud and the others are all dead. We the clone goes to the promise land and he revives Spehiroth there and they try to stop him but they don't for some reason. Any Sephiroth is brought back.Then He Blow lots of stuff up and lots of stuff happens and it all builds up to some sorta big final battle.

01-28-2003, 02:28 PM
...clever idea , but i think it would probabily take place in between the "life-stream "thingy and the "350 yrs later".Otherwise cloud would be a really old git doing omnislash with his walking stick and moaning about how "that airship nearly took my eye out !!!"

01-28-2003, 03:22 PM
Uhmm, nice thread idea and nice suggestion for the storyline, but didn't Cloud and party get out of the northern crater.. they are stupid to go back in there. They just lived out their lives and ended up dead and returned to the planet.

What could be fun if you like seeing the return of Cloud and co that the earth now a bit older (350 years xD) and facing a new threat uses the lifestream to give live again to Cloud, Tifa and Barret for instance for them to save the planet of a yet unknown thread (and know it isn't Sephi) you'll have new characters joing you, all knew places to go to... maybe even space or something. A threat out of space o__O (science fiction FF xD)
uhmm o___o

01-28-2003, 05:54 PM
you guys misunderstand me. The hero in my thing is not cloud... They find him dead along with all the others from the 1st one.
And I just don't think you could do a FF7 without Sephiroth... He is the most famous villain in ff history and he sold ff7 with out him the game would not have been as great.

01-28-2003, 08:32 PM
I agree. Without Sephiroth, the game wouldn't have been as great. It would have been much greater.

01-28-2003, 09:30 PM
i really like the idea about the clone of sephiroth... but i think that cloud should also be in it.... heres my idea:
the people of the promised land thrive in the rich agricultural condition of the place and soon new machines are made that dont use mako but rather solar energy. But Midgar is still a mess and people dont even bother searching through the wreckage until one day when someone who wants to discover wat happened and see with his own eyes and search through the wreckage. He comes to a clone of sephiroth which is encased in a stasis cell. the exposure of air allows himto awake and start destorying everything. Cloud... (they didnt die) is dead and cloud and tifas son, ummm.... wat kinda name?... you guys decide........ cloudago... XP.... noes wat his father did and to keep their family honor... which was great since cloud was the one that defeated sephiroth and save the earth, so cloudago takes his fathers sword.. the ultima sword and tries to defeat sephiroth... he fails and he loses the ultima sword somewhere..... he discovers his dads buster sword down in a secret chamber after he is revived.... he ventures out to find the ultima weapon again and soon realizes the intention of sephiroth.... to destory the sun so that machines on earth could cease to work and they would have to rely on mako again.... allowing the process of makin materia too.... with that process... comes the deadly meteor materia... which he strives to get because then he can become all powerful and rule the world so he could wreak revenge on the people who imprisoned him... (he doesnt noe wat year it is so he doesnt noe who did it... he thus starts to kill everyone blaming them for imporisoning him..... cloudago meets with other ppl as their lives have been ruined by the destruction of sephiroth.... he is already joined by red but red falls out because he is too old dand sends one of his sons to go with cloudago. you think of a name cuz my head hurts... XP..... but yea.. thats the story.....

Nanaki XIII
01-29-2003, 07:39 AM
Ooh Ooh I got it.

You play as a Sephiroth clone or something reated to him and then you play as Sephiroth doing the regular FF story saving the worl and shit. I basically wanna beable to swing that badass sword for myself :)

Besides I know Sephy has a good side in him, maybe he will go kill a sister Jenova HAHAHA Im geneius!

01-29-2003, 10:20 AM
Hey guys... the Sephiroth's in FFVII weren't clones... If memory serves me correctly it was his Spirit.

Nanaki XIII
01-30-2003, 12:49 AM
The guys in black in Nibelheim were clones werent they?

01-30-2003, 01:14 AM
ummmm... rs?
the black cloaked ppl were clones.... like wat nanaki said.....
but i wasnt thinkin that u could play as sephiroth... but mebbe another "good" sephiroth could join ur group....
like two sephiroths come out and fight each other in the beginning
and then the good one joins the good guys... but mebbe the plot might be better if be betrays him in the end or mebbe he just stays good and the good guys think hes bad......
besides... if those dudes werent clones.... then we can just say that shinra was creating a race of super soldiers that are clones of sephiroth... so yea.....

01-30-2003, 05:38 AM
it doesn't strike me as reasonable that there'd be another Sephiroth but he be good o_O... It'd really defeat the challenge to say the least.

As for the Sephiroth's spirit thing, no, those were clones created from Jenova cells.

Looking towards a sequel it would be kind of interesting on having like.. the adventures of Yuffie as she strives to rebuild the glory of Wutai through many thefts and robberies that inadvertantly make her stumble into huge cataclysmic plans that are over her head.

wait..... that sounds familiar....

01-30-2003, 11:15 AM
IDEAS for Plot
Red 13 finds a mate
adventures of Yuffie like Quistis-chan said
The Turks!!!!! become good? or still in it for the money

and guys we could have like the past of These guys FF7-2 dont have to be after the FF7 game it can before, well maybe

01-31-2003, 02:26 AM
is that gonna be 350 years later ^^??

cuz that wouldnt be possible.

01-31-2003, 11:27 PM
yea... i think that the game should take place when the last movie took place.... i dont think that makin the game before ff7 would be wise since we already noe wat happened and besides.... theres not much fun in goin back and doing things that u already noe is gonna happen... well.. then again.... i dont think that having clouds son is possible... mebbe a clone of cloud?

cuz he was a clone ya noe...

or mebbe... it could be made so that the game takes place in between the end of the game and the end movie in the game..... yes... im talkin bout ff7 if u didnt get it..... O_o
but yea.....
and uh..... draven.... red already found a mate... which isnt much fer a plot since we already noe in the end movie..... unless he self reproduces.... O_o

01-31-2003, 11:45 PM
o_O Cloud wasn't a clone.
below is for you cloudago

*MAJOR spoiler*.

You learn from the Shinra Mansion and all the Nibelheim related movie sequences that Cloud was a real person, having been raised there, and was not a clone. What actually happened to him was he went there as a regular Shinra soldier (Not In SOLDIER mind you, just the little blue guys) and was best friends with Zack who was in soldier. After the confrontation with Sephiroth in the Reactor, Cloud was wounded severly, but according to the Subject Reports Hojo left in the Shinra mansion, both Zack and Cloud were found still alive and were put in the big chamber things to be tested on in Mako experiments. These experiments consisted of infusing into their bodies Mako---but to a much larger degree than anyone in Soldier would have done to them. Also learning from these records and the little video, we see that Zack and Cloud escaped, these weren't ever clones, but due to the experiments, Cloud's mind was really messed up for a long time. Zack dies, and eventually Cloud recovers enough to remember up to Nibelheim, but fills in the holes in his mind somehow by instead of thinking that he was a regular joe, he convinced himself he was in SOLDIER, FIRST CLASS.

So you see, he never was a clone. Just got poked and prodded a heck of a lot o_O.

02-01-2003, 02:57 AM
I remeber a text based rpg that i was in (it took place at FFshrine) started by TylerD i think it was and was set 1000 years after FF7. Sepiroth was a clone of Zules (somthing like that) who looked like sepiroth except he had gold hair. Before the events of FF7 Hojo incased Zules and put him in a kind of statis somewhere. Anyway Zules woke 1000yrs later and started searching for the black and white materia. They were two brothers who were fighting a war with each other. Some ppl from a university near the city of ancients and some ppl from cosmo canyon who were trying to stop the war. My memories a little fuzzy on the details but it was really good. I left the shrine before it finished so i not entirly sure how it went!

Anyway i think FF7-2 will more or less likely be set a few years after FF7 rather than a few hundred years

02-01-2003, 08:17 PM
ummmm..... i remember sumwhere in the game.....

cloud dies... and thus he is dumped in front of that train cuz he was a clone failure.... so yea..... but u never see any other clouds....

02-03-2003, 10:52 AM
FFVII.2 should be like the SIMS and you can control the rest of the parties natural life until they die

then the disc self destructs and you have to buy another copy!!

Square can finally pay back some of the debts they owe..

and i could sue for emotional stress when Aeris died.


Simply Bam
02-03-2003, 04:25 PM
Wicked! souds kewl.

I would like to see evidence from the last game as you played it

i.e. The ruins of Midgar or you could stumble on the highwind in a

forest overgrown with vegetation!

Maybe you could talk to the decendants of Red XIII

*God your gettin me excited now*

Nanaki XIII
02-04-2003, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by cloudago
ummmm..... i remember sumwhere in the game.....

cloud dies... and thus he is dumped in front of that train cuz he was a clone failure.... so yea..... but u never see any other clouds....

Yeah Hojo said he was a clone failure of Sephiroth and later found out he was a success or something like that.

But as Quistsi pointed out he was a real person and was like infused with mako so that he could have the powers of sephiroth and would therefore be just like him but hojo thoughtit failed and dumped him out.

Im not sure if im right, has been a while, mind is foggy.

02-05-2003, 05:51 AM
Think about it. What would be the fun of playing another version of Final Fantasy VII without Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Red, Cid, Aeris, Yuffie, and Cait Sith? What would be the fun of having a whole new story that sounds like it would be dramatically weaker than the one previous to it? Yeah, that'd be cool I guess to play as some other guys, but what the hell's the point? Everything that happened in FFVII lead up to the end, and that was it, nothing else. That ending is perfect the way it is. What I'm trying to get to saying here is that, friends, we don't need a sequel, but a PREquel. Oh god, when I think about it I start salivating and convulsing. Playing as Cloud during his younger days in SOLDIER, meeting Zack for the first time, the first encounter with Sephiroth, the Mako infusion, Barret's life before his accident, Barret and Marlene, Tifa, Aeris and the Ancients, RED AND HIS FATHER!!!! PRESIDENT SHINRA!!!! THE TURKS!!!!! PLAY AS THESE PEOPLE!! SEPARATE STORIES MAYBE, BUT LEADING UP TO ONE OF THE BEST STORIES IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD! The possibilities people! Shedding more light, oyfh3it;qhev, I can;'t stabnd it, it has to happen, it's so great, if they make a sequel I'll still buy the thing, but damn, a prequel would be BEAUTIFUL. If they remade VII with better graphics and such and packaged it with the prequel, play right through, possible gameplay of over 100 hours, jeebus, would you ever leave your room?!? Yes. But you'd be playing this game. A lot. I don't know. I know a bunch of people are going to say it'd be boring and everything, why dwell in the past, stupid crap like that. Well? The only question I have for those people is "Do you want to go willingly into the unknown past, or the near future?" What this question really means, I have no damn clue. If any of you can give me an actual plausible answer to that, I'll send you a gum wrapper.


02-05-2003, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by cloudago
ummmm..... i remember sumwhere in the game.....

cloud dies... and thus he is dumped in front of that train cuz he was a clone failure.... so yea..... but u never see any other clouds....

Hojo was very confused about where this Cloud character came from and knew that he had been injected with Mako---perhaps even Jenova cells. Hojo recognised him as an experiment, but he was in no ways a clone. Hojo mistakenly believed that. Cloud wasn't dumped in front of a train o_O I don't know where that came from. It clearly shows him in one of the movie clips being dragged away from the experiment lab by Zack and then him taking Zack's sword and dragging himself to Midgar where he was found by Tifa who remembered him. It took him awhile, since his mind was all scattered, to regain his thoughts and whatnot, but by then he had skewed his own memory. You also realize that this is the real honest Cloud and not a clone by the whole Life Stream sequence where Tifa helps him sort out his memories. He is the real thing, but for the first half of the game, they want you to wonder, so the character goes through an identity chrisis. The reason Cloud had some issues with Sephiroth was because of Sephiroth's control over what Hojo had infused into him. It created a kind of dual persona for a bit there--- one is the real Cloud, the other is the cells inside him reacting to Sephiroth and taking over :\

02-05-2003, 06:47 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I'm not too thrilled with the recent ideas of making sequels to FF games, but I'm trying to keep an open mind on it.... however, I have a hard time thinking of a sequel scenario to FF7 that really seems plausible.

However, I think it would be pretty interesting for Square to rewrite FF7 from the vantage point of the Shinra. The story would remain exactly the same, but instead you're watching it through another perspective. An FF game where you play as the 'bad guys' would be quite different...

Perhaps the story could go into more of Shinra's origins and show what happened leading up to the events of FF7. ^^

Nanaki XIII
02-05-2003, 11:46 PM
A sequel where we see the same game in the eyes of the bad guy has been my idea for ages. I posted it earlier that it should be like that with Sephiroth but I really want to see a FFVI game through Kefkas eyes. Ooh thatd be great.

Anyways we dont need a prequel we need a sequel and reason why is we need the damn ending explained.

02-06-2003, 10:44 PM
Yeah, I agree with the idea of having a game where you play from the other side's view, and that's pretty much what I meant when I was talking about the prequel. If you got to play as people from Shinra, the Turks, see how Shinra grew to be so corrupt, it would be great, and you would switch off and on, do different missions, I don't know what, but play as all the peeps. Who knows how this game would end? I sure as hell don't. It's so cold outside.

Oh yeah, why the hell would we need a whole game to have the ending of VII explained? I'm sorry man, when I read that I thought it was pretty dumb. But that's my opinion. I thought about it more and I thought maybe they should make both a prequel and a sequel. I just think a prequel would be more interesting and a hell of a lot better than taking the end of a game and stretching it even further. The damn game is finished, it's over, La Fin. I hate it when I sound like an ass!!!

Nanaki XIII
02-07-2003, 01:56 AM
Well lets see I pretty much know what Shinra did. I know what Cloud did. I know what Sephiroth did. I know what Aeris did. I know the backstory to everyones characters because its all explained in the game.

I dont know what happened to the characters, I dont know what happened to the world, I dont know what happened to anyone after the attack on by meteor.

So do I want to see what I already know or what wasnt explained. Let me think............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

02-08-2003, 05:29 AM
Sorry, I just don't see the point of continuing a story after it has ended. If anything, they could do a remake of FFVII and have a longer ending showing what happened to the characters and the planet, but it just wouldn't seem possible to build another story off that without havibng it be another FF or something. Somethings are better left unexplained. So anyways, I'm going to go play it and fall asleep like I always do.

Simply Bam
02-14-2003, 04:19 PM
I got it.....

The story opens as you see a little black haired child running down a busy street that seems to be a modified version of midgar. He is being chased by a group of older kids that seem to be looking for a fight. The child runs down an alley and its a dead end (very original!) he turns around and he is faces by about 5 other kids bigger than he is! As the kids move in to grab him he turns around runs up against the wall and does a kinda of a matrix flip over the kids and then runs out the alley and round the corner losing the kids. He walks back to his slum house where there is an old lady sitting on barrel on the front of the lawn she seems to be crying. The child goes up and saids "Mother are you ok" she replies and as she replies on the text box of the sreen it appear:

Your father he was taken away for prisonment dismorning....

-Right obvioulsy this is not in great detail but as the story goes on the childs father you find out is Cloud and the child is his son. He married tifa in the old game and now they are both old. The child later finds out his father has gone missing and he grows up wondering is his father alive or not!? As he grows up he joins what was SOLDIER in the first game but is now called AVALANCHE because shinra was destroyed and now the big man Barret is in control! Barret encounters the child at his mothers funeral (because shes dead needless to say!) and tells him his father has contacted him and he needs your help! You progress into the game and find out that one of the decendants of Rufus who has been trained by sephiroth the real one (a bit complicated but roll with it!) and he has kidnapped Cloud and your quest is to say him!

BUT typical final fantasy the story line changes halfway through into something more exciting and more along final fantasy lines instead of Metal Gear Solid!

Well what do you think?

03-07-2003, 12:26 PM
Hey!... maybe ff7-2 is really the same story Except that you play as Sephiroth!!!!!!!! it would really give the story a different perspective!

03-07-2003, 12:34 PM
I've got a great idea, see my best friend works for Square part-time and they are making an FF-7-2! The plot is this, an evil dictator of the world called, get this... Sephiroth! revives an age old thread in the depths of the Cetra Science Pit of Despair Crater with deadly Monsters that have Large Swords and Warped Heads. He uses the magic of the thread revival to enslave the Cetra race and destory the world, the only person that cans top him is CLOUD! Yes, spiky hair and all~! Cloud goes...

"DIE DIE DIE SEPHIROTH!" and Sephiroth dies in an instant because Cloud has collected all the ULTIMA WEAPON SHINE DUFF SPIRITS! Ahuh. There's 2,000,000 of them and you have to go around collecting them all, in an amazing 2 locales! The Desert, a barren landscape with no people and nothing to interact with but random battles every 1 step. And the abandoned village, with even more random battles!

...Just kidding, I had you for a second there, didn't I?

03-10-2003, 11:51 PM
but does your mate work part time for squaresoft?

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :confused: