03-26-2011, 01:13 PM
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition Theme Songs - i〔ai〕 Mille Face

Catalog: VTCL-35069
Release: February 24, 2010
Performed by: Mille Face
Arranged by: Masala Nishida

01. i〔ai〕
02. Core
03. Refrain
04. i〔ai〕(without vocal)
05. Core (without vocal)
06. Refrain (without vocal)

DOWNLOAD (320.58 MB) (

03-26-2011, 03:55 PM
does it have scans? :)

03-26-2011, 04:02 PM
Sort of. The image is taken from digital camera. It is kinda clear if you know Japanese other than their no other purpose.

03-27-2011, 01:34 AM
touplaod only the rar with scans?
I am having problems to get it out because of those 〔〕 characters :/

03-27-2011, 02:26 AM
Remove those characters then. Then it would work. I have tested this files before uploading. There are no problems with them.

03-27-2011, 09:40 AM
No. it is not working :/

03-27-2011, 11:50 AM
Need to download the file and test it what the problem is. Also could you send me pic of the error. Curious.

If anyone have downloaded this file and facing this problem. Do let me know. Thanks. Iam having hard time believing that " 〔〕" can causing problems.

03-27-2011, 01:37 PM
It is causing me problems with both winrar and 7zip.
WHy cant you just upload the rar with scans? Is that that dificult? :/

03-27-2011, 02:22 PM
It is causing me problems with both winrar and 7zip.
WHy cant you just upload the rar with scans? Is that that dificult? :/

Is it difficult to show the error you are getting?. Iam asking for just one screen so i would know understand and fix the problem and others can download with no issues.

All you do is ask for the scans. If you want it that badly. I will post it. pfft.

03-27-2011, 02:28 PM
"Unexpected ending of file" and don't even extract it from the file. :/
I deleted the file already. In fact I want bith rar's separated, i figure the scans would be more easier to upload then the big file. :/
I changed the name on the rar, and then I can access the inside files, but when I try to open them because they have "〔〕" it starts to extract but at 100% it says "Unexpected ending of file" and do nothing. I tried to change the name inside the rar file but it does not let me change. I change it and then whne he is saving it hows that message again. :/

03-27-2011, 02:42 PM
"Unexpected ending of file" and don't even extract it from the file. :/
I deleted the file already. In fact I want bith rar's separated, i figure the scans would be more easier to upload then the big file. :/
I changed the name on the rar, and then I can access the inside files, but when I try to open them because they have "〔〕" it starts to extract but at 100% it says "Unexpected ending of file" and do nothing. I tried to change the name inside the rar file but it does not let me change. I change it and then whne he is saving it hows that message again. :/

Ok thanks.

Download Mobile_Suit_Gundam_00_ED_Single_-_i?ai?_Mille_Face_[Scans].zip for free on (

03-27-2011, 02:45 PM
I'm sorry if I was a bother. I tried everything I cold before asking help here. I relly did not wanted to sound a pain in the ass. :/
Thank you anyway. :)

03-27-2011, 02:57 PM
I'm sorry if I was a bother. I tried everything I cold before asking help here. I relly did not wanted to sound a pain in the ass. :/
Thank you anyway. :)

Not a problem. I never had this problem before. I will check it out once the file is downloaded.

Also do you have Japanese font installed on your system?.

03-27-2011, 06:02 PM
I've had problems in the past with atypical characters causing problems with different programs. It is possible with winrar to change the names of the individual files inside the rar before decompressing it. That usually works. That also works for instances where the file names are too long (over 250 characters.)
As a matter of policy, I strip out any atypical characters from all files names (as opposed to the metadata.) Since you can never be sure of the platform or capabilities of the end user, I find it useful to be conservative in such choices. I understand this can be more complicated with lossless files since they seem to handle metadata differently if at all. (But I also confess my experience in such matters is extremely limited.)

03-27-2011, 06:28 PM
Tks a lot! i m searching this for a long time!

03-27-2011, 06:49 PM
I've had problems in the past with atypical characters causing problems with different programs. It is possible with winrar to change the names of the individual files inside the rar before decompressing it. That usually works. That also works for instances where the file names are too long (over 250 characters.)
As a matter of policy, I strip out any atypical characters from all files names (as opposed to the metadata.) Since you can never be sure of the platform or capabilities of the end user, I find it useful to be conservative in such choices. I understand this can be more complicated with lossless files since they seem to handle metadata differently if at all. (But I also confess my experience in such matters is extremely limited.)

I had the similar problem with over 250 characters. I wonder what is the purpose of those limitations though?.

Regarding the problem that orie has i was unable to duplicate the problem. I asked few people to download, extract and play a file it worked fine for them. Not sure why it won't work for orie.

Anyways i will upload another file without those limitation and upload it has FLAC and will certainly keep the WAVE incase someone wants an uncompressed file :).

03-27-2011, 07:13 PM
All software has limits. There is always a file that is too large, or a character combination that is fatal. When they designed the extraction programs, they probably picked a file size that seemed ridiculously large (and 250 is pretty big,) as a limit. It mainly happens when the rar is a series of nested, long named directories, which is a very uncommon case.
Since many compression program assign a new directory when packed, if a file is repacked from uploaded to uploaded, those directories start to accumulate and then...