03-25-2011, 03:14 PM
Complete score for Watchmen by Tyler Bates 2009

I'm looking for a complete or expanded score for Watchmen by Tyler Bates 2009. Is there any?

Or someone can tell me what the music in the scene of Doctor Manhattan's story is. It's a score by Tyler Bates or a source music. Thank you so much.

03-26-2011, 12:56 PM
So far no expanded or complete score that I've seen.

The music that underscores Manhattan's story is not Tyler Bates (hence, being the finest piece of music in the film, and a great move on his part to score that part of the movie with it!). It's composed by Philip Glass and performed by The Philip Glass Orchestra. The cue is a combination of 2 different pieces that Glass composed for a 1983 film called Koyaanisqatsi. The more ethereal beginning and ending are from a piece called "Prophecies" and the more anxious, middle section is from "Pruitt-Igoe".

I highly recommend the entire Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. But if you would only like the Watchmen edit of these pieces then it can be found on the official Watchmen soundtrack release... not the score album, as I'm sure you've found, but rather the VA OST.

03-26-2011, 05:03 PM
The VA album? I don't have it... I thought it was just a song album... I'll go check it out... Thank you.

03-26-2011, 05:40 PM
As jmn77 said if you like those pieces then your can heard them on Watchmen VA album but also in their true original context on Koyaanisqatsi. But remember that there are 3 album versions of Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. The original soundtrack, the expanded soundtrack (not original but re-recorded), and finally the complete soundtrack has heard in the movie. And i guarantee that there's more great stuff there than those two pieces included on the VA album of Watchmen.