03-24-2011, 09:47 PM
YouTube - Mortal Kombat Kratos Reveal Extended Trailer [HD] (

Had no idea they were rebooting this game. I'm not a huge fan of Mortal Kombat, but looks somewhat intriguing. Probably still won't play it though.

03-24-2011, 11:40 PM
get the demo, i dont like MK games and yet im SOOOO buying this one.

03-25-2011, 03:23 AM
I really enjoyed the original Mortal Kombat 1 and 2. After that I lost interest. I played the demo to this new version and I was bored with it pretty quick.

03-25-2011, 05:02 AM
It's been a pretty big buzz around the web over the last month and a half, Arigeitsu. But maybe we've been frequenting different places. *shrug*

From what I'm seeing(Xbro, so I haven't been able to try the demo...fucking WHY, MIDWAY?!?), it seems like they are going back to what worked(i.e., MK1-UMK3). I hear a lot of complaints about what's in(Sackboy apparently found some problems if he's bored), but I'm still psyched. I wanna see who the Xbox exclusive is, and I'm also looking forward to getting my Classic Sub-Zero look on launch day. On top of that, the Tower seems to be loads of fun...I mean, where else would you find Mileena trying to give Scorpion a teddy bear?

03-25-2011, 08:00 AM
As far as I know the Xbox exclusive is Markus Fenix. That's what I read several months back. Don't know if they're sticking with it for the release, though.

03-25-2011, 02:31 PM
It's been a pretty big buzz around the web over the last month and a half, Arigeitsu. But maybe we've been frequenting different places. *shrug*

From what I'm seeing(Xbro, so I haven't been able to try the demo...fucking WHY, MIDWAY?!?), it seems like they are going back to what worked(i.e., MK1-UMK3). I hear a lot of complaints about what's in(Sackboy apparently found some problems if he's bored), but I'm still psyched. I wanna see who the Xbox exclusive is, and I'm also looking forward to getting my Classic Sub-Zero look on launch day. On top of that, the Tower seems to be loads of fun...I mean, where else would you find Mileena trying to give Scorpion a teddy bear?

Haha. Oh yeah, I remember those "Friendships" finishing moves. Are they doing those again in this new game?

Yeah, I was never a big fan of Mortal Kombat although I don't hate it or anything. Just wasn't my cup of tea. My older bro was a bad ass at the arcade game back in the day. People would line up to play him and beat everyone. Once in a long while, someone would beat him, but it was very rare and few.

03-25-2011, 09:15 PM
I was the same with with the Tekken games, Ari. My dad found it funny because I was just a little kid beating adults. But as for this new MK game, I'm not totally sold on it until it's been released and I've played it. My favorite out of the series is Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 but I do prefer the old 2D games compared to the new 3D ones so if they say they're going to go back to the brutality of the games (the way it was supposed to be), then I won't believe it till I see it. Until then (and assuming the game isn't good, even after), I will still be playing UMK3 over Xbox Live.

03-25-2011, 10:03 PM
It's hard to constructively explain my feelings towards this new Mortal Kombat game. I want to say it felt generic, but I don't feel that's the right adjective to use. When I think of something I'll post it in details.

03-26-2011, 05:32 AM
As far as I know, it's only fatalities, though I wouldn't be surprised if they threw in the friendships. The animalities and babalities were a bit much, IMO.

As far as the teddy bear thing, just in case you didn't know: one of the levels of the Challenge Tower has Mileena attempting to give Scorpion a teddy bear she made. He don't want it, so they fight.

I liked the other challenge they showed too, "Orange You Glad To See Me". In case people haven't seen it, you do a tag team match of Scorpion and Sub-Zero against Shao Khan...who flips between blue and yellow/orange. The kicker is, you can only damage him with the appropriately colored ninja! And then of course, there's Test Your Luck, which has to be seen to be believed...

03-26-2011, 08:19 AM
again, those with a ps3, get the demo.

04-11-2011, 04:31 AM
It's not coming to Australia ; ;


04-12-2011, 03:55 AM
What is with Australia and banning things?

04-12-2011, 06:15 AM
It's not the country, it's our Film and Literature Classification board. Australians WANT the new Mortal Kombat but our classification board seems to be managed by nuns or something who seem to freak out at the mere site of blood.

I have written to them many times about this issue and they haven't responded once.

04-12-2011, 03:05 PM
Usually folks in that kind of power will not respond. I'll be surprised if they even read letters from the people.

04-25-2011, 05:45 PM
It's hard to constructively explain my feelings towards this new Mortal Kombat game. I want to say it felt generic, but I don't feel that's the right adjective to use. When I think of something I'll post it in details.

I'm surprised you feel that way, considering you mentioned you enjoyed MK 1 and 2. The new MK feels and plays almost exactly like MK2 with some modern fighting game elements thrown in, it's practically a direct homage to it (for better and worse).

Anyway, I have to say that I'm really enjoying it so far. It's far from perfect, but the overall level of polish is fantastic. I feel the developers put alot of heart into the product and it shows. It basically plays like MK with some Tekken elements thrown in (characters' preset combos and juggle mechanic). I just hope that Netherealm is able to patch the game as easily as they have recently hinted. While fun, certain balancing tweaks would make the game that much better.

04-25-2011, 05:56 PM
It's not coming to Australia ; ;

Just import it. It's what you should be doing anyway, with how much games cost here.

04-26-2011, 09:17 PM
I'm loving it at the minute. At last Jax is really great to play as

04-28-2011, 06:57 AM
Came to a dead stop against Shao Khan(as Liu Kang). Having fun nonetheless, I just don't remember Shao Khan being THAT cheap before...X( Test Your Luck is best when kept to a max of three reels, Test Your Might has been sorely missed from the original(for me, anyway), the Story Mode is very interesting(my friend voiced what I had thought, about "Wait...he wasn't around for Mortal Kombat 1! What's he doing here?!?"), and as always, Arcade mode is the same...but that's a good thing, I say. Still gotta say Sheeva's ending was a's like Netherealm KNEW!

04-28-2011, 08:14 AM
It seems a lot of people are having to cheese it against Shao Khan. If I remember correctly, you just keep your distance with Liu Kang and shoot a fire ball or kick when Shao Khan taunts.

04-30-2011, 09:25 PM
I hear it's even worse when you fight Khan again, and he RARELY taunts. Haven't gotten there yet, though.

04-30-2011, 09:51 PM
I hear he's pretty easy with Johnny Cage, because of the infinite x-ray glitch.

05-03-2011, 02:32 PM
Just import it. It's what you should be doing anyway, with how much games cost here.

There are major fines for importing MK into Aus. It's on the customs watchlist.

05-03-2011, 06:00 PM
Nobody has been fined for it yet. Lots of people have already imported it and I plan to once it's in stock. They aren't going to check packages to see if you're importing MK into the country. It's more about cracking down on suspicious bulk orders for potential resellers, really.

05-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Nobody has been fined for it yet. Lots of people have already imported it and I plan to once it's in stock. They aren't going to check packages to see if you're importing MK into the country. It's more about cracking down on suspicious bulk orders for potential resellers, really.

Purrr... I order you to import Mortal Kombat!