01-25-2003, 07:06 PM
Has anyone heard anything about whats going on with adult swim (saturday)? It hasnt been on for three weeks! They better not have cancled it or anything otherwise I'm going to go slaughter who ever is depriving me of my ANIME! I need my ANIME! :notgood:

01-25-2003, 11:12 PM
It's on every weekday now, except for fridays. I live in california, so it comes on at 12:00 a.m :S

01-26-2003, 02:50 AM
oh so its not on saturday nights anymore? That sucks, I can't watch it, I'm asleep by ten *sigh* screwed again. :mad:

01-27-2003, 01:22 AM
Tape it.

01-27-2003, 03:12 AM
XD, is this actually related to Anime or just about missing Anime? *wonders*

01-29-2003, 01:24 AM
Cartoon network used to be my only source of anime and I don't see it on any more.

we should start a killing spree which involves random people until we get our anime.

or, just ask them to put it back on, but they did put on "FUTURAMA" and that show IS funny as hell

01-29-2003, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I feel you there we need to get it back.

01-30-2003, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by Haruko's Punk Rock Kittie
Tape it.

Thats to complicated, my mom wont let me leave the tv on at night and i dont have a special timer thing, so i'm stuck with buying my anime again. Oh well its always better if you buy it, no commercials....

01-30-2003, 06:36 AM
XD, is this actually related to Anime or just about missing Anime? *wonders*

Lol, since when did missing Anime have no relation to Anime? :D

01-31-2003, 01:20 AM
*comforts Cygnus*
I know how you feel. I miss Inuyasha but i don't want to stay up *that* late on school nights. :( Damn them.

01-31-2003, 06:38 AM
While were on the subject of cartoon network, do they still play space ghost coast to coast? and if they do, when? I only see it about once every three months when I'm flipping through channels and its allways an hilarious show. someone help me out, please, I'm begging.

02-02-2003, 05:30 AM
*comforts Cygnus*I know how you feel. I miss Inuyasha but i don't want to stay up *that* late on school nights. Damn them.
What time do they show it at? I live in mountain time...

02-06-2003, 04:43 PM
for me it was at 1 am, saturday night, or sunday morning however you look at it. they advertised it as midnight satturday, but thats because their timing is based on the east coast. so you have to go off that. not that it matters any more, since the saturday adult swim, also know as the anime swim, is currently inactive. reasons are unkonwn to me at the moment.

02-06-2003, 09:41 PM
east coast and westcoase times are the same in cartoon network.

I know how you feel. I miss Inuyasha but i don't want to stay up *that* late on school nights.
well i guess their plan worked. thats one of the reason they moved as to weekdays/nights. so they can show the more "adult" stuff when most kids would have LESS of a chance to see it. and they assume that, if you go to school..YOUR A KID! lol suxors.

and inu yasha is oh so getting better each day. lol *tries to tease the kids at the boards* lol j/k

anyway dont worry. i think cn is on a run for their money. 2 other channels are showing way better anime on these days. (ok maybe not way better but hey its anime)

international channel has been showing dbgt since last year uncut, uncensored, and unedited in japanese (no subs lol) every sunday at 7:30 pst. and right after that is slayers next at 8:00 pst. every sunday only btw. they say they repeat slayers on wedsndasy i think either same time or at 10pst.

on mondays at 8 pm pst, they show fushigi yugi. (dubbed) and on tuesdays they show soul hunter (also dubbed) which is weird cause i expected subbed or jap from international channel. i wonder why they did that. damn dubs are fecking annoying in soul hunter. >.<

and techtv is showing anime now too. every night monday through thursday at 10:pm pst. right now they are showing lain. which rules!!!!!!!! before that they were showing crest of the stars. and i think they plan on showing patlabor. not sure. all dubbed too btw. but very little censores from what i noticed in lain. they said SHIT! lol. it was awesome.

anyway there ya go. i dont know if all this was mentioned before i hope it was cuase this all started like on december. but seriously. cartoon network aint the only place now. i hope this helps. ;)

oh and i forgot to mention. in techtv on fridays, they repeat the 4 anime episodes form monday - thursday begining at 8:00, and then at 10, they show the next 4 episodes they will air next week on monday through thursday. and then next week, on friday, they repeat those next 4 again, and show the next new 4 for you. so its like you get maybe 2-3 chances to catch an ep you might have missed. really cool.

02-07-2003, 04:47 PM
Well now I have no more need to watch Cartoon Network lol ^_^. that's cool though. I'm going to get to actually see new Anime. Amazing o_O!!

02-07-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Tact
and techtv is showing anime now too. every night monday through thursday at 10:pm pst. right now they are showing lain. which rules!!!!!!!! before that they were showing crest of the stars. and i think they plan on showing patlabor. not sure. all dubbed too btw. but very little censores from what i noticed in lain. they said SHIT! lol. it was awesome.

Yes, they say a lot of words like that in Lain

02-09-2003, 02:55 AM
its not that lain has bad words. its that techtv did nothing to beep it out or replace it with like .."phooery" or something supar lame like that. lol

oh and btw. techtv beginign monday at 10:00 pm pst will now start showing BETTERMAN monday through friday. have fun. ;)

02-09-2003, 04:15 AM

For online access to Adult Swim, go to

For online access to Shonen JUMP, go to and type in ASPipeline as the keyword.

Once again, \/\/007!

02-09-2003, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Tact
its not that lain has bad words. its that techtv did nothing to beep it out or replace it with like .."phooery" or something supar lame like that. lol
That would sound weird if they added a word like, "phooery..." But none the less I see your point.

03-19-2004, 09:21 PM
at least you get anime! i live in canada, and the canadian government has this rule called ctrc or sumthin saying that alot of american shows cant come across the border and that includes almost all anime! we get one show of anime here and its only on once a week(actually twice, backtoback episodes every friday of inuyasha). we dont have cartoon network, and i wants trigun and cowboy bebop, and .hack//sign,...i want all anime! i spent 3 weeks in california last summer and i never knew how much anime you get, so stop complaining! feel lucky that you even have it!!