01-24-2003, 11:46 AM


01-24-2003, 12:06 PM
Eh? Should this really have the word 'Bitches' in the title? This is a family show! But onto the topic at hand, Garnet, in my opinion, would win. Mainly because I found she was the most aggressive of them, plus she had white magic and summons. Much like Yuna, just stronger. That's just my opinion however.

01-24-2003, 12:27 PM
come on guys Aeris would easy win these other 3 girls.........just with her Limit Break on level 4 (you all know what that is)

01-24-2003, 02:22 PM
XD bitches. I vote for Garnet winning. She's cuter than the rest and has a stubborn attitude.

01-24-2003, 02:45 PM
Dagger. She's the feistiest of them all. The other three would be sitting there buffing their fingernails and Dagger would flambee them all with her Bahamut.

Plus her name is Dagger. DAGGER.

That name just gives her that Wrestling Match Edge, ya?

01-24-2003, 02:56 PM
I would say Aeris would win because of her 4th limit break and that she can use any materia (knights of the round, final attack and phoenix).

01-24-2003, 09:58 PM
I'd would say either Yuna or Garnet. Both are strong willed and ofcourse both of them are summoners =).

01-24-2003, 11:53 PM
I would say the newer yuna(FFX-2) since she got 2 kool pistols

Black Mage
01-25-2003, 01:31 PM
I would say Aeris would win because of her 4th limit break and that she can use any materia (knights of the round, final attack and phoenix).

That says it all.......

01-25-2003, 09:02 PM
I'd say rinoa has a more feisty aditude, plus she was like a leader of revolutionaries (i think thats what the forst owls were) and she's a sorceress AND she has a dog (just give it rabies and I'm sure it could kick bahamut's ass easily)

01-25-2003, 09:50 PM
I'd say it'd be a tie between garnet and Aeris. Both are beautiful, powerful, and mreehh.....I couldn't choose between them. So it's a tie. =P

01-25-2003, 09:58 PM
selphie dugh first shed befriend them & take them on a train ride
with a bob ride and seal the doors and when there closing shed out run thm with her hyperness and slide throgh the door the jump without getiing hurt:lol :lol :lol :lol :lo
so long suker's

01-26-2003, 03:56 AM
Rikku 0wnz all of them!!! She can mix items together and make many powerful bomb items. It can cause effects too like SILENCE, poison, blind, etc. etc. All rikku would have to do is put silence on them all and they are completely helpless. As for rinoa, she has that pinwheel and i used her in my party all the way to the end and she was pretty strong, but Rikku can get just as strong if you make her sphere grid move over to Auron's. Rikku Kitty would own all of the above ;D

01-26-2003, 04:02 AM
I voted for Rinoa because she's bitchy so she would have to be good in cat fights =P

Nanaki XIII
01-26-2003, 05:25 AM
Yuna with her 2 guns her short shorts. I love women with power!

01-30-2003, 01:29 AM
Rinoa is my personal fav. I mean, she even has more, as in 10+ lvl.s , than Squall!

01-31-2003, 01:22 AM
I voted for Rinoa becuase she has the powers of a sorceress. ^_^
no...wait *thinks* I'll go with Fujin instead. Yup. She can kick them all to the curb with that pinwheel of hers.

02-06-2003, 08:28 PM
oh come on,garnet is not beautiful...she looks more like a 12 year old.And imo Aeris would own them all

02-25-2003, 06:01 AM
I'll have to go with Rinoa. She has the best limit break: shooting star.
I don't find Dagger being very strong or even think of her being strong. I can only see her healing herself everytime she gets hit.:lol

Alice Wonderbra
03-20-2003, 03:56 PM
Rinoa of course! She is by far 1 of the strongest characters that FF has to offer, and not just in the "female" category. she has awesome strength and angelo has lots of attacks to help her, such as invincible moon.

to further my point, take this in2 consideration: i berserked her in the final battle and killed every1 else. she nearly killed ultimecia all by herself (almost killed final form). how's that for a bitch?

03-31-2003, 09:08 PM
i personally would say Rinoa, she just kicks so much ass!:D

04-01-2003, 12:57 AM
I never really liked using Rinoa much in battle. Let's see here:

Yuna: Can actually get up to 99999 HP and attack for 99999 damage if properly powered up. That's powerful.

Aeris: She couldn't even keep herself from getting killed by Sephiroth! No, but seriously, let's see here. I guess maybe she could be a contender. She does have that 4/1 limit break, but doesn't that wear off eventually? Attack: No not really. I suppose she could summon, if she could get her hands on some Materia, oops, but wait, Sephiroth...

Dagger: IMHO, I don't even like using her much in battle in FFIX anyway. She's just a weaker version of Eiko in my opinion, with suckier spells (Eiko can cast cool stuff like Haste, Regen and Full-Life, Dagger can't.) and less cute. And she couldn't really attack for that much, summon Ark is the best she could do and what could that do against some of these others?

Rinoa: Um, no. Sorry, no.

Other possible contenders: Yuffie: god, she rawx and could probably kick Aeris, but Yuna I don't know. Somebody suggested Rikku, yeah, maybe. Oh, and Beatrix. Not only does she look cool, but if you could actually level her up, she could easily kick Dagger in battle. She comes with that cool Save the Queen sword, Thunder Slash, Stock Break, Climhazzard and Shock and she can also cast neat stuff like Full-Life.

04-01-2003, 04:14 AM
Yuna, why? Two words: Magus Sisters

Alice Wonderbra
04-02-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I never really liked using Rinoa much in battle...

Rinoa: Um, no. Sorry, no.

that is funny how u could justify not using every1 else but you couldnt manage much on rinoa. so is she really that bad 0042? :)

04-02-2003, 04:02 PM
All right, all right, I didn't want to go into it, but you've insisted, so I'm going to talk about (lowers voice) Rinoa. All right, why I don't like Rinoa (at least not in battle:)

- First limit break, Angelo is a bit too unpredictable and not really that exciting. Sure, you could get Invincible Moon, but there's Holy Wars and stuf later in the game anyway.

- My main gripe is that in Disc 3, due to game circumstances, she leaves your party for a very extended period of time. So usually, by the time you get her back, she's many levels behind your other characters.

- As for the comment about the "Berserk" thing, that's great, but I bet these other girls, or at least some of them, could do that against their respective final bosses. Yuna definitely could if properly powered up. In fact, I think she could go all the way against Jecht and not just nearly. Dagger? Well, I'd have to say no, but she's not an attacker anyway. Aeris? No, but that's not fair, since you've got Bizzarro Sephiroth who has the move who reduces all HP to one, so she would be out a lot sooner.

- Oh, and I forgot to mention it before, but if we want to talk about FFVIII, why don't we talk about Selphie? Two words: The. End.

G Unit
04-22-2003, 12:38 AM
I voted other because Tifa is hard and would take them chicks anyday, cant believe u didnt put her in:p

05-11-2003, 05:05 PM
I voted "Other". Terra (FF6) would be swinging Illumina's at these other chicks. I guess.

05-11-2003, 08:36 PM
yes I agree why didn't Tifa get put into this! I think Tifa could also kick some major ass.:D

03-12-2004, 12:56 PM
yuna cus she's the fittest!

hb smokey
03-26-2004, 01:44 AM
Hmm...Yuna is the only one of those four who can summon. Duh...

03-28-2004, 02:08 AM
[blatant sarcasm]Oh yeah, that's right. Because it's impossible to equip Aeris with materia, so she can't summon anything. Rinoa definitely can't summon, I mean after all, GF, what does that do? Garnet/Dagger? It's not like she has the power of the eidolons or anything. So, yep, I guess Yuna is the only one of those for who can summon.[/blatant sarcasm]

03-28-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
[blatant sarcasm]Oh yeah, that's right. Because it's impossible to equip Aeris with materia, so she can't summon anything. Rinoa definitely can't summon, I mean after all, GF, what does that do? Garnet/Dagger? It's not like she has the power of the eidolons or anything. So, yep, I guess Yuna is the only one of those for who can summon.[/blatant sarcasm]

just cuz Yuna is good at summoning, doesn't matter she's stronger than all of the FF girls wit the summoning thing...it depends how strong they r wit no help......and that's y i vote "others" and i would think Tifa is the strongest........she's already strong wit all those punching......she don't need no summoning. She's already kicking ass by herself.

03-28-2004, 05:16 PM
I voted Garnet, mainly because she's cooler than the rest :P.

Um, no. If I want Jesus references I'll watch The Passions of the Christ. I'm glad Square realized that these do not = good storyline, and stopped making their Jesus characters so blatantly obvious.

How could she fight anyone with that run of hers in FFX-2? I mean, seriously, if you can't run right, I doubt you have much of a chance.

Rinoa was one of my favorite charactersin VIII, but her going away pissed me off.

Well, Celes with Illumina + Genji Glove + Offering + Other Weapon would kick any of their asses, or just Vanish/Doom them all, and Runic anything they throw at her ^^. So I probably should've voted for her >.>

03-28-2004, 05:42 PM
ThoeunCloud - I think you missed my point. I was responding to the comment by Tiduslives, who said that Yuna is the only one of the characters on the poll that can summon, which obviously isn't true.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-28-2004, 11:24 PM
I think MogKnight's mother could kick all their asses.

03-29-2004, 12:06 PM
Agent0042 rules

03-29-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
ThoeunCloud - I think you missed my point. I was responding to the comment by Tiduslives, who said that Yuna is the only one of the characters on the poll that can summon, which obviously isn't true.


hb smokey
04-03-2004, 02:05 AM
You are absolutely right <B> Agent0042 </B>. I must have been drunk or something when I posted that. Let me clarify.

Yuna's specialty is summoning. I just get so mixed up in that game that I didn't think too much about the other contenders.

But, with that aside, since they can all summon, it would still be Yuna. Since she is the only one of the other three who can reach 99,999 damage

And I'm pretty sure that would wipe out every FF character

And her running style, ummm....yeah maybe a little weird, but she doesn't run in battle. She stands there....

04-03-2004, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by Tiduslives
And I'm pretty sure that would wipe out every FF character

Any character who can Jump, which is over 15 of them, btw, can dodge that attack.
Or Vanish/Reflect, depending on how you're doing the 99,999 damage.

If you want it to be some sort of summoning battle, then a FF6 character can use Palidor to recieve the Jump effect.

hb smokey
04-03-2004, 03:37 AM
There is not one FF character who could withstand a 99,999 damage hit from Yuna.

04-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Right! Because Aeris's Great Gospel is useless and wouldn't protect her. (Or any other invincibility item)

P.S.: I'm being sarcastic again.

04-09-2004, 09:14 AM
Personally i think Elena was one major Bi**h, very hard lady, after all she was in the turks!
Don't think she'd beat Rikku tho.

In the end though i think that whatever that thing was in FF9 He/she will beat them all, what was her name?