01-24-2003, 01:04 AM
Anyone want to share records. . . (I don't have them her but this is close) my memory crashed and I had some rad records

basketball- 9 shots

speed coster- 5900 or close ( I have to admit I had this slow motion thing without it I could only get 5000 or so)

mog- beat

boxing-never got past the third guy

sub- around 5000

snowboarding time trials- don't remember

chocobo- got every item beat everyone

battle- 64000 (of course to get omnislash)

bike- 1800 or so

01-24-2003, 01:42 AM
Well, i kicked the crap outta the Sub game i know that. Don't know the score. Same with Chocobos, Boxing, Wrestling, Basketball, Speed Square and the Mog Game. I was ok at the Bike game and sucked at Snowboarding :P

01-24-2003, 07:04 AM
Hmm, some I was good at, but some I sucked at:

Basketball: I didn't even like this one and never really played it much. Really not much of anything.

Speed Coaster: Around 3000-4000. I never did get 4,000 and I'm not really very good at it.

Mog House: Easy enough game, once you know the trick. Kinda cute, of course, you only get something for beating it the first time you play in any particular game.

Boxing: I never got past the third guy either.

Sub: I really sucked at this for a while, but then I started figuring out the controls better and did fairly decent. But I never did get that great.

Snowboarding: Beat every one of the courses and got decent scores on the "Time Attack" mode for each. Usually just barely passed on to the next level though, with a score around 70, occasionally up in the 80s and never in the 90s.

Chocobo: Raced and raced. Got my Gold Chocobo, S Class, all of it.

Battle: Got Omnislash and W-Summon and then did the special battle for Final Attack. Neat stuff.

Bike: A personal favorite! Got over 10,000 and got a Speed Source out of it. Not sure of my best score, but it was over 10,000.

01-24-2003, 10:05 AM
I sucked in the basketball game and I liked overfeeding Mog XD Fatty mog trying to fly and then falling XD *drools*

Boxing; Never finished it, never passed the third guy as well I believe.
Speed Coaster; Never bothered playing it.
Chocobo: Got up to A with yellow chocobo and up to S with a black one.
Battle: XD FUN. I could spend hours here beating the crap out of monsters after removing a couple of tissues ^.^ Got omnislash, W summon and the Final Attack.
Bike: meh boring.
Snowboarding: I always fall.
Submarine: I was killed once xD o_O and that's probaly the most exciting thing ever happened.

I dun like playing the mini games which I played already in the story for some odd reason which doesn't come in mind 1,2,3

01-24-2003, 04:14 PM
-Basketball: My brother really like this one and he got +10 shot, me? I got nothing XD

-Speed Coaster: I play it a lot and never got enough of it.

-Chocobo: Got up to S class thanks to my lovely gold chocobo, Pippie ^_^

-Battle: I don't really like. I play it only to get omni-slash and some rare stuff.

-Bike: My stuff....never misses it :D

-Moggie: Just play it once and that's all

-Submarine: Boring...

-Boxing: I hate "Eddy"

-Snowboarding: Trees are sucks

01-25-2003, 12:45 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Basketball: 12 points

Speed Coaster: Over 8000 points (I can only get about 6000 or so now though...)

Boxing: I got to the fourth guy, but I think he is actually impossible to beat. :p

Bike: 15000+

Battle: 64000 ;)

Snowboarding: I completed all the courses, and I think I managed to score 97 on the beginner course...

Chocobo: Got every item and all my chocobos to S class

Sub: I completed every level, but it was really boring, and it was really annoying trying to find the last one.

Gold Saucer is easy. :D

01-25-2003, 03:57 AM
Hm, I never really did a lot of the games like the submarine or the Bike one... My siblings (both young and old) would have fun playing the games there when I *happened* to be at Gold Saucer. They loved the snowboarding the best...