Infernus Animositas
03-17-2011, 11:50 AM

Track list1. Behaviour Logo (0:05)
2. Paramount Digital Entertainment Logo (0:05)
3. EA Logo (0:06)
4. Rango Attract Mode (1:07)
5. MU CS L00 Game Intro A (0:49)
6. MU CS L00 Game Intro B (0:32)
7. MU L00 Main Titles (2:35)
8. MU Loading Screen (1:13)
9. MU L00 Platform 01 (5:29)
10. MU Tutorial (1:49)
11. MU Loading Screen 02 (1:21)
12. CS L01 SC Gun Intro (0:07)
13. CS L01 SC God Bullet (0:05)
14. MU CS L01 Gun Intro (0:20)
15. MU CS L01 Level Intro (0:33)
16. MU CS L01 Level Outro (0:49)
17. MU CS L01 Tale 01 Intro A C (1:34)
18. MU Loading Screen 03 (0:46)
19. MU CS L02 Tale 02 Intro (0:33)
20. MU L02 Chase 01 (2:37)
21. MU L02 Train Platform 01 (2:43)
22. MU CS L02 Level Outro (0:59)
23. MU CS L03 Tale 03 Intro (1:03)
24. L03 Level Intro Dialogue FPP (0:49)
25. MU L03 Cliff Platform 01 (2:55)
26. MU L03 Cliff Platform 02 (3:54)
27. MU CS L03 Transition A (0:31)
28. MU L03 Bad Bill Boss Fight Loop (1:42)
29. L03 Bad Bill Cut (0:18)
30. MU CS L03 Level Outro (0:18)
31. MU CS L04 Tale 04 Intro (0:33)
32. MU L04 Lars Platform 01 (4:51)
33. MU L04 Lars Boss Fight (2:07)
34. MU CS L04 Level Outro (0:15)
35. MU CS L05 Level Intro (0:35)
36. MU L05 RC Platform 01 (2:49)
37. MU L05 RC Platform 02 (2:52)
38. MU CS L05 Level Outro (0:22)
39. MU CS L06 Tale 06 Intro (0:58)
40. CS L06 AC Fail (0:03)
41. CS L06 SC Cuckoo Maricahis' (0:05)
42. MU L06 RSJ Platform 01 (4:07)
43. MU L06 RSJ Platform 02 (1:06)
44. MU L06 RSJ Boss Fight Loop (2:14)
45. MU CS L06 Level Outro (0:22)
46. MU CS L07 Tale 07 Intro (0:23)
47. MU L07 ZA Platform 01 (2:40)
48. MU L07 ZA Chase 01 (3:00)
49. MU CS L07 Transition A (0:21)
50. CS GN Golden Golf Intro (0:09)
51. MU L07 ZA Gold Golf (2:05)
52. MU L07 ZA Boss Fight (3:06)
53. MU CS L07 Level Outro (0:10)
54. MU CS L08 Tale 08 Intro A B (1:12)
55. MU L08 NWBA Platform 01 (2:45)
56. MU CS L08 Transition A (0:16)
57. MU L08 NWBA Chase 01 (2:53)
58. MU CS L08 Level Outro (0:40)
59. MU CS L09 Tale 09 Intro (1:00)
60. MU L09 Ai Combat Loop (2:07)
61. MU CS L09 Transition A B (0:45)
62. MU L09 Ai Escape (3:22)
63. MU L09 Ai Platform 01 (0:11)
64. MU L09 Ai Boss Fight (3:05)
65. MU CS L09 Level Outro (0:35)
66. MU CS L10 Game Outro (1:09)
67. FX L07 Giant Mariachis Loop (1:00)
68. FX Timms Wall Song (0:30)
69. MU Aliens Loop 01 (2:35)
70. MU Bat Proto 01 (1:13)
71. MU Chase Proto 01 (6:10)
72. MU Cliff Proto 01 (3:35)
73. MU Cliff Proto 02 (4:48)
74. MU Cliff Proto 03 (4:10)
75. MU Dirt Proto 01 (1:15)
76. MU Escape 01 (1:33)
77. MU Lars Proto 01 (2:54)
78. MU MRC 01 (1:11)
79. MU MRC 02 (1:09)
80. MU MRC 03 (1:00)
81. MU Train Proto 1 (1:28)
82. MU Zombie 01 (1:43)
83. MU Zombie 02 (1:46)
84. XP 2 (0:23)
85. XP 2-2 (0:23)
86. XP 2-3 (0:23)
87. Credit Scene (0:31)

Total Time: 02:12:40
Music was converted directly from the .FSB files

Thanks goes out to HCS for updating his XMAsh tool that helped extract the XMA's from the FSB's and then add the appropriate header for me and also to Xplorer for toWAV.

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Password is:


[url=!FcV1BRTK!S5yOjCbb2yl4sfHQwEq31V1cD5UFQJpHcMpIxJW V_Ps]Part 1 (]Fuzzy Blankets[/url)
Part 2 (!9FtiwBwQ!JzhM9Rla82t39xVydM4pqR6sqIZMj5xjfU_9ukn ai6o)
Part 3 (!UF9E1AjY!IP6vwwLZsiPEItLgpHQsKA79HnxF1nrLtvlkSqQ 3JdI)
Part 4 (!5ZtGBbSJ!If-BORVRypXa9Y9e5lMpqk3FUqcMsaEMxIdEO47amc8)
Part 5 (!xJkTAa7A!KH3HvHjd3pa0PL5SYUycdgJCQBguR8OnklieHxn cE1k)
Part 6 (!RMNTwRoD!FOLul13N2KK6kwdGgSaLmEsPyyM6sLtM0WT6J8r ZokQ)

03-17-2011, 12:28 PM
thanks a lot

03-17-2011, 06:23 PM
Thanks again matey

04-17-2011, 10:00 AM
Great score, thanks! Can anyone make covers for this? :D

11-05-2012, 04:36 PM
Is there a chance for a reup in mp3?

Infernus Animositas
11-07-2012, 12:36 AM
Yes, I'll re-upload it in MP3 VBR-0 :)

11-07-2012, 07:02 AM
Thanks! That would be awesome. I wish to make a custom OST.

Infernus Animositas
11-18-2012, 01:31 AM
Re-uploaded :)

05-03-2014, 05:51 AM
Oh no! I totally missed this reup! I must have lost my mind. Does anyone have a mirror of the mp3 vbr? I still want to create a custom ost from this.

05-03-2014, 12:05 PM
Is posible reupload�

Infernus Animositas
05-25-2014, 03:54 AM
Re-uploaded :)

05-25-2014, 05:25 AM
Thanks for this :)

05-25-2014, 11:56 AM
Thank you for this!

05-22-2017, 01:27 AM
thank you