01-22-2003, 01:22 PM
When you try to grow a tail

Start jumping up and down when ever you get in a mood (like someone who we all know)

When ever you go on long walks you try and call a moogle to save

You lost your voice because of so much killing in the world

When in a fight you warn whoever your fighting your about to trance

I'll post more when i think of some, your go ppl!

01-22-2003, 09:32 PM
You know you've been playing too much FF9 when:

... you finish some big accomplishment and you walk away, humming the "Victory Fanfare" to yourself.

... you start using expressions that are in relation to FF9. Like, "Holy Alexander!" "Thank Gaia you're okay...."

... you start thinking in terms of spellcasting and ability stones. Can't sleep? Your "INSOMNIAC" ability is on. Feeling hyper? The "HYPERAGA" spell has just been cast on you.

... you're talking to someone and you swear you can see their reactions in terms of being talk boxes with "!", "...", "?!" and "?" appearing above their heads.

... you talk to someone, and when you go back to talk to them, you expect them to say the exact same thing they'd said a few minutes ago.

... you go to someone's house and get the urge to just rummage through their stuff and take the things you think might be useful later.

... you can't look at marbles, beach balls, or bowling balls without breaking into a cold sweat. :D

... you go around greeting everyone by saying "Rally-ho!"

... your pickup lines include "Wanna go for an airship ride?" and "My Princess, I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you!"

... your idea of paying someone for their troubles is to give them a playing card.

... every time you see something burst into flames, you think, "Oooh! That's just been Bahamutted!"

... you program two ring tones into your celphone. The first is the Battle Theme for when normal people call. The second is the Boss Battle Theme for when really scary people (ie. your boss at work) call.

... you grab someone's butt and comment, "Oooo... soft!" :D

bigfoot 2
01-26-2003, 07:58 AM
- you get into a fight and it uses atb...
- get a fat friend with face paint and a f**king big tongue to eat a monster in order to learn its ability
- Try to convince your girlfriend she used to have a horn and came from another continent
- Try to convince your girlfriend you came from a paralell world
- get to rename your girlfriend as you see fit

01-26-2003, 09:22 AM
* Your lover has amnesia and you've been searching your whole life to find him again ;_;.

* Everywhere you go gets destroyed.

* Anyone who is goodlooking is automatically your enemy that you must somehow defeat yet you later find out is just like you and doing the dirty work you were supposed to do in the first place.

02-01-2003, 08:58 AM
... you finish some big accomplishment and you walk away, humming the "Victory Fanfare" to yourself.

I've done this so many times it's no longer funny... :D

You know you've played Final Fantasy Nine to much when...

...you have an annoying tendancy to say "Kupo" every five seconds.

...you cry at the end.

...you cry when all those black mages get thrown off the air ship. (Like me...)

...you quote your favorite character

...you always think to yourself "What would Zidane do?"


02-04-2003, 04:31 PM
you know youve played too much when...
you find all of these hilarious.

02-05-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by cid592
you know youve played too much when...
you find all of these hilarious. Hehehehe... do you? ;)

You know you play to much FF9 when...

... you start wondering if you should rename yourself after the first thing that falls out of your friend's pokcet/bag. ("It is decided. From now on, I will be called 'Kleenex Wad")

... you read these and realize that you actually HAVE done some of these things. Bonus points if it's from someone else's list other than your own.

...People start writing these lists with you in mind. (Yes, sadly, my friends HAVE written such lists about me. Damn them all!! LOL )

02-19-2004, 09:52 PM
You've been singing to your best friends songs from FF9.......

02-20-2004, 08:00 AM
You know you've played too much Final Fantasy IX when....:

When you searching around the net to find a Hentai pics of Garnet.

When you and a bunch of your friends sneak into the White House to kidnap the president's daughter, thinking that she was Princess Garnet.

When you get in a fight, you try to steal from the other person.

When you take a hiking trip in the forest looking for Yans.

You throw bottles at your friends and wonder why it doesn't heal them.

When you find coins on the floor and demand a reward

When you ask your teddy bear if he'll save your game.

You go up to short people and say Rally-ho!

Your sister turns 16 and you try to extract Eidloins from her.

you get a large chicken and try to make it fly.

You search for save the queen on e-bay.

You walk up to someone and ask them to play Tetra Master.

You challenge your friends to a festival hoping that you'll win a date with your crush.

You go to the pet store/zoo and ask to see a Chocobo.

When you take a look at a map of the Earth and ask yourself, ''say, wasn't Mist Continent supposed to be here?''

You have a friend who always carries around a hammer.

you run aroud with wing things on your back, and say "I'm a summoner"

You give your dog a extra mouthand say you found cerberus at ipsens castle.

You think a elephant is the real queen brane.

You saw a monkey tail above your butt and say you are zidane.

You mutate to a female rat and call yourself freya.

You dress up your brother with a thong ,a dress,and some makeup and call him Kuja.

You put your white cat in your dress and call her mog.

You tell your mom that you want to take the Hilda Garde 3 to school.

You take a picture of Garnet and Zidane to your biology teacher and ask "if these two have kids, will their kids have tails and blond hair?"

When you try to rename your girfriend as "dagger".

When you feed your white cat nuts and wonder why it continuously chokes!

when u meet a little orphan girl who hangs around white cats and ask her to summon eidolons

You look for a frog and 3 potions and try to change the frog back to its original form.

You go to the Grocery Store and ask where they keep their Potions/Pheonix Downs and etc.

You think the monkeys at the zoo are Genomes.

You buy a Silver Eypatch and walk around casting Stock Break everywhere.

You go to an aircraft show and ask where the Invincible and Hilda Garde 3 are docked.

You go walk through the forest and deliberately kill animals to try and level up yourself.

When you name your dog Fenrir

You walk into a library and ask where dr.tot was

You go to the bank and try to exchange your money for gil

When you head out into your back yard with a shovel and start lookin for chocographs.

You walk into everyone's home and start searching the whole place for potions and items, And they don't mind.

After wearing the same outfit for several weeks, you refuse to wear it ever again because you are convinced that it won't teach you new ability.

When you ask everyone in the neighborhood, ''where can I find another moonstone?''

Every sentence ends with a Kupo!

After a bully beats you up, you wonder why you don't go into Trance mode.

You put black make-up on your face to look like Vivi.

You start sticking pieces of cloth in the back of your pants, and when your friend asks what it is you say it is a tail.

You wear huge collars around your wrists.

You try to eat your pet because you think it will teach you a new spell.

Same as above, but you try to cook your friend.

You go on a shopping spree to look for some blue leather pants.

You ask a clerk at the clothing store for something that teaches Fire.

You wonder how planes can fly without mist.

You take two knives into a shop and ask them to synthesize them into a Theif sword.

You think Leonardo De Capario is really Kuja.

You want to pull a joke on someone so you try looking for some Ogloops to scare them with.

Every time you see a blue light you think it leads to your real home.

You think hurricanes are caused by some giant eyeball ship in the sky.

You were raised by some guy with whose name starts with the letters QU, has huge tounge,and whophilosophises about food all the time.

You tear up your yard by digging. When your father asks why, you tell him that you are searching for a ChocoGraph Piece.

You don't kill flowers because you're mortally afraid you'll be petrified.

You ask the drama teacher if your school can perform ''I want to be your canary''

You think your car will only run when it's foggy outside.

You think rats live in tornadoes

When you kill animals at the zoo because you're competing in the Festival of the Hunt.

When a bounty hunter tries to kill you, you ask him to be your friend.

When you use Zidane's ''lines'' to try and get girls.

And then you're surprised when they don't work out.

You eat Frogs because you think thier good

Run around with a huge fork

Wear a blue jacket with a pointy hat

Say ''judgement bolt'' wait for a guy with a beard to come

Make rusty armor and wear it to school

Go whale hunting so you can find the acclaimed ''Whale Whisker''

Make a Black ball and name it Dark Matter

Use that Black ball and try to summon Odin

Kill you Family and try to use Phonex

Find a Big tree and name it the Iifa tree

Ask your science teacher where plane Gaia and Terra are

You wear a ruby and then steal you freinds rabbit then you try to cast Carbuncle

You walk around the house waiting to see if an exclamation point appears above your head.

You run around with a dagger trying to steal from people

You have a deck of cards and you challenge people on the street to a game.

You speak of the days aboard the prima vista.

When you turn 16, you run away.

You paste a bushy moustache on a c*ckroach/frog and call it Cid.

You think Mimi Bobek on the Drew Carey Show is really Queen Brahne in disguise.

You go to the mall with three friends and comment on how its bigger then Alexandria.

You go to a coin shop and ask if they have any stellazio in their possesion.

When walking thru a forest path you try to give the animals a peice of tin

When it doesnt work you yell ''Damn it must've wanted a Lapis Lazuli''

You called Nasa and asked them to officially rename the moon Terra.

When you walk into someones house and look thru all of their stuff for potions.

You throw things that are on fire around and tell people that it's your trance attack.

You ask why your white cat doesnt have pink wings

You go to sears and ask where they keep the Excaliburs?

When your friends ask you, ''what's your favorite radio hit song?'', you answer, ''boss battle theme from FF IX!!''

When you constantly take a look at yourself in the mirror just to check your EXP and abilities.

when you research for an ancient tribe that is called the Qu's.

You go to Chinatown, tear down all the signs and billboards, cut off each "letter" one by one, and chuck them at your enemies, claiming they have been hit by Grad Lethal

You start trying to flee everyone from your town thinking Queen Brahne is going to annihilate it sooner or later.

You try to scale the New York city roofs in order to see a broadway play for free.

You form a gang called the pluto knights or Tantalus bandits or even dragoon knights.

You decide to eat at any place called ALEXANDRIA'S DELI.

You buy a skeleton that would normally be for halloween and fight it

You go around asking people to give you a fork because you eat a lot of frogs

When you stick your tongue out at people,walk around in adress and ask people "You have yummy yummies?"

When it rains you run outside yellin': "I find this rain quite pleasant"

You take some of your mother's jewelry and try to summon the eidolons with them.

When you drama teacher asks for any ideas on which play they should do next you say " I want to be your Canary"

When you go to school, you always carry a white cat in your bag so in case you get stuck on something you can pull it out and talk to it.

You dress up like zidane and go around stealing from people and hopping that you'll meet a princess who knows how to summon monsters.

You take a big stick, go up to your enemy, say "Firaga!" then sing the victory dance and tell him over and over that he has to fall over dead because you hit him with a giant pillar of fire.

- Submitted by : Seiken 666 (below)

You don't go into the fields coz you think the sheep will cast Comet on you

You muck up your mum's new wig and put it on, along with blue make-up and call yourself

the Flaming Amarant.

You search the world for the Superslick hair gel so all the cats can e-mail each other.

You never wear tropical gear because it has no defense.

You kill a rat and take the tail to some blue-haired guy, and demand lots of money.

You try to sell a mirror for �12000.

You wear a pink tiara and say "Confuse", then tell someone to spin around, claiming that they've been confused.

You stick feathers to your wellingtons boots and wonder why you don't float.

You paint your pet cobra blue and call him Leviathan.

When you get a Karate Black Belt, you spit a ball of gravy at your opponent and claim he's been hit by Demi.

You go to the toy shops and ask where the Tin Armors/Ninja gears/Orihalcons/Mistro Forks etc. are?

You try to use a hammer on a tiny bit of ore, expecting it to turn into a giant suit made out of tin cans.

You ask your three brothers to beat up your Dad every time he comes into the room with a mask on his face.

You start talking like the ever-annoying Ammarant, saying things like "You call that freindship?" or "Dammed Hypocrite, talking about friendship when your just a selfish loner..."

You ask where the blue wings are on your boat.

You spray yourself with a pinky perfume and wonder why your wounds don't reheal themselves.

You cover your right eye with a chunk of metal, and keep hammering the sides of your toy sword, and call yourself Beatrix.

You wear a belt over your eyes and dye your hair red, and call yourself Blank.

You take a fork and wellingtons boots into a shop and ask them to make it into German boots.

You equip a small rock to you and wonder why you don't get stronger and faster.

You lock your mum in the freezer for a week, and release her then call her Shiva.

You get someone to build a village on a path that goes over a valley and call it Conde Petie.

07-16-2004, 01:06 PM
you know you've been playing too much Final Fantasy IX...
when your dad wants to know what you are listening to (this one is true. it happened to me a couple of times when my dad was helping me with a puzzle in my room)

these gave me a good laugh.

Ereptor Eximius
07-16-2004, 02:40 PM
You know you've been playing too much FFIX when...

...you get into debates over whether its "Iifa" or "Lifa"

...You sit up waiting for the second moon to show itself

...."Peenty-Hets" becomes a catch phrase of yours

...whenever you go to an auction, you stand up front right below the auctioneer

...you scream "OGLOP!!!" everytime you see a ladybug

...you don't find anything interesting unless it causes an exclamation point to appear above your head

...you try to concentrate hard enough to see what someone else is doing at the moment

...you go around asking people if you can deliver their mail

The Sage
07-16-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Ereptor Eximius
You know you've been playing too much FFIX when...
...you get into debates over whether its "Iifa" or "Lifa"

Well it has to be "Iifa" all the other names in the game have the first letter in capitals. However I did start off woundering if it was Lifa the first time I played it... Uh oh...

You know you've been playing too much FFIX when...

...you spend aprox. 13-14 hours of your life getting the "Robe of Lords" in Chocobo's Forest! (720 games most of which were 70 secs and 14.25 points a game average! In the forest remember) And you did it in the forest because you wanted to do it "hardcore", you would have done it in disc one but you didn't think of it at the time. Also you thought about getting a "Protect ring" but realised you spent 13-14 hours of your life (and about 2 weeks of gaming) getting a "Robe of Lords" and it would be better to wait until you get to the lagoon.

...when you sell all the items you dug up on the Hot and Cold Sidequest and you realise how much money you have and that you can afford anything you wanted and will be able to for a long time to come.

...when the first time you played FF9 (and it was my first FF) you were visiting your sister and she had to work all day. But, you got to play on her playstaion and this fun RPG game got played a lot. So much in fact that after her 9 hour shift and you not being arsed to get up for a brake, you actually waited for a dialogue box to come up when she and her friend came how with chips (fries for the americans). I shit you not there was actual waiting for a dialogue box, she asked a question and there should have been a "Yes/No" dialogue box come up, but it never happened.

But then I wouldn't know about any of the above... :erm: :erm: :erm: :erm:

...when you run into a rats nest asking all the rats where the king rat is because your trying to save him.

...when you attack clowns

...when you get two pumice pieces and stick them together

...when you think you don't want to use your two pumice piece monstrosety because it'd take too long for the ark animation and he doesn't do that much damage anyway

...when you go underwater and you look behind some coral for Hades

...when you go underwater and wounder why you can't breathe

...when you start seeing other people's memories

...when you do dangerous things thinking "it doesn't really matter if i die I just saved"

...when you put a carrot on the ground near some animal tracks and wounder when a chocobo doesn't come

...when your in a fight and you wait for you atb to fill up

...when your in a fight with more than four people and you think "hey that's not supposed to happen"

...when you get together a motley crew and try to attack the white house becuase you think George Bush is trying to take over the world with clowns

Furious Rose
07-22-2004, 12:52 PM
You know youve been playing to much when you sit and think of things to write in the "You know youve been playing to much Ps2 when...) thread

07-23-2004, 06:49 AM
you know you been play to much FF9 whan

when you go out side and look for moster to lvl up on
when you try to put a a fire with Ice
when you try to fight a clown
this are ture story's

when you go to the ebgame and ask how much gil is that game
when you call your G/F Alexandrons
when you try to fight a clown

07-23-2004, 06:57 AM
When you met the person you're going to marry trying to find the lyrics to "Melodies of Life". XD

07-23-2004, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by Anna254899
You've been singing to your best friends songs from FF9.......

when you revive a year-old thread >:

The Sage
07-24-2004, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by Ndi
When you met the person you're going to marry trying to find the lyrics to "Melodies of Life". XD

07-24-2004, 06:55 AM
...when you actually greet people with rally-ho!, i do this by the way.
...when you search the the depatment stores for a robe of lords
...when you find something of interest, a little ! pops up over your head.
...when you wnader the forest looking for freindly monsters, and if/when you find one you throw some rocks at it.

07-25-2004, 05:20 PM
when you search the web for pictures and the entire script from the game

07-28-2004, 08:35 PM
when you go to hawaii and try to buy an aloha t shirt:D

08-01-2004, 08:32 PM
When u run from a Forest,Afraid ur friend will become Petrifed!

08-01-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by The Sage


That's how I originally wound up posting here.

I met Merl here, and we were friends for years.

Met in real life, fell hopelessly in love.

Moved in together, and later got engaged.

So yeah, pretty cool. ^^

08-01-2004, 11:49 PM
You know you've been playing too much FF9 when:

You go to sleep, and wonder why you still have a broken arm in the morning.

You think that night happens because somebody climbed into a tent.

You throw a diamond at a friendly looking animal, and wonder why it doesn't make you stronger.

You then think "Damn, that must have been the Gimmie Cat!"

You try to race a Hippo.

You catch two frogs, then wonder why a fat guy with a huge tongue doesn't appear.

You wonder why your vision doesn't dissolve before you enter a fight.

You wonder where the music is when you fight.

You wonder why you don't Trance when you have almost been knocked out.

You are shocked to discover that there are other continents.

You attack a transvestite, thinking he wants to destroy the world.

You give an old man three types of coffee, and wonder why he doesn't mail you a Mini Ship.

You wonder how to change your abilities when there is no Triangle to press.

When you run past somebody, you wonder why they don't spin around.

You are terrified of Stock Brokers (Remember Beatrix's move at the end of each fight?)

You are terrified of fog.

You strap wings and a bobble to a cat, paint it pink, and force it to eat nuts.

You think the cat would move a very heavy weight (say, a church bell,) to get the nuts.

You are suprised when the cat mauls you.

The first thing you think when you hear "Libra" is "Stellazio".

You wonder why so many people die, since a feather should cure them (but, of course, can only be used in battle.)

You carry a feather with you, hoping to learn Phoenix.

You think that you can carry a sword, but not a stick, a flute, or a fork.

You check everything you eat to ensure that it has 1/4 health...

Unless you cook it, which would make it OK for it to have half health.

You shudder when you hear glass breaking, and hope it wasn't the crystal.

Let's see how long this is, shall we?

08-02-2004, 03:11 PM
When You Meet Stanger's,And A few Minute's after,Your going Wit'em,To Find A princess!

U go to Someone's House,Give them 100 Gil,And Expect to stay and Heal Overnight!

Whenever Someone say's anything about you,You say something stupid and start a fight,Then hope to go into Trance to cast "GRAND LETAL"!

I know these suck so please don't say anything!!!

Thanx! :)

08-05-2004, 01:19 AM
yeah they do suck lol

when u go to hawaii just to buy a n aloha t shirt and sandals

08-05-2004, 02:54 AM
U r so rude plus u already said that when u were Zidane!

08-05-2004, 05:07 AM
The card game and becoming stronger.

08-05-2004, 06:04 PM
Whatz that supposed 2 mean?

08-15-2004, 02:56 AM
you know that your are playing too much FF9 when you get out of bed and the controler is still in your hand from last night you assume because you had a run in with your neighbors mom and when you say that you mean that you are actually waking up next to her because you had wild FF9 action with her the night before if u know what i mean...

08-15-2004, 03:00 AM

Lunatic HighVII
08-17-2004, 03:19 AM
played too much ff9 say why here...

I called someone Kuja by accident... very embarrassing it was, considering kuja looks so much like a girl... Also, a bunch of people and I were talking about a fight going on at school and I said "why don't they just use a summon?!" I suddenly ralized a bunch of people looking at me, confused.

08-18-2004, 04:15 AM
when you go on google and look up the characters names on the web.
when you read fanfics about them.

08-18-2004, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Lunatic HighVII
played too much ff9 say why here...

I called someone Kuja by accident... very embarrassing it was, considering kuja looks so much like a girl... Also, a bunch of people and I were talking about a fight going on at school and I said "why don't they just use a summon?!" I suddenly ralized a bunch of people looking at me, confused.


11-08-2004, 04:12 PM
You know you've been playing too much FF9 when...

You go to Australia and catch an ostrich. Then you name him Choco, colored him yellow and force him to dig up all of Chocograph.

You force your friend to catch some frog for you. And you eat it with no cook.

You play this game ALL the time.

You try to make a cable car for your city.(Like a cable car in Lindblum)

You try to build your city in to the castle.

You walk around the forest and try to find Plant Brain.