01-21-2003, 07:00 PM
This idea was originally made by Agent0042 and has asked me to represent FFX.
You may have noticed other rumbles like this in other FF forums. So for those who don't know the rules here they are...

This is a rumble between scores/songs. So basically I randomly pair two songs/scores at a time. You must choose between the two and this carries on until there's an ultimate winner.

So I too shall give it two days at a time.

So the first two shall be...

"To Zanarkand" - Which is the intro theme.

"Movement In Green" - Which is the theme used for when you first set sail for Killika, and also the theme used for Moonflow.

Perchance you are wondering why I picked these two, simply because they sound alike and it would be interesting to see who wins. ^_^

The winner will be announced in two days.

01-21-2003, 08:41 PM
Thanks for doing this Riana. I look forward to seeing how it goes and I think I'll have fun playing too.

Anyway, "Movement In Green" is nice, but I don't find it particularly exciting or interesting. My vote is for "To Zanarkand."

Edited because "fun" has no "r" in it. Oh, and say, does anybody know what "Movement In Green" is called on the soundtrack? I know it's called something else, but I'm not sure what.

Heavens Cloud
01-21-2003, 08:59 PM
oo i actually like both of these songs but my vote is for "To Zanarkand"

01-21-2003, 10:16 PM
"To Zanarkand" gets my vote

01-22-2003, 02:15 AM
My vote is for "To Zanarkand"...... can't get it out of my head!!

Nanaki XIII
01-22-2003, 02:40 AM

Neo Xzhan
01-22-2003, 10:11 AM
I am voting for Movement in Green, it just apeals more to me.

01-22-2003, 03:21 PM
I like "Movement in Green" but find "To Zanarkand much more compelling, so "To Zanarkand" gets my vote too. Besides that song gets stuck in my head =p.

Vivi FF
01-22-2003, 11:39 PM
To Zanarkand... I don't recall the other song...

01-24-2003, 05:18 PM

People actually played. XD

Ok here are the results...

To Zanarkand - 7

Movement In Green - 1

Oh well there ya go.

Ok next rumble will be...


"Chocobo Jam"

If you don't know the themes just ask...

Originally posted by Agent0042

Oh, and say, does anybody know what "Movement In Green" is called on the soundtrack? I know it's called something else, but I'm not sure what.

Um, Agent I got the name from the Sphere Theatre that's how I assumed that it was it's title. :confused:

Neo Xzhan
01-24-2003, 05:36 PM
I am going for the prelude.

01-24-2003, 08:46 PM
The Prelude. I love how they did something different with the Prelude in this game instead of just the same old thing. Not that I don't like the old ones, but this one really rocked.

Um, Agent I got the name from the Sphere Theatre that's how I assumed that it was it's title.
That's cool. I thought that was where you got it from. However, it seems like most of the Sphere Theater names are different from those on the official soundtrack. Not all, but a fair amount. For example, Chocobo Jam is known as "Brass de Chocobo." So I was just wondering if anybody knew what it was called on the soundtrack.

Vivi FF
01-24-2003, 11:07 PM
I guess Prelude...

01-24-2003, 11:44 PM
my vote is for "Prelude"

Nanaki XIII
01-25-2003, 12:15 AM
Isnt prelude the zanarkand song? your doing the same song twice?

01-25-2003, 02:22 AM
No, "To Zanarkand" is that music that plays in the credits scene and also in the repeat of it later on, the part where Tidus says "Listen to my story. This may be... our last chance." I believe it also plays down in the Al Bhed home when Tidus finds out about what'll happen to Yuna if she gets the final aeon.

The Prelude is a piece that's a long tradition in Final Fantasy games. It sounds similar in each one, but like the chocobo songs from game to game, it's a bit different each time. In Final Fantasy X, it plays when you first start the game with Tidus in Zanarkand and it also plays when Rikku gives you the Sphere Grid tutorial.

01-27-2003, 02:31 AM
Well, i vote for Prelude cause i'm not too keen on Chocobo themes.

Nanaki XIII
01-27-2003, 04:23 AM
Oh I vote Prelude then. If it is what I think it is.

01-27-2003, 12:03 PM

Prelude - 6

Chocobo Jam - 0 (awww, poor things)

Well, this certainly turned out interesting XD

Ok next rumble...

"Out Of The Frying Pan" - This is when Tidus first appears in Spira in that dark ruined temple, and tries to keep warm.

"Besaid" - This is the theme used when you first travel towards the village with Wakka, and also when you travel towards the dock to get to Killika.

Again I got these names from the Sphere Theatre. I get all the names from the Sphere Theatre!

01-27-2003, 05:00 PM
I'll have to vote for "Besaid" because its all bubbly and because "Out of the Frying Pan" is one of my least favorite pieces from the game.

Nanaki XIII
01-27-2003, 05:57 PM
OMG Out of the Frying Pan is probably the most annoying track in the entire game. Seriously I truly hate that song and I dont hate songs often

Besaid plz!

01-27-2003, 06:57 PM
Besaid. (Besaid Island on the soundtrack.) I'd easily vote for this one over many other pieces. Wonderful piece to listen to.

Neo Xzhan
01-27-2003, 07:32 PM
Besaid, it was truly one awesome pive.

01-27-2003, 09:31 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Am I the only one who though "Out of the frying pan" sounded like it was based on Greensleeves? :erm:

Anyway, I'm voting for teh Besaid music, that's one of my favourites from the game so far. :)

01-27-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Am I the only one who though "Out of the frying pan" sounded like it was based on Greensleeves? :erm:

Anyway, I'm voting for teh Besaid music, that's one of my favourites from the game so far. :)

Nope you're not alone! I love Greensleeves. One of my fave classics ever. I never thought people would hate "Out Of The Frying Pan"

oh well ;_;

Vivi FF
01-27-2003, 11:24 PM
Besaid's song is so peaceful. It gets my vote... :)

01-27-2003, 11:51 PM
I vote for Besaid's Song.....no nice :D

01-31-2003, 01:20 PM

I'm so sorry for not being here guys I'm not too well at the mo.

Oh well I barely got here, so I'll post again and try to recover.

The results...

Out Of The Frying Pan - 0

Besaid - 7


Run!! - The theme used when Tidus and Auron are running away frm the Sin spawn at Zanarkand.

Decision At The Dock - The theme used when Kimahri first attacks you at Besaid

Ok, play on!

*drinks some Lemsip*

Neo Xzhan
01-31-2003, 02:38 PM
Run!!! gotta love it =).

Vivi FF
01-31-2003, 06:25 PM
I think Run! is Hurry!...

That song (Hurry!/Run!) gets my vote! It's one of my fav. songs in the whole game!!!

01-31-2003, 07:09 PM
"Hurry! / Run!" This is one of those "get away quick" themes they play when you're supposed to be getting away from somewhere fast. I believe this also plays when you're running away from Macalania Temple.

01-31-2003, 07:46 PM
my vote is for Run!!

01-31-2003, 07:47 PM
Run one of the first i heard and i liked it.....er so i vote for it

Nanaki XIII
02-01-2003, 01:58 AM
Run Run Run

02-01-2003, 07:47 AM
I vote for Run!! Sounds good.

02-02-2003, 08:38 PM
Oh dear...either I'm crap at pairing or it's not challenging enough!


Run!! - 7

Decision At The Dock - 0


"Calm Before The Storm" - The theme used in Killika Forest and Macalania Woods.

"The Trials" - The theme used in every Temple when solving the sphere puzzles.

02-02-2003, 09:54 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Damn, I missed the last round... oh well, I wouold have voted for Run anyway. ;)

Now for this round.. I'll go for The Trials. It's.. different, but I think it fits in with the cloisters of trials quite well. :)

02-02-2003, 11:47 PM
Wheeee! It's so fun to play. I vote for "Calm Before the Storm." I dislike the Cloisters of Trials and the music only serves to remind me of them.

02-03-2003, 12:03 AM
I vote for Calm Before The Storm, i didnt like The Trials because i didnt like solving the sphere puzzles

02-03-2003, 11:32 PM
The Trials gets my vote too. I didn't here it in-game so i wouldn't know those puzzles, but the music sounds good enough.

Vivi FF
02-03-2003, 11:51 PM
I find that The Trials was one of the most (if not, THE most) annoyest songs in the game. But that;s just me.

Calm Before The Storm here! One of my fav.ish songs...

Nanaki XIII
02-04-2003, 02:24 AM
I enjoy both these songs very much but I enjoy calm before the storm more.