Black Mage#1
01-21-2003, 04:33 AM
I don't know if I should get FFT, is the battle system good? What kind of spells and stuff can you do? Does anyone have good advice if I should get it?

David F
01-21-2003, 06:33 PM
I can�t speak for everyone but the story might bore you because this game has a political storyline but in terms of gameplay you�ll get lots of it so I think this game is definitely worth it. BTW if you end up liking the playstation version get the GBA sequel.

God of HellFIRE
01-21-2003, 11:51 PM
I really, really like this game!!
I would advise you to buy it but I don't know if you like these type of games...

02-02-2003, 10:45 PM
it is a great game and there are lots of spells like fire1-2-3-4 and ice1-2-3-4 and thunder1-2-3-4 and holy and just alot of spells, and there is a huge variety of moves and charecters to use.

02-03-2003, 04:29 PM
The storyline is good, its like on of those old RPGs that are like a game put into a story instead of a story put into a game. The battle system is one of the best Ive played (excluding realtime games) And by far the best for a ff game.

I may be sort of biased...But if you like fantasy, and you like ff games, you Should like this game.

02-07-2003, 04:38 PM
Definitely get this game as soon as you can. The job class system creates so much diversity. There's a truckload of spells to learn(fire, Ice, Slow, summons) and even more skills(Earth Slash, Armor Break, Dash). If you do buy it and you find you're pulled into FFT, GET THE SEQUEL!!!!!!

Thank you. o_O

Darth Revan
02-27-2003, 04:10 PM

I have to agree with the people who said to get it. Final Fantasy Tactics is a great game. It's a fantasy strategy game, with a good storyline. The magic and summons etc are very impressive, but, if you don't plan ahead, they can become frustrating. See, every spell has a certain amount of turns before it is cast, so you will find yourself pulling your hair out in frustration quite a bit. But, with all the abilities which can be learned, via the Job class system, you can make pretty strong and very useful characters. A prime example, make the main Character, Ramza, a Knight, whilst previously learning the Ninja's 'Two hands' ability. Then, you can equip Ramza with Knight armour, AND equip two swords. Say, Ragnarok in one hand, and Excalibur in the other. Also, with the optional quest to get Cloud Strife from FFVII into your party, makes this game quite good indeed.

Alternatively, also check out Konami's Vandal Hearts 1 + 2. Vandal Hearts came out a year before FF Tactics, but is a very good game and can stand up to FF Tactics quite well (That's my own opinion mind you.).

03-01-2003, 12:22 AM
Get this game.

I couldn't express in words how great this game is. It's truly a masterpiece. One of my fave's on the psx. It's already explained what its like above.

Besides, It's really cheap now. I think 14.99US for the greatest hits version. If you decide it's not your cup of tea then you wouldn't be out 50 bucks.

03-12-2003, 08:39 PM
my freind swears by tactics, ive never personaly played it but he says that it loads of fun for very little price. and based on this i plan to buy it when i have money/find it.

03-22-2003, 11:13 PM
I guess so. I have a copy of it at my house, I haven't played it yet. My older siblings like it, so you might too. But from my point of view, it looks pretty fun.

04-19-2003, 05:10 AM
Good god, is it ever worth it. The sheer amount of customization is a welcome deviation from "The Black Magic Girl", "The White Magic Girl", "The Fast Thief-type Guy" and the "Guy who hits things with sharp things" party style. You can pretty much do whatever you want in Tactics. Oh, and the plot is awesome.

Well, you can't turn a man into a dancer or a female into a bard. Other than that, it's great.

04-26-2003, 02:39 AM
Everybody who even remotely likes final fantasy or any strategy game should by this title. It is by far my favorite final fantasy, there is just so much you can do in this game. It might seem a bit overwhelming and too complicated at first but once you get the hang of things it has one of the best battle systems I've ever seen. There are only two things I dont like about this game 1. Your limited to five characters in battle at once and 2. I bought it before it became a greatest hit,