01-20-2003, 08:19 PM
Out of all FF games which Character are you most like? for me i think it would have to be Squall or Cloud or even Vincent

Nanaki XIII
01-20-2003, 08:51 PM
Vivi is my favorite char. or Mog.

01-20-2003, 09:04 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">This thread isn;t asking for your favourite character, it's about who you think you're most like. ;)

I'd probably say I'm most like Squall. I'm quiet a lot of the time, and I often prefer to be alone. I don't hate being around other people like he does early on at least, but I would say I'm definately a bit like him at least.

01-20-2003, 11:31 PM
Yuffie 'cause I um SOMETIMES steal and am young

LinkVivi over and out

Bahamut ZERO
01-21-2003, 12:02 AM
I think I could be most like Squall. I brood on occasion, take on more responsibility than I should, sometimes refuse to open up my feelings to the people who truly care.

Failing that, I can also be like Cid from FFVII, in that I wear my heart on my sleeve, am fiercely loyal to my friends and want to protect them from harm.

01-21-2003, 04:46 AM
Zidane! See? Watch!

*runs up to the nearest person, grabs that person's butt*

Ooo... soft!!!!! :D :D :D

Just kidding. Actually, I am a lot like Zidane in that I'm hyper, cheerful, perverted, and generally am happy with life.

I'm also a lot like Yuna. I do what I'm expected to do sometimes. And it's just because I'm expected to, not really because I truly want to. Sometimes I'm also like Dagger. You don't always know what to do and sometimes count more on your friends to help you out. But in the end you kinda find out that you can count on yourself more than you expected to.

And the last person I think I can relate to. Yeah, it's (surprisingly) Squall. I have those moments of "Just... whatever." Probably more than I realize. But I think all the voices in my head tend to be Zidanish. o_O

... but yes, I'm a girl.

Heavens Cloud
01-21-2003, 06:26 AM
I would have to say that i am a bit of both Zidane and Squall...

I am often hyper and full of life like Zidane is but i also have a different more Squall side to me there are times when i dont want to share my feelings with anyone even tho deep down i think that i might really want to... but ill never admit it :erm:

01-21-2003, 08:59 PM
I am a cross between zell and tifa. I am outspoken sometimes and other times I can be serious.

01-21-2003, 11:06 PM
If Rikku and Squall had a kid that would be me. ^_^ Sometimes i can be really hyper and talkitive and other times i'm sulky and quiet. Go figure. X.X

01-21-2003, 11:17 PM

Evad D'Aragon
01-22-2003, 06:24 PM

( looks at the fact people only think about FFVII through X )

Bah. As for me, I'd be more like Locke Cole from FF VI. I stand for my ground and I always set out to finish what i start. And when I make promises, believe me on this one, I never back out !

01-23-2003, 03:02 AM
I'm alot like Laguna, sometimes optomistic, you can't take me seriously all the time but sometimes you can, people come to me for help alot. I also think I'm like lulu because I'm independent and I'm also a cold hearted bitch. I'm also a bit narcisistic...so maybe i'm like Edgar? (i'm trying to fit in the older FF's)

01-24-2003, 11:19 AM
Well when I am Squalls age (18) I'll be a spitten image of him (Im sooooo big headed!:lol ) This is because we consist of the same things like: the same colored eyes,same hair(color that is) we almost act the same(sometimes,mostly all the time...)
as I am normally quite,laidback about anything I normally feel like I want to be alone, I keep things to my self.

Either that or Im like Selphie.

01-24-2003, 11:26 AM
Vincent, just... Vincent. I'm dark and brooding, I hide my feelings to others, but those that gain my trust find out that inside my rough exterior is a kind man. I'm very loyal to those that get to know me, and will go to any lengths to protect the ones I love. I also have long black hair similar to his, and a basic structure like him. I guess we are very similar in alot of respects.

01-25-2003, 12:28 AM
I'm probably most like cloud or squall since i'm very quiet but doesn't want to be lonely

01-25-2003, 12:46 AM
Well, i used to be Cloud, but i'm more of a Squall guy. I keep to myself, don't say much, and am strong when necessary.

Black Mage
01-25-2003, 01:34 PM

01-26-2003, 07:10 AM
I'm like Selphie and Rikku because I'm hyper and positive at times. Also, I'm like Edea and Rinoa because I have a dark side to me and I have a spiritual (sp?) nature ^_~

EDIT: I'm also like Paine when I bring out my bad side which is quiet and depressed. Er, is that a good thing? :S

01-27-2003, 02:48 PM
I'm pretty much like Tifa, pretty caring, often serious, pretty ambitious, but I can be an annoying bitch sometimes.

01-28-2003, 05:53 AM
I'm like Tidus, I suppose.

I'm cheery, optomistic, and caring. I'm athletic, just not the star of the Zanarkand Abes, im a basketball player of my high school team.

In love? not that i know of.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-31-2003, 09:00 PM
Probably Auron, I'm cool, calm and collective (sometimes).

Plus he's probably the best character in FFX

01-31-2003, 11:06 PM
Well, I think I'm a cross between Auron and Squall. I'm mostly quiet and I like to be alone but then again I have a strange aura of mysteriousness around me.

The only thing is, I don't like to keep my feeling locked up inside and I will tell my friends.

I rarely get angry therefore I always keep my cool, allowing me to concentrate when the going gets tough.

Seems a bit like the two in some ways.

I can sometimes appear to be cheerful like Zidane.

Setsuna Yuna
02-02-2003, 01:33 AM
I'm like Yuna, because I'm a bit shy and soft-spoken, but I'm not a weak person. I just never had to be strong. Usually if I have a goal in front of me, I will do everything I can to achieve it. Usually, I do what people expect me to do, but I'm slowly learning that I don't have to do whatever people want me to do just because they expect me to do it.

When I'm not thinking about my expectations, I'm usually like Tifa: cheerful, optimistic, always able to put a smile on someone's face (unless they just really don't want to smile...). It just makes me feel sad when someone isn't happy, so I try to make them smile and they sometimes forget their sadness and then it makes me happy! :D

02-18-2003, 04:57 AM
Cloud. Definatly.