01-20-2003, 08:15 PM
whats ur fav mine is sf its way better more fun cooler characters and speacial moves ohh and theres cammy:D

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-20-2003, 09:19 PM
I reckon Tekken is better, smoother, the fighters have better movements, LOADS more combos. Theres a better story-line, and the characetrs a re better developed, and they have distictivly better fighting styles.

Bahamut ZERO
01-20-2003, 09:52 PM
Ooh, this is a tricky one.

Streetfighter was the father of all fighting games. The first game was the first beat-em-up I remember playing. Streetfighter 2 was famous as the first successful coin-op to console conversion, with the graphics and gameplay intact. Since then, the series has grown, even branching out to 3-D, but still maintaining it's roots of a few special moves.

Tekken was the top fighting game on the PS, with Tekken 2 being my particular favourite at the time, as it was slightly quicker and the combos more fluid. There's more of a storyline to Tekken than to Streetfighter, and there is more depth to each character's moveset.

I'm gonna vote Tekken. I spent more time playing that gaming series than Streetfighter. I enjoy spending time learning one character's moveset deep down and then using those moves to surprise my opponent at opportune moments.

Neo Xzhan
01-20-2003, 09:57 PM
I am going for Tekken, like Bahamut said, I like getting into the game. It has depth and its really fun studying moves and then surprisingly throw out counters.

01-20-2003, 10:19 PM
Im saying Tekken.........Im a Master with Law

Nanaki XIII
01-22-2003, 02:32 AM
I guess I just love the classics. I cant get enough of Street Fighter. I still dont know how to spell "Hadouken" or however they say it.

01-22-2003, 08:18 AM
I'm a big fan of tekken games so that's my vote. My fave is tekken tag tournment. You get to choose to chars instead of one, plus it was had loads of extra's like bowling!

Tekken is such a deep game. People can spends weeks finding out every little move.

01-23-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Punch Up At A Wedding
I reckon Tekken is better, smoother, the fighters have better movements, LOADS more combos.

Erm, though Tekken characters tend to have more developed fighting styles and many more moves, I think you'll find Street Fighter is the one with loads more combos (which also happen to be more practical).

Not that Tekken isn't fast paced, but much more reflex and resourcefulness is still needed for the speedier SFs since moves are limited, and being that they're mostly 2D the characters have much shorter, quicker animations (I don't respect the EX games outside of their soundtracks--slower, and horrible 3D graphics).

I've always found SFs to be more colourful, entertaining and challenging, and am glad there's no cheap way to keep people on the ground with cheesy sweeps etc. XD There's a way to escape most moves in Tekken, and it's a real pain to have a match last far longer than it has to because your oppnent incessantly counters/escapes/chickens/what-have-you.

Also, most Tekkens have built-in move lists , so there isn't that much "figuring out" stuff, either.

I enjoyed Tekken 2 and Tag the most of the series, since they've got wider character selections, and good soundtracks, but I never spent as much time with those two combined than even SF Alpha 2 alone.

01-23-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by DL
Erm, though Tekken characters tend to have more developed fighting styles and many more moves, I think you'll find Street Fighter is the one with loads more combos (which also happen to be more practical).

Not that Tekken isn't fast paced, but much more reflex and resourcefulness is still needed for the speedier SFs since moves are limited, and being that they're mostly 2D the characters have much shorter, quicker animations (I don't respect the EX games outside of their soundtracks--slower, and horrible 3D graphics).

I've always found SFs to be more colourful, entertaining and challenging, and am glad there's no cheap way to keep people on the ground with cheesy sweeps etc. XD There's a way to escape most moves in Tekken, and it's a real pain to have a match last far longer than it has to because your oppnent incessantly counters/escapes/chickens/what-have-you.

Also, most Tekkens have built-in move lists , so there isn't that much "figuring out" stuff, either.

I enjoyed Tekken 2 and Tag the most of the series, since they've got wider character selections, and good soundtracks, but I never spent as much time with those two combined than even SF Alpha 2 alone.

testafy dl cant belive theyd have crappy tekken over THE GREAT STREET FIGHTER

Evad D'Aragon
01-24-2003, 12:35 AM
I've had far more fun with Street Fighter than Tekken, that's for sure ;)

01-24-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by shadow kitty
testafy dl cant belive theyd have crappy tekken over THE GREAT STREET FIGHTER

Hehe, don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Tekken at all. It's just that I've spent alot more time on, and have had more fun and competition with the various SFs.

01-27-2003, 12:17 PM
O_o I don't mean no offence but I loved the SF series very much, untill the likes of Tekken appeared. Tekken appeals to me more because of...umm. Well, the graphics for a start, and the gameplay, not to mention the story. I mean come on, Father v.s Son v.s Grandson??? XD That is one heck of a feud.

Mmm...*daydreams of Jin*

01-27-2003, 06:02 PM
ohh yeah well cammy's fathers bison:mad:
besaids tekken characters age quicl soon theyl all be gran parents

01-27-2003, 06:21 PM
im on for kitty street fighter is the best but im starting to dislike it becouse of all this street fighter ex alpha xxx king of fighters mark of the millaneum 2003 eo crap come on just make street fighter alpha 4 and i will be happy.

01-28-2003, 12:28 AM
Street Fighter is ok. Tekken is worse. Both types aren't really my fave (MK fan) but SF gets the vote for me because of more characters.

01-31-2003, 04:11 AM
I voted for the Tekken series because I have played Street Fighter before and the Tekken games are fun ^_^

01-31-2003, 08:45 AM
I'm definitely more of a Tekken fan then a Street fighter fan seeing how I've only played Street Fighter II, while I've played all of the Tekken's

02-01-2003, 06:37 AM
Bah, Street Fighter 2 all the way. Tekken is way too complicated.

02-10-2003, 05:34 AM
This is hard. I love Tekken and I love Street Fighter. They equally have my heart. Tekken is beautiful and a great story. But SF has so much strategy involved... *prays for cross-over game, although it will probably never happen* So...I vote for the 3rd option, "Onions make me giggle"

06-27-2003, 07:19 PM
To put Tekken over Street Fighter is criminal. I've always been a 2D kinda guy, and 3D fighters are the worst pieces of crap ever produced. I have to admit, Street Fighter EX sucks beyond belief, but all the other great titles make up for that.

Tekken is still one of my worst gaming experiences ever. Maybe it's because I suck, or maybe it's because the game sucks. Either way, it was horrid.

Am I the only one who prefers to see Street Fighter's graphics over Tekken's? Those sprites own any 3D models any day.

The Capcom Vs. series is always great. Some may argue with that being a Street Fighter title, but there would be no game without it. It would be Megaman vs. The Hulk or Morrigan vs. Rugal (CHEAP BASTARD >:O). Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is the fastest fighting game I know, appealing to newbies and old schoolers (unlike Tekken which appeals to . . . graphics freaks).

Seriously, if you want a game, pick up Street Fighter 3, Alpha 3, MvC2, or Capcom vs. SNK. Or any SNK title. It's way better.

Rabid Monkey
06-27-2003, 08:47 PM
Without Street Fighter you wouldn't have Tekken... Without Ryu my life would not have had meaning for the better part of the year I was 14-years-old.

SF owns you all.

The Ricky
06-29-2003, 10:41 PM
Tekken all the fucking way. If any of you liked SF:EX, you've gotta thank Tekken for that. Tekken has more funabillity. Realistic characters, cooler characers, realistic moves. The combo system is fun becuase it takes weeks to perfect one character. It's one of the first games to have alternate outfits too. So suck on this Street Fighter.

06-30-2003, 02:47 AM
scissorman pretty much said it all for me there...not once have I seen a 2D SF spirte that looked horrible. 3D character models have clips and things sometimes going/showing through them..blagh

Besides, 3D fighters seem to have a rreeeaal stiff fighting system...Tekken especially...I tried doing moves and combos and stuff in Tekken, really I did...and yet, the characters feel like they're chained to the ground..whereas in 2D fighters, you can jump off the side of the screen, double jumps, run, dash, etc....

And yes..I believe 2D fighters have the better combo system...have you seen the Godly 128 combo Mega Man can do in Marvel VS Capcom...? Anyone who has Kazaa, look for's mean and cruel...x_x

So, while I don't love SF, I definitely prefer it over Tekken...

Hand me a 2D fighter any day....the only 3D fighters I find good are Ehrgiez, Bloody Roar series and Mortal Kombat; Deadly Aliance (and even Mortal Kombat isn't that great...)

06-30-2003, 04:30 AM
Although I agree with Koenma about 3d fighters having a combo system which is way to hard to pull off (MK; DA especially), I still like 3d over the 2d . . . but I never liked Tekken so in this case my vote goes for SF.

The Ricky
07-01-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by jamie
Although I agree with Koenma about 3d fighters having a combo system which is way to hard to pull off (MK; DA especially), I still like 3d over the 2d . . . but I never liked Tekken so in this case my vote goes for SF.

Holy crap Jamie. MK:DA is not hard to pull off. MK:Trilogy is the one that was hard to pull off combos. But I guess that is one of the few games I might be able to beat you in. :lol

Vivi FF
07-03-2003, 04:29 PM
I vote for Tekken. I have Tekken 2, 4, and Tag but I only have Street Fighter 2 for my computer, which cause I don't have a PC controller, it's horrible...

I like Tekken better because it's more realistic and such. I like 3D more than 2D. 2D was soooooo 20th century... Now we're in the 3D+ era... Although, SF is good at 2D, a 3D version would be awesome, hopefully! Another thing I don't like about SF is that sometimes, a stupid fireball or whatever will mess you up... Tekken doesn't have fireballs but it does have some cheap fireball-type motives (like when Jin can now make his fists stronger so he does more damage while everone else, 'cept Hei, can't do it...). But still. I like Tekken better...

07-17-2003, 07:02 AM
I'm a bigger fan of the Tekken series myself. I like 'em both though.:D