Setsuna Yuna
01-20-2003, 03:49 AM
I'm afraid that this thread will bomb just like my first one, but it's been awhile, so maybe I got better at my poems? Well, I guess I'll just try and see how things go. :p Here's a poem of mine. It's a poem about my childhood. I hope you like it. :)

My Song

I remember a song
A song so familiar to my heart
A song from so long ago
A song whose words and melody I cannot remember

It comes to me sometimes
A note, a word, just out of nowhere
Then gone
And I can't remember

When I think of this song
I wish I knew the words
I wish I knew the music
And I feel so lost inside

I can't remember
No matter how hard I try
Everything is hidden so well from me
And I just want to cry

All that I had from childhood
Is lost, gone, and forgotten
Nothing binds me to my past
Except for weary memories

A lost childhood
I lost it all so long ago
And now all I have
Is this song

My song

01-31-2003, 07:48 AM
Good poem SY~ It's a theme that everyone can relate to and you write on it so well. Keep it up! ^_^

I don't know why people aren't replying to this thread SY because your poems are good (to me anyhoo) so theey are missing out. Maybe everyone is just too busy to read your poems. Not the best excuse though as you can never be too busy to read someone's poems ^_^

02-02-2003, 12:18 AM
We put a lot into our songs.

There are many songs that we've heard just a little, but, nonetheless, they seem important. Something very special is linked to the songs we love. But if I dwell on that, I feel I'm missing the point of the poem. With a song is linked all the things we lose. So, we lose ourselves in these songs, so that we may some day remember the songs that links us to our past. The song is the last thing to fade, and maybe if I hear the song again, I'll remember what I have lost. I would like to. We all would like to.

P.S. Jello!

Setsuna Yuna
02-02-2003, 01:01 AM
Thanks for the comment Autumn. You're so nice and I'm glad you like my poems. ^_^ I usually try to write poems that others can relate to, so I'm really happy that you could relate to it. :D

I don't have anything new yet; I was rehearsing for a solo ensemble that I had this morning and dealing with school. If I don't think up anything new, then I might just post up something that I've already written.

I like what you posted, Zachron. You seemed to understand the feeling and the point of my poem very well. That's almost exacly what I was trying to get across. I wonder, though, if hearing that lost song would help me remember my past?

02-03-2003, 03:47 AM
Great poem! It flowed along seemlessly and with an emotion that really pulled at my heart strings. keep it up, now. :)

Setsuna Yuna
02-20-2003, 04:28 AM
Thanks, Phil. :) I wrote another poem. I didn't put much time into it (about 20 min, I think), but I hope you all like it anyway. :D (It also doesn't have a title, because I couldn't think of one :p )

This is to my only one
The one I hope to meet
The person that will be my life
Forever into eternity

The somebody that will be somebody
In my life one day
The one that will be a light
And show me the right way

I can't imagine what it'll be like
To meet my destined one
But I imagine it to be like the cold moonlight
With the heat of the sun

Trying to imagine the future
My life with the one I'm fated to
Trying to think of the things I know
With the things I never knew

I know it's silly to dream of fate
And dream of destiny
But it's something of who I am
It's a part of me

I know that Fate sees my heart
And wishes the best for me
But it will never tell me its plans
It will only give me dreams

02-20-2003, 05:12 AM
The irony of poetry is, well, for me, is that the easier they are to think up the better. Rather than trying to be super clever and it ends up like this jumbled mass of words no one can understand.

I like that one as much as the last. ^_^

02-20-2003, 08:23 AM
Prettiful poem Setsuna Yuna~ Just perfect for V-day which was only a week ago or so. Keep up the great work, Setsuna Yuna!

02-25-2003, 05:47 AM
wow.... *sniff*... makes me feel lonely.... o well....
very nice poem there wifey.... ^_^

Setsuna Yuna
03-20-2003, 10:50 PM
Thanks, everyone. I know I'm responding a bit late, but I've been trying to do better with school and stuff, so I haven't had much time to visit the Shrine. Anyways, my next poem won't be until three or so days, so I hope you all can wait until then! :D