Death Knight
01-19-2003, 05:24 PM
what is shadow hearts?

try answering my question admins, instead of abusing your power. its not that hard to do.

Evad D'Aragon
01-19-2003, 05:32 PM
No offense here, but the reason the admins closed your thread was probably because you called Kingdom Hearts "gay" without any specific reason and especially because you could go and learn it by viewing info on the game on a website such as GameFAQs ...

I'll even be nice and give you the URL, yes, yes :

There. Or simply type "shadow hearts" on a search engine. You're bound to know about it soon enough.

Neo Xzhan
01-19-2003, 10:22 PM
Evad already pressed the point but to make some things clear, admins don't abuse power, I only closed it because the thread was very leaning towards flaming and dissing. Further more you could simply ask what the game is instead of comparing it to other games without any thought.

ultima weapon
01-19-2003, 10:55 PM
you called kingdom hearts "gay" without any proof to support you're answer


*gets a mage staff and toasts death knight's ass"

01-20-2003, 02:31 AM
Just because a game also has the word 'Hearts' in it doesn't mean they're directly related, I'm sure there are millions of movies and games out there with that word in their titles. Anyway to answer your question it's quite a fun RPG, despite IGN's poor 5.5 score. I haven't played much of it but what I saw was quite good.

01-20-2003, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Reanimated Spirit
Just because a game also has the word 'Hearts' in it doesn't mean they're directly related, I'm sure there are millions of movies and games out there with that word in their titles.
For example Brave Hearts ^_~

Shadow Hearts is a good RPG and its storyline is much better than Koldelka. I like to play it coz there is so many secrets inside the game and it takes me three hours to get all of them.

Death Knight
01-21-2003, 12:21 AM
i said IF ....notice the word IF.... it has anything to do with KH, i agree with anyone who says it's being my personal opinion. thank you for not closing it this time.

WHOOT WHOOT IGN. I'm sorry for those of you who like the game, if i seem like a jackass...but seriously... very few of the characters are cool....not to mention it seems too much like another game....what is it....oh yeah, super smash brothers.

Black Mage#1
01-21-2003, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Reanimated Spirit
Just because a game also has the word 'Hearts' in it doesn't mean they're directly related, I'm sure there are millions of movies and games out there with that word in their titles. Anyway to answer your question it's quite a fun RPG, despite IGN's poor 5.5 score. I haven't played much of it but what I saw was quite good. You took the words out of my mouth! Even if you did say "If", your shoudln't jump to councluions. First time I saw the word "Shadow Hearts" I thought it was connectid with KH, but I never said it was gay, I like KH.But no SH isn't connected. Just wehenver you see something like that, don't say it's gay.

01-21-2003, 06:15 AM
Also could you refrain from using the word 'gay' death knight, some people are offended by others using that term as saying something is stupid.

Death Knight
01-21-2003, 07:52 PM
my apologies....i guess a game cannot be bi, gay, or straight.

01-22-2003, 12:53 AM
i played the game and won it.. Shadow Hearts came before Kingdom Hearts.. so more like... "where did kingdom hearts" get their idea? i like KH alot.. i think SH was actually a good game too.. it was funny.. but anyways, Shadow Hearts was made in japan, and things they make in Japan comes over to U.S a litlte later, so therefore, Shadow Hearts came before Kingdom Hearts. It was in the rental game store before Kh, too.. and my rental agme store updates their game stock alot, once a new game comes out, BOOM, there it is in the store.

Darth Revan
01-24-2003, 07:48 PM

Shadow Hearts is the sequel to the PSX game Koudelka, set about 15 years (I think) after the original. Apart from FFX, it is the only RPG I have on the PS2. The storyline isn't bad, in some parts in flows from what happened in Koudelka, but mainstream is original (If Original can be used to describe games these days. Not many original games out there.). The ability to morph from one character into a daemon, isn't new. Vincent Valentine (FFVII) could do the same with his limit breaks. It can get quite frustrating in places, particuarly when you're party has been split into two (two members per team) and you have to fight your way through a maze, without a certain ability (either no magic, items etc, etc.), and the judgement ring (used to control the characters in battle) is a "supposed" upgrade of what was seen in "The Legend of Dragoon", but it is more frustrating.

In my opinion, Shadow Hearts is a good RPG, while some people may say it's no Final Fantasy, it still can compete with it, at least that's what I think anywayz.

01-26-2003, 03:20 AM
Shadow Hearts is a video game and I have heard it's pretty good actually. I might even get it soon ^_^

01-26-2003, 01:21 PM
I bought it the other day, it was brand new for only $30AU ($15US) Very cheap... I haven't looked back, I love this game.

02-18-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Deaths_Head

Shadow Hearts is the sequel to the PSX game Koudelka, set about 15 years (I think) after the original.

Woah, wait a sec. Who said that? Let's be logic here. "Koudelka" is a Square game. "Shadow Hearts" is Midway. How did they accomplish that? I'm confused now.

Ahem, now for a comment.

I bought this game about a week ago, and I say it is a fantasic game. Very addictive, and just beautifully detailed. The storyline is rather clever in it's unique way.

I recommend this to all those who love RPG's it's a definite must for a collection. Go get it!

Darth Revan
02-18-2003, 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Riana

Woah, wait a sec. Who said that? Let's be logic here. "Koudelka" is a Square game. "Shadow Hearts" is Midway. How did they accomplish that? I'm confused now.

Ok, I goofed. Square did not make or release Koudelka. It was made by SNK (Who made hits such as Gradius) and released by Infogrames. Whilst playing Shadow Hearts you encounter characters and locations from "Koudelka". There's Koudelka Iasent herself, as well as Roger Bacon. Also, location wise there's Nemeton Monastery (The location where Koudelka had her adventure.). Plus, if you search outside the monastery, you'll find the grave of the Priest from the first game.

SNK sold the rights of Koudelka to Midway and another development company, who's name eludes my memory at the moment. A lot of game companies create a game, then sell the rights to other developers. It happens quite a bit actually, which in same cases can be a shame.

02-21-2003, 04:21 AM
dude, those games with sexual orientations are the best.