01-19-2003, 04:49 AM
I have never been interested a great deal in anime in the past but my friends won't get off my back about it, saying I have to see this and must see that. So which anime would you recommend and why? NGE is already one I am interested in but what are some others?

01-19-2003, 10:57 AM
Try One Piece

Its a good adventure anime and quite humorous ^^

This is the prologue so you can judge it whether you interested or not:

Once upon a time, during the "Pirate Era," pirates around the world unfurled their pirates' flags and headed to the sea. Many of them shared the same dream: to conquer the legendary pirate Gold Roger's ultimate treasure, "One Piece."
One of these pirates who wants to obtain the ultimate treasure is a boy named "Luefy." When Luefy was young, he got to know one pirate, Shank, and his crews, who used Luefy's village as their base. One day, Luefy accidentally ate the "evil fruit," that Shank stole from an enemy ship. Luefy's body has become rubber and he's able to stretch his body because of the evil fruit. But Luefy'll never be able to swim for the rest of his life.
Not long after that, Shank was confronted with a group of mountain thieves to protect Luefy. The leader of the mountain thieves threw Luefy into the sea. Right before Luefy was going to be eaten by a sea monster, Shank rescued Luefy. Shank sacrificed one of his arms to do that!! Luefy has promised himself that one day he will become a pirate as great as Shank!
10 years later, Luefy has grown up and is heading to sea, wearing the hat that Shank gave him. Leufy's greatest adventure has begun.

01-19-2003, 11:36 PM
Ninja Scroll and Akira are great. Both movies though. Lots of blood, killing and in some cases, sex.

01-20-2003, 02:58 AM
Macross zero is sweet but theres only one eppisode out right now.

Ayashi no ceres is pritty sweet to, and pritty easy to get if I remember correctly.

Enigmatic Angel
01-20-2003, 06:02 AM
Lain and BGC 2040....

all good........and if u buy the NGE dunt forget to buy EoE.....that has to be the best thing ever......

01-20-2003, 07:30 AM
That's my intent. The perfect collection pack and the two movies, D&R and EOE thrown in too.

David F
01-20-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Kie

Ninja Scroll and Akira are great. Both movies though. Lots of blood, killing and in some cases, sex. [/QUOTE]

My sentiments exactly; really great anime classics that no anime fan should not have in their collection, but excessive gore might put off some people.

01-20-2003, 05:25 PM
Don't see the Akira movie. Read the manga.

Watch FLCL.

01-21-2003, 04:49 AM
Princess Mononoke ^___^ It's *very* good.

01-21-2003, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by Melfina
Princess Mononoke ^___^ It's *very* good.

True dat. Best movie ever.

01-22-2003, 08:25 AM
I recommend Cowboy Bebop for a beginner like you Phill. It's an anime you will enjoy lots. Also watch FLCL, that rocks. are some other's to look into.

His or Her Circumstances
X: the series
Fruit's basket

Prolly find lots of reviews on the web.

01-23-2003, 08:13 AM
Thanks for the sugestions, guys. Lots of talk about Coyboy Bebop and it's not bad by the sounds of it.

01-23-2003, 08:30 AM
If you like Evangelion, then you should give RahXephon a chance. There has been a lot of comparison between the two. I think you'll enjoy it.

01-29-2003, 05:46 PM
Me personaly think you should watch DBZ you just have to watch it and it will grow on you trust me. Also the won with Yugi in it and they play that card games and fight each other with monsters it awesome.

Darth Revan
02-26-2003, 07:10 PM

Well, speaking from my own personal choices, I would suggest the following : Guyver (A sci-fi action/horror it deals with a boy who comes into posession of a piece of alien technology, a guyver unit which, once activated, encases the wearer in bio booster armour, and amplifies the wearer's own innate combat abilities 100 fold. As well as having high frequency vibroblades in the forearm, there is a gravity weapon generator located on the waist, which regulates the armour's ambility to levitate, fly and initiate a gravity attack. In between the eyes, is an infra rays laser shooter, and the big one, the ultimate cannon called the mega smasher located in the chest.), Tenchi Muyo (Comedy, slapstick and insanity.), Record of Lodoss War (As far as I'm concerned a damn good fantasy based anime.), Vandread (If you like space opera's, you'll like this.), Macross (Look for Macross : Do you remember love? As that was the one Robotech was based on. Macross, has the better story and not the annoying voice actors from the U.S. made Robotech.) and my personal favourite, Love Hina (slapstick in a girl's dormitory. I could say more, but if I do, I'll end up putting WAAAAAAYYYY to much info here. Check it out, it's pretty good, if you like romance comedy animes.).

Hope I've given you some insight. By the way, stay away from any of the movies inspired by animes. Fist of the North Star, Crying Freeman and others. I've heard New Line Cinemas has been trying to get rights to Akira, but then, the rumours of a live action Akira have been around for ages.

02-27-2003, 11:16 AM
I can't resist plugging Chobits here. It gets so cute sometimes I can see it putting people off, but it's very well done regardless. The japanese voice actors are fantastic, and the show can be hilarious, especially in the shows that don't do much to further the plot. Near then end it starts to get pretty sad though. The first 4 mangas are available in the US now, and it's easy to track down a fansub of the anime. Just make sure you get one that's well done- one in particular used a very strange font.

02-28-2003, 04:37 AM
I think these treds arent realy useful. You should do what most anime fans do, and go out testing all the anime you can get your grubby little hands on.

Yes I realize that I responded to this before, but I was basicaly thinking, "what anime do I like", and that has nothing to do with you.

03-02-2003, 07:54 PM
Well, I'm going to say go with "Trigun". Definitly a worthwhile anime there. In the beginning it starts off with great humor and comedy, while it eventually progresses into a very deep and sometimes angsty story.

"Love Hina" is also a great pick. Very nice romance and humor. I'm just a sucker for those romance shows.

"NGE" is alright in my book. If your looking for a great ending to leave you happy, your not going to find it with NGE. It doesn't really finish up the characters endings and I was a bit disapointed with some of the English voice acting.

lol....I dun know why I'm going to put this but DBZ is also a good choice if you really like action. Do not watch DBZ if you want plot, DBZ really doesn't have a plot. However, it has some of the sweetest fight scenes anime has to offer IMO.

02-23-2004, 12:36 AM
i suggest you see Ninja Scroll because its the perfect package with lots of violence and even alittle bit of porn and also get StreetFighter Alpha because its just a great anime especially if ur a fan of the game.
But whatever u do do not i say agian do not get PatLabor when i saw that movie i dident even know what the hell was going on half the time.

Lightning Mage
02-23-2004, 04:33 PM
Watch Scryed!
It's a great anime with awsome characters and stories. Most characters in it are called Alter Users. They have special powers like the X-men only cooler and more violent.:D