01-18-2003, 08:08 AM

Lee Parkins

The sheer beauty of the land he stood before stunned him; it was unlike anything he had ever seen. The colour, to his eyes, were dancing and vibrant, unlike the utilitarian greys and blues of his world. The ground was� green! Yes, that was the name of the colour that filled his eyes, for as far as he could see.

And it was also that which amazed him; the green seemed to stretch on forever, with nothing to block the view except other green things- he had seen something like them in the Museum of Biological History, but they weren�t� alive, like these. �Trees.� That was the �common� name the sign on the front of the case had said; trees.

He longed to touch them; to climb along the branches. He ran forward, but something was separating him from the beautiful field of green. Frustrated he pushed forward, causing a sharp pain to shoot down his spine. The world around him began to grow brighter, until there was nothing around him except the burning white light. He tried to scream � but he couldn�t breathe.

�Cut the connection.� The calm, utilitarian voice of Dr. Ro sliced through him as he struggled back to awareness. Blinking, he realized that the bright light no longer surrounded him, but was the harsh glare of the neons in the roof. Dr. Ro stood over him, with her hair tied back in a bun like she always did. He opened his mouth to tell her, tell her of the beautiful greens and trees and wide-open spaces, but no noise would come. Dr. Ro frowned, like she was angry, but he knew that she was just a very important person � they had to be like that.

�Take 0078-1 to the recovery chamber. It will need to be sedated.�

Another one of the doctors leaned over, and injected him with the sedative � the sleep juice. He didn�t like the sleep juice; when he woke up, he always felt like part of him was missing, somehow. He struggled to stay awake, but he felt his eyes begin to close as he was wheeled away.

Michael work up around 0700, just like he did every morning. Like every morning, he looked out the window, looked into the sight that was the pinnacle of human creation; Continuum. The great city, floating in the air, orbiting a planetary body called �Earth�. Yet, when Michael looked up at the giant black rock in the sky, he felt like it shouldn�t be black; it was supposed to be green. He didn�t know why that thought entered his head, he just knew it had to be so.

Dr. Ro entered his room at 0800, just like she did every morning. He told her about his feeling, about the green Earth, but Dr. Ro just smiled and patted his head. �That�s nice dear. But you know that Earth has always been black; its crust is pure carbon. I�ll have to talk to the Head of Chemical Sciences about your education.� Michael lay back. He knew what came next. She would ask about the Moon, like she always did. All Michael knew is that the Moon also orbited Earth, like Continuum. Apparently the human race originated from the Moon, and had created Continuum when they ran out of space. Michael didn�t believe a word of it. He knew mankind had come from the green Earth � it was almost like he had lived there once, long ago, when it was still green� and the trees�

In a flash it all came back to him. The beauty that had been removed from his memory. He looked up at Dr. Ro in horror, seeing her as what she was; not someone who loved him, but someone who used him. Before he could yell, or scream, she had already injected him with something. Tears filled his eyes. �You didn�t even ask me about the Moon��

As Michael took his final breaths, Dr. Ro leaned close. �You are useless, Michael-0078-1. A false prophet. Men never lived on Earth � and never will.� As he finally died, Ro wrote her final note on the report. The 0078 series is a failure. Terminate Michael-0078-2 through 9 immediately. Reason: �Earth�-belief contamination. Begin Psychic Connection Analysis on the 0079 series. Dr. Ro-0078 filed the report, then returned to Genetic Recycling. It would be up to Dr. Ro-0079 to take up her work, like Ro-0077 before her. One day, they would unlock the Genetic memory of humans before the cloning, during life on the Moon. And finally, this Earth-origin nonsense would be put to rest. Ro-0078 lay on the recycle-bed, and closed her eyes. The white light of the GenCyc machine enveloped her.

In Genetic Production next door, Michael-0079-1 opened his eyes. �The colours��


Continuum and all associated characters are � Lee Parkins 2002. All rights reserved.

01-18-2003, 09:25 AM
Sweet, a continuing story. Not being sarcastic or anything but i wanna see the next part/s to this story :P. Go go, finish.