Nanaki XIII
01-18-2003, 07:09 AM
I finally got the only FF i havent played today, FFTactics and well...Im confused like hell. I keep dying on the first lvl cuz I dont know what the hell Im doing. Its the most complx FF alive. I mean I do you onlyget job points for the job you are or the skills you use. Do you always AE spells or can you just hit one person at a time? i dont know but I hate when my guys lose on the first lvl. I need help.

01-20-2003, 09:18 PM
From the get go, it is a little tough to understand. But it isn't that hard to get the hang of it. If you have the instruction manual, your going to want to go over that a couple of times, but to answer your questions....

1. You get job points for your job. If you are a squire, and you get 10 job points, you can use those job points to learn skills. Skills for that specific job.

2. AE? what does AE mean? i've never heard that term before. With certain spells and skills, you can hit more than one person.

You'll get the hang of it!

02-02-2003, 10:51 PM
the battle at the church or the next one with delita where you fight those thug people, if ur talking about the delita on, the second one(wich is first battle where you control all people, well almost alll of em) i got really confused cause i didnt know you could set more than just ramza . i didn know about the r1-l1 switch people thing so it was me n delita vs all. if ur putting all ur characters in and ur losing just keep trying and youl win soon enough. GOOD LUCK!

02-03-2003, 06:50 AM
The best advice I can give you is to go through the in game tutorial, that should explain most of what you want to know. If you've allready done the tutorial I'll try to answer some of your questions later.

Nanaki XIII
02-03-2003, 09:05 AM
This game is too easy. I have 2 monks with double sword ability so they hit for 20 each turn (Im still early in the game) and a summoner who has time magic so hastes does damaging magic and heals and then a master chemist dont know what to do with her and ramza is a 1 hit kill lancer. I cant lose a battle. Please tell me it gets harder. I cant belive i found this game hard at first.

02-04-2003, 07:46 PM
How early in the game are you and what level are you at? I didn't get the two sword ability until most of my characters were in their mid 30's level wise, which is definately not the begining of the game, and I don't think I ever had anyone master a job the entire game.

Nanaki XIII
02-05-2003, 01:31 AM
LOL Im lvl 22 im at fort zeakaden a bit into chapter 2 and i have 3 chars with 2 swords. and yes my chemist is mastered.

02-05-2003, 06:21 AM
well thats why, just like any other rpg if you level up alot of course its going to be easy. I remember having my highest character at level 5 at the end of chapter 1, I forget what they were at the end of 2, but nowhere near 22 I'm sure. There are a couple very challenging fights coming up yet in the game, wether or not they will be challenging to your army I have no idea.

Nanaki XIII
02-05-2003, 11:54 PM
What can I say, i dont usually level up this much but the battle system is so fun I like leveling up more than the story. I even hit my own players when I dont have a move so that I get job points cuz I love getting new abilities.

02-06-2003, 06:49 AM
As long as your having fun, thats what is important right. Even with leveling up this much there should still be some pretty tough fights in this game, they won't be story fights though since those have preset levels for the enemys, but the random battles determine the level of your enemys by your own level. There are a few "special" random battles that pop up every so often, like fighting against all chocobos, I know it doesn't sound too tough but when there's ten of them all hitting you with chocometeo it's really easy to have one of your characters turn into crystal before the fight is over, and we all know how much that sucks.

Nanaki XIII
02-07-2003, 01:47 AM
I just reset when one turns to crystals.

Anyways my chemist is a master so i made him a wizard. Should I make him something else?

02-07-2003, 06:06 AM
I'm partial to time mages and summoners myself for magic characters, once you get meteor things get really interesting. But I let you find that out yourself.

Nanaki XIII
02-07-2003, 06:38 AM
I have a summoner already and love it but Time mage may be cool. Im thinking of making him a calculator, hear there good. I can have some real fun with this chararcter.