01-18-2003, 02:16 AM
Probably my only poetry i'll do. And it's even really that. It's a poem about my life.

Reflections on Life

I stand alone
memories filling me with hate and pain
I fear no death, nor hurt
though the thought of another day
is what i fear most

I believe i have guides
people who help me along
help me to live
just that extra day
but it's going to take more than that to save me

I don't believe in life after death
that's a reason i'm still here
for, if there were life after death
it would be worth losing this life to go there
but, there isn't, so this is the only life I have. I cannot waste that

My mind is constantly wondering, thinking and hoping
wondering what my purpose here is
thinking of another reason to keep myself alive
hoping for a miracle
and yet each day it comes up with things that keep me here

And yet if I died
less people would have problems
less would be angry
few would be sad
fewer would care

because i have few friends
fewer family
and if the reason for living is out there
death won't find it
so i live another day. But anything can happen, so i'll see tomorrow.

01-18-2003, 03:57 AM
Kie your poem is so pretty ;-; is it the first you've written? if so, very good job!! *huggles* even tho it's a great poem no matter :)

dont think you have nothing left to give tho cuz I still love you lots and I'm there for you whenever ^-^ *nibbles the hair*

01-25-2003, 10:28 AM
Good poem Kie but it seems to be all over the place. You may want to change that. It's interesting to get an insight on you but the poem has no sense of direction and the reality of the poem is the only thing that is keeping it together ^_^

I hope your next poem is slightly better, no offense.. Just my opinion. *Shrugs* :X

01-25-2003, 02:20 PM
Hmmm, there won't be a 2nd. Not unless my life gets worse and i find new ways to be sad.