03-05-2011, 04:40 PM

Alright, friends. I think we can all agree that Tron: Legacy was one of the best musical releases of last year. And I think we can all certainly agree that all of the bonus tracks exclusive to the several different venues got annoying and tedious real fast.

So this is what I am proposing.

Below is the track list of my current Tron: Legacy. I have 40 tracks (not counting those early beta versions posted earlier).

Really, the point of the thread is this:

Do you see something missing from my tracklist that you have? Do I have something you're missing?

This is a place to share all those loose tracks that were either discovered or created or edited or whatevered. I'm also going to be checking out Youtube over the next few days to check out the fan remixes and edits to see if there is something worth posting.

Perhaps we will discover a few oddities that we didn't know existed. I hope people will participate.

Tracklist (note - I half followed/half didn't follow the correct tracklist that some people were going for):

1. Oveture
2. The Grid
3. The Son of Flynn
4. Encom Part I (Import Release)
5. Encom Part II (Import Release)
6. Recognizer
7. Armory
8. Arena
9. Round One (Import Release)
10. Rinzler
11. The Game Has Changed
12. Outlands
13. Father and Son (Bonus Track)
14. Adagio for Tron
15. Nocturne
16. Outlands, Part II (Bonus Track)
17. End of Line
18. Castor (Import Release)
19. Reflections (Import Release)
20. Derezzed
21. Fall
22. Solar Sailer
23. Sea of Simulation (Bonus Track)
24. Rectifier
25. Disc Wars
26. C.L.U.
27. Arrival
28. Flynn Lives
29. Sunrise Prelude (Bonus Track)
30. Tron Legacy (End Titles)
31. Finale
32. Trailer Opening (Web Demo)
33. Flynn Remembers (Web Demo)
34. City Reveal (Web Demo)
35. Victory (Web Demo)
36. Battle (Web Demo)
37. Alan Bradley's Message (Web Demo)
38. End of Line (Basic Slack Midnight Cheap Remix)
39. Derezzed (NTEIBINT Remix)
40. The Game Has CHanged (Mindless Faith Mix)

Other TRON Sources:

Details on Tron: Legacy R3CONFIGU3D (Thread 86656)

TRON: Legacy (full release + import release tracks + extraneous bonus tracks (Thread 86636)

(alt link with mirrors for above) (Thread 83322)

Proper Tracklist Order of TRON: Legacy (

Jack Bersis
03-05-2011, 05:07 PM
Well... I have The Grid (Without Vocals) Maybe that will help :)


03-05-2011, 05:12 PM
Wow, thank you! Even if this thread dies a quick death, it was already worth it!

03-05-2011, 05:13 PM
Well... I have The Grid (Without Vocals) Maybe that will help :)


thanks a lot

03-05-2011, 07:18 PM
For laughs:

Daft Punk - TRON Legacy (End Titles) 8-bit (