01-16-2003, 01:47 AM
Has anyone noticed that the summons seem to have a major role in most of the FF games? This seems to be more so the recent games, but it kind of goes back too.

Final Fantasy I-III - I'm not sure these games even had summons. I think III might have, but I don't believe I and II did. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Final Fantasy IV - The summons were definitely a part of the plot in this game. You had the whole thing with the one character (I just can't remember names right now) gaining powers as a summoner and there was other stuff. It's been a while since I've played this one and I'm a bit sketchy.

- Final Fantasy VI - The espers were a major part of the story. Terra is half-human and half-esper. Everything related to magic is connected to the espers and at the end of the game, the espers disappear.

- Final Fantasy VII - This one is an oddity. There's a variety of summons available, but it's not really connected to the plot. Instead, it's more just a part of magic/materia, which is connected to the whole "spirit energy" part of the game.

- Final Fantasy VIII - This is a big one. You have the GFs, who lend their power to raise your characters' strength. And then there's the whole thing when your characters realize that the GFs could be causing their memory loss. Yet, in the end, they continue to rely on the power of the GF.

- Final Fantasy IX - I haven't played this one. Maybe someone else can fill it in.

- Final Fantasy X - The aeons. Summoners pray to the faith to save the Aeon. The Final Aeon will defeat Sin. (Not!) At the end of the game, the Fayth finally stops dreaming and the aeons disappear. (This is eerily similar to what happened in Final Fantasy VI.)

Nanaki XIII
01-16-2003, 02:21 AM
Summons were usually importantfor either battle, story, or both, or neither.

*Might be minor spoilors*

FF1-3 ignore these idont even think they have summons

FFIV- Summons were really useful in battle but not really to plot. There is a caller called Rydia who can summon for massive dmg but thats as far as it goes. You also fight some of them like Leviathan and Bahamut to gain them.

FFV- Im not too sure, I know you fight some of them because I remember fighting Siren but Im not sure if they important to battle or story.

FFVI- Definitely important to story and yes they give you abilities but as far as summoning they dont do very much dmg.

FFVII- Agent explained

FFVIII- Agent explained

*Major spoilors below*

FFXI- Ok storywise summons are probably one of the most importnt thing in the game. You have a princess who can summon and the mother trying to steal her power. Then you have Bahamut kill a whole bunch of people and Alexandar and Bahamut fight. You find out the princess came from a grp of summoners. Summons are like a whole stroy in theselves this game but i never used them in battle.

FFX- Agent explained

FFXI- All I can say is there gonna have a summoner class :)

01-16-2003, 04:50 AM
Yeah, I did but Nanaki III and Agent0042 already have explained it very well to everyone else so there's no point in me doing it as well. Somehow I managed to skip the spoilers. go me~ ^_^

Neo Xzhan
01-16-2003, 12:21 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but aren't FFIII and FFVI the same?? As in FFIII is the japanese version of the American FFVI?? I could be wrong so plz correct me if I am.

01-16-2003, 06:06 PM
Not the same. Final Fantasy VI is called Final Fantasy III in the U.S. version and Final Fantasy IV is called Final Fantasy II in the U.S. version. However, there are also a separate Final Fantasy II and III that I believe were released on the anthology collection. Final Fantasy III is, mmm, ok. Final Fantasy II I personally find to be unplayable with the way its battle system works and I quickly gave up on it.

Nanaki XIII
01-17-2003, 04:46 AM
5 and 6 were in anthology colection. 2 i heard is pretty bad and 3 i heard was pretty good. the only nes ff ive played is ff1 which im a fan on so dont hate, hehe.